Ok so I don't have time to write/quote/edit a book so I'll keep it short and to the point...
My overall point was that I did not know who MrHodlclub or any of these newbies selling loading items were from or their private key generating procedures.
I already stated I have
no skin in any of these games, I just think a LOT of trust has been given to many new makers pretty fast, and it worries me, since the true test of time is time itself...
I did not mean to vilify anyone, my overall point to my rant was that UNLESS you actually KNOW who the coinmaker is in REAL LIFE, how would you ever trust them, or their private key generation procedures?
I trust roughly only 3 or 4 coin/x makers right now, and even them with only smaller amounts.... Smoothie, Yogg, polymerbit, and Frank @ Alpen coin... Why? Because they have all done things slowly and with great thought and both Smoothie and Yogg are actually programmers who
seriously know their shit - How would I know that you ask? Because I know them and have interacted with them about actual fuckin code lol... THAT is why I trust
them. Frank, well, the test of time will have to happen, but he's well on his way and not rushing shit in a mad cash grab like some others look to be doing...
My rant had more to do with what Chib summed up much more nicely hahaha - "Not your keys, not your coins".
Stay vigilant, never put more on someone else's keys that you can't afford to lose.
Sorry if I pissed anybody off, was not my intent, just worried for the community since these things seem to go so fast it's weird to me lately and I hate seeing people get burned.
To whoever wrote: "Destroy those keys!!" , I thank you... Just ask Tim @ TitanBTC, amirite?
Cheers and happy Memorial Day all, be safe out there!
If anyone would like to discuss further, please drop me a PM... /out