No worrisome for long-term investors even if the price drops below 50K. If you can be a long-term investor and you believe to see bitcoin price even above 500K, no worries if the price drops from 69K to 50K. Otherwise, even a one percent price fall can make you worry.
You do know that for the fact you believe in something, that doesn’t mean it is going to happen, right? If you believe that bitcoin will reach $2 million next year, that doesn’t mean it would happen. You’re simply just hoping that it would get to that level, but that doesn’t mean it would reach to that level, but it still might. So that’s why it’s good to be calculative enough and make the right decisions, when you’re investing in bitcoin.
It would not be bad to take profit when the market is good. You have to make sure that when the market is bad, you have at least gotten something from it that would make you not to worry too much about it.