Hey everyone.
As the topic name suggests, I want to start learning about metaverse. I don't know much about it except a bit about the general idea that I saw here and there; and I wanna know everything: The idea, the sites I can visit to use metaverse, the related cryptocurrencies I need to know about, and every other important subjects.
Google search brings up a few options, but I don't know which is the best learning material. So please help me bitcointalk's hive mind.
Learning is very important but more important experiences in it. Then you can feel the real taste. digital identity and virtual property are becoming more important than ever in the meteverse and I recommend to check Metamirror and Mbuddy. Metamirror is a decentralized web 3.0+ paradigm that is bridging data value from web2 onto web3. MBuddy is a Blockchain-based predictive identity, or mirror self, that is created by your data.