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Author Topic: Just seeing what interest there is for another Betnomi Poker Series  (Read 872 times)
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January 04, 2022, 03:38:54 AM

So... I believe this could be a small problem, but not a very serious one.

Do you believe that it is necessary for us to create some voting regarding the days of the week, time and quantity?

Or can this be defined in the future!!?
Not a problem on my part on what will be the consensus of the many as I said I can adjust to the timing if I can besides I have more time to spare this coming weeks and months.

I guess it's a necessary to vote so that it's neat for those who'll join before the game starts, that's what I think. Better to plan it ahead.

Just an FYI, I was given the ok to make this super large if I wanted. Just something to think about, but this could get as large as 5k.
Well, that's for sure huge. You mean that's the max prize pool they want to sponsor? Not gonna miss this even I'm not a pro poker player, just in it for fun with the forum individuals here.

Free Market Capitalist
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January 04, 2022, 04:22:32 AM

I suppose we are talking about tourney format. How long is that supposed to last? I guess if there are 10-12 players like last time it can't last long, unless the ratio between the starting stack and the size of the blinds is high (and the speed of the increase not very high).

I have played the cash games quite a bit on Betnomi and the players suck. The regulars from our series I think could make a living on the poker from Betnomis site. Just my opinion, but we have some really good players in the series that could do well.

I find it hard to believe what you say. Are you saying that $1K or more can be earned on that site? Is there enough traffic for it all the time?

On the other hand, I guess you can't use Holdem Manager or Poker Tracker, is that correct?

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yahoo62278 (OP)
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January 04, 2022, 08:22:11 AM

I find it hard to believe what you say. Are you saying that $1K or more can be earned on that site? Is there enough traffic for it all the time?

On the other hand, I guess you can't use Holdem Manager or Poker Tracker, is that correct?
I personally haven't tried to play higher than .28/.56 cent blinds but most of the players at that level and below have been terrible. I don't guarantee you'll win every hand or anything like that, after all it is poker. I'm just saying anyone with half a brain about the game could do well. As far as traffic goes, there are 10-15 tables of small stakes running right now.

1k per day I seriously doubt, but maybe 1k over a week or so time I think could be possible. Depends on your skill level and stakes you are in. Omaha games are pretty juicy as well if anyone is an omaha player.

I don't think any tracking software would work on here.   ▄████████████████████████████████████▄
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January 04, 2022, 09:11:29 AM

I suppose we are talking about tourney format. How long is that supposed to last? I guess if there are 10-12 players like last time it can't last long, unless the ratio between the starting stack and the size of the blinds is high (and the speed of the increase not very high).

The last series had 10 minutes blind increase and 20000 chips starting stack so it last well over 2 hours, close to 3 hours until we get a winner ( sometimes its over 3 hours depending on how the heads up goes ) . Well actually it could have been way faster but it was a small community game so everyone pretty much got familiar of how each other play so its kinda hard to trap which is why it kinda last longer


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Free Market Capitalist
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January 04, 2022, 09:16:34 AM

I personally haven't tried to play higher than .28/.56 cent blinds but most of the players at that level and below have been terrible. I don't guarantee you'll win every hand or anything like that, after all it is poker. I'm just saying anyone with half a brain about the game could do well. As far as traffic goes, there are 10-15 tables of small stakes running right now.

1k per day I seriously doubt, but maybe 1k over a week or so time I think could be possible. Depends on your skill level and stakes you are in. Omaha games are pretty juicy as well if anyone is an omaha player.

I don't think any tracking software would work on here.

LMAO. I was thinking more like $1K a month. If I was able to earn $1K daily from poker I would'nt be in the Best Change signature campaign earning about $500 a month. I know $1K a month wouldn't be considered to earn a living in the US or many other countries but it's a pretty decent amount considering how tough the game has become in the recent years.

Jokes and considerations aside, can you pass me your affiliate link? I prefer to use it, because if I have known the site has been for you, and so I thank you, although I can not assure you that I will play a lot there. I'll take a look and see.

On the other hand, in principle I am interested in the Poker series. Better on the weekend, although if it was on Wednesday and it doesn't take more than a 2-3 hours I could also do it. I suppose that at the end of the tournaments we will also comment hands and plays in the forum, right?

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January 04, 2022, 05:49:08 PM
Last edit: January 04, 2022, 07:34:04 PM by Wiwo

I was not part of the last series but this time am all in, what a way to start the year with a new poker series I believe the old-time still work for me, or any time within weekends is ok for me am very flexible this period.

.......ONLINE CASINO.......


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January 05, 2022, 02:48:55 AM

Amazing to see that we are talking about another poker series. Hell ya I’m interested. With new year gearing up we should start with this right away.

I have enrolled myself into the previous series few times. Had amazing experiences with the whole team. Few of them names were always on the winning list so had good adrenaline time playing all the time.

Well two series should be there per week. This increases the chances for everyone to get on board.
Point system should be the same with number of winners should be more. I mean at least there should be some sort of perks for the runners ups too. Just to keep everyone motivated.  Tongue




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January 05, 2022, 12:50:17 PM

~ I want everyone to post their thoughts so we can try to get as many in as we can. Everyone may not be able to play every week but a person can miss a game and still be ok.

I participated in all previous Bitcointalk Poker Series, and I can confirm that a game or two can be missed without a huge damage to your position in the leaderboard. But, of course, the more games you play, the better. Smiley

Just an FYI, I was given the ok to make this super large if I wanted. Just something to think about, but this could get as large as 5k.

You mean, $5k added by Betnomi to the prize pool? That's a big number. Maybe if added to the title, it could get more interest to the thread. Smiley

I suppose we are talking about tourney format. How long is that supposed to last? I guess if there are 10-12 players like last time it can't last long, unless the ratio between the starting stack and the size of the blinds is high (and the speed of the increase not very high).

It can last for more than 3 hours even with 10-12 players. Btw, were you playing last time, or were you watching those amazing streams by @Globb0? Those were great times. I remember rewatching the games with my wife later. Globb0 is an awesome commentator, hope he'll join us this time.

~ I suppose that at the end of the tournaments we will also comment hands and plays in the forum, right?

That's right, we were always doing it. Looking at your forum name, I can't wait to be playing with you. Join up! Smiley

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January 05, 2022, 05:59:38 PM

As the title states, I am looking to find out how many of you would be interested in participating in a poker series hosted on SERIES from the past so that everyone can take a look.

I'm interested. But

Previously we were playing around 6pm UTC which was good for some, but not others

This was not comfortable time for me. I would like to play at 7pm UTC, because often i wasn't able to come on 6 pm. And yeah, Friday or Saturday in priority. At Sunday i'm mostly busy.

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January 05, 2022, 08:20:24 PM
Last edit: January 05, 2022, 10:01:11 PM by famososMuertos

BPS again! Just on  time for the third calendar year, it shouldn't be that long between series.  Cool

I think that adding a buyin that allows an opening to a group of players that gives them access to the series can bring better player traffic and in that sense add new schedules, starting chips, levels, etc.

Likewise, maintain the original series with a buyin of between $ 15 and $ 20 with the appropriate changes that are required according to consensus.



yahoo62278 (OP)
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January 06, 2022, 09:44:58 AM

Well, that's for sure huge. You mean that's the max prize pool they want to sponsor? Not gonna miss this even I'm not a pro poker player, just in it for fun with the forum individuals here.
I was just told I could go huge if I see potential. I haven't really worked out the numbers and how big the prize pool will be at this time.

Previously we were playing around 6pm UTC which was good for some, but not others

This was not comfortable time for me. I would like to play at 7pm UTC, because often i wasn't able to come on 6 pm. And yeah, Friday or Saturday in priority. At Sunday i'm mostly busy.
I think some players could register and show up a little late since chip stacks are decent sized. An hour late wouldn't cost you many chips if the series started at the same time as last. Regardless I will keep your thoughts in mind.

I'm thinking about making it a bigger starting stack, something like 50000 and 8 minute blinds. Thoughts? Maybe 5 min blinds?   ▄████████████████████████████████████▄
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January 06, 2022, 09:50:17 AM

On second thought I won't be able to take part in this so disregard my opinions, I wish you all the best of luck though!

Ken Masters
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January 06, 2022, 11:30:11 AM

Hooray ... finally we will meet again at the poker table.

In any case, I’m with you, since I’m not limited by time, so decide for yourself who will be more comfortable and how many times a week we will play ..

I'll also try to write to a couple of forum friends, maybe we'll see fresh blood.

I would like interested parties to use my affiliate link, but it is not mandatory.
yahoo62278 bear in mind, your signature does not contain your affiliate link [in case someone wants to use it].



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January 06, 2022, 05:58:55 PM

I think some players could register and show up a little late since chip stacks are decent sized. An hour late wouldn't cost you many chips if the series started at the same time as last. Regardless I will keep your thoughts in mind.

Late registration available this time? there was an issue before with late registration ( poker series on another site ) as some players think that anyone that joined in later were taking advantage of it to get a better chance of getting to the final table ( reaping more points )

I'm thinking about making it a bigger starting stack, something like 50000 and 8 minute blinds. Thoughts? Maybe 5 min blinds?

8 minutes blinds are okay but totally not with 5 mins blinds as we are playing with probably only 10-15 players so it would only take a while before most people are short stacked which would make the game a little bit boring as most players will be forced to go all in with it. Well this also depends on the BB of the stacks, 200 BB max should be fine I think


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January 06, 2022, 08:46:19 PM

Previously we were playing around 6pm UTC which was good for some, but not others

This was not comfortable time for me. I would like to play at 7pm UTC, because often i wasn't able to come on 6 pm. And yeah, Friday or Saturday in priority. At Sunday i'm mostly busy.
I think some players could register and show up a little late since chip stacks are decent sized. An hour late wouldn't cost you many chips if the series started at the same time as last. Regardless I will keep your thoughts in mind.

No man, late reg is not an option, because it much harder to play after 30-45 minutes after start. You need to play more fast and aggresive or blinds will take you out. At least, we can try at 6.30 PM (as i remember our games often lasted like 2 hours so it's not a big deal to finish 30-1 hour later)

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January 06, 2022, 10:26:51 PM

Thanks for the message. I'd be interested in playing again, as always I would only make what my shcedule allows which usually means about half the games. I do think our best bet for trying to accomodate the majority of timezones is to try and go with a Friday Saturday as it would allow most people with jobs not to worry about work the next day, should it be latter in the tournament.

Whatever structure the majority likes is good with me. Here would be my ideal I guess.

8 minute blinds, allow late reg and maybe 1 rebuy should you bust out early. I think it would be neat to play some PKO bounty style games as well. Perhaps that could be part of the sponsored portion to increase the prizepool per tourney. My only ask would be that if there is a Championship format to the series we offer up 2 dates for the participants to decide on for the game.

I am also not opposed to playing a turbo format if we are interested in mixing up th egmaes potentially between weeks. Those are 5 minute blinds generally and can be fun, especially if you start out deepstack.

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January 07, 2022, 05:06:11 AM

I was just told I could go huge if I see potential. I haven't really worked out the numbers and how big the prize pool will be at this time.
Well, if it's yahoo I can trust that this will be huge and you can pull it off. Whatever might be the pool this time around I think the participants may still choose to opt in as I see the excitements from the individuals especially those who was part of the last BPS. Thanks for the response.

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January 07, 2022, 06:37:02 AM

I want everyone to post their thoughts so we can try to get as many in as we can. Everyone may not be able to play every week but a person can miss a game and still be ok.

There will be for sure a game on the weekend, that seems to be when the most people are off. I would like to see a game throughout the week as well, but that's gonna depend on the interest shown.

Just an FYI, I was given the ok to make this super large if I wanted. Just something to think about, but this could get as large as 5k.
Hmm, ok, no problem @yahoo, thanks for your feedback!!

I also agree and believe that it is more valid and interesting to play at least 1 game over the weekend.

In relation about the time, I think it's interesting to have a vote and that it's an interesting time for everyone.
ps: that's my opinion.

The Alliance
of Bitcointalk


yahoo62278 (OP)
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January 07, 2022, 12:50:24 PM

Thanks for the message. I'd be interested in playing again, as always I would only make what my shcedule allows which usually means about half the games. I do think our best bet for trying to accomodate the majority of timezones is to try and go with a Friday Saturday as it would allow most people with jobs not to worry about work the next day, should it be latter in the tournament.

Whatever structure the majority likes is good with me. Here would be my ideal I guess.

8 minute blinds, allow late reg and maybe 1 rebuy should you bust out early. I think it would be neat to play some PKO bounty style games as well. Perhaps that could be part of the sponsored portion to increase the prizepool per tourney. My only ask would be that if there is a Championship format to the series we offer up 2 dates for the participants to decide on for the game.

I am also not opposed to playing a turbo format if we are interested in mixing up th egmaes potentially between weeks. Those are 5 minute blinds generally and can be fun, especially if you start out deepstack.
I've been playing the Pko games on ACR and they're fun but get you alot of bad calls from users chasing bounty money. I think it would be alot of extra work for me due to I'd have to keep track of who knocks out who and what each persons bounty is as I don't believe the Betnomi software is coded for all that.

I'm considering alot of different things when it comes to blinds and late reg. I don't mind allowing 1 rebuy either as it just makes the prize pool bigger. I like 5 minute blinds as well with maybe a 50k starting stack?   ▄████████████████████████████████████▄
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January 07, 2022, 05:29:40 PM

Thanks for the message, yeah I would be glad to take part in the series, would be fun to play with the old buddies once again. It's best to stick with a single game every week, Sunday best, Saturday fine, anything else nah for me. What were the timings previously, 6PM UTC? I would prefer 5PM but okay with 6PM either, please don't delay more than that. I am fine with any buy-in. Let's go.
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