Meant if you go stream porn, tv, movies from those sites online that are free. Or if you download porn movies and porn pictures from random porn forums? does av protect you from that or not?
Most AV would scan downloaded files. But if you're looking for protection during visiting porn website, you need to look for AV which has extension for browser you use or has firewall feature.
AV with a file scanner that is downloaded or entered into our PC device and has the protection of visited websites and other full features I found on AV Kaspesky Internet Security.
lots of malicious websites and embedding ads that contain malware that will attack the device if you don't use AV. In my experience, malware that attacks some of them will encrypt all files on a computer device.
Actually using a built-in AV like the AV in windows 10 i.e. Windows Security is enough, but I want to be even more secure by adding another AV for double security.
All AVs provide extra protection for PCs, but that also depends on the user as well, and Premium Licensed AVs are more recommended than Trial-licensed AVs.