Hello Bitcointalk community, hope all is well
I recently started a small online business. I accept PayPal and Crypto payments but so far all of my customers have chosen PayPal over crypto.
Every time that I've offered Bitcoin as the only payment method available I've ended up losing the customer.
Is this normal or am I doing it wrong? How can I accept crypto payments without sounding like a scammer?
Thanks in advance
Who is making the payments? I guess the customers and not you. Assuming you are paying, you may have the right to chose which means you would want to pay. But in this case, customers are the ones paying and they will only pay with only what they understand and trust.
For the sake of your business, always keep your payment methods flexible, as flexibility is the key. I see no reason you will leave only bitcoin option if this question is sincere.
Lastly, it is the nature and reputation of your business that will make you look like a scammer and not the means of payment.