I tried to dump my BTC private key but I can't since it's a descriptor wallet and the following commands don't work: walletpassphrase "your walletpassphrase here" 600 & dumpprivkey [your Bitcoin address here]
What error you get when those commands "don't work"?
Descriptor" wallets do not support those commands.
Instead, it only allows the export of "
parent descriptors" which contains either the master public or master private key.
FullMetalCryptomist You can do this workaround if exporting the prvKeys is the only option you have left:
/index.php?topic=5351210.msg60007045#msg60007045For now, use
rescanblockchain <start_height> <stop_height> to scan for the latest transactions.
Since your blockchain is pruned, make sure to set the correct start_height since it can't scan the pruned blocks.
To get the unpruned block height, enter
getblockchaininfo and look for "
pruneheight" from the result,
use it (
or higher) as the start_height and leave the stop_height empty.
example workflow:
-Let's assume that pruneheight is 734668
-It will take a while to scan depending on how many blocks you have.