Pruned nodes are an insult to a blockchain, if you are not going to host the entire chain, a pruned pretense is worthless because it adds nothing except some feel good propaganda nonsense
You can run a pruned full node for the sake of you; it doesn't have to be for the network.
blackhatcoiner suffers from the altnet delusions of not wanting blockchains to work. he does not believe in them
he has tried many ways to try to convince people that blockchains dont work, cant scale and people should not be full noders by pretending if you switch off all the features of a full node your still a full node.
he wants people to stop using bitcoin daily, he hates that people want to use bitcoin for daily use stuff. he wants people to move over to an altnet and not use bitcoin for weeks/months at a time, to an altnet that doesnt even have a blockchain.
he has no clue as to the word "full" and just wants to exaggerate the word "node"
part of the full node feature is to be supporting the network. its not about individual validation. its about the network effect.
its about being a seeder so that others can initial block download.
its about having the chain to verify no hacker has edited your data because you can compare the utxo to its txid, to its block merkle, to the block hash, to the chains current height hash, to other peers chain height hash.
if everyone was just to store a utxoset and separately just a bunch of blockheaders but nothing inbetween to compare the 2 datasets. then the data integrity is broke
just having a personal utxo set is not a full node feature.
full node is a term that has existed for 13 years.
pruning is a newish step down option that has only existed for a few years. pruning has never been defined as part of a full node feature because pruning was not even a thing when fullnodes were defined
pruning is a step down from full node status.
this is not to say that some users should/shouldnt personally decide their level of involvement. nor is it saying that pruned mode is useless.. but it sure as hell is less useful for the network security/integrity/feature-case. and less useful at the personal use feature-case
there is nothing wrong with highlighting that pruned node is an option. but there is alot wrong with pretending that pruning is the same level as a full node