well, what I have learned now I that over-holding exists and it's nothing pleasant. set your goal hence u will be able to sell when you are happy with the profit and in a bear market for sure, you will be able to buy back more. it applies to BTC and eth as we can see now. 4300 dollars dropped to 900 bucks.
I have learned the same thing when I overheld a certain coin for a long time without even monitoring its market price. I thought that the longer I hold it, the higher the profit that I could gain. I learned that it's important to check the potential of a coin first. I've set a target goal and decided to sell it when I reach it. Holding isn't always the answer but the perfect timing.
You are right, trading and investing are all about skill and the right timing. It's not just about surviving longer, because if we miss the moment, we can waste time holding on to assets that are very old but not achieving the targets we set.
I even sometimes buy long-term potential assets like BNB and Matic when there is a downturn. and immediately I placed a sell order at a very high price. may not make sense. because I managed to sell in quite a long time. but I've proven it works in BNB and SOL.