I don't know about you guys but these days i found myself ignoring unmerited responses in a topic and tend to only read the merited ones because they're "usually" more relevant to the topic and contain more valuable informations,and in big topics with multiple pages it gets difficult to sort them out.
As already said, this question is a huge failure of logic. If people would do this, it would mean that no posts ever get merited.
I don't even know if this is a real question you had or you're just trying to bring the next part, which was already discussed, in a hope to fish for some merit.
I don't know if this was suggested before (sorry for repeating if it was) but wouldn't it be better if the replies with the most merites be shown at the top (instead of the most recent ones) and so on kinda like a reddit upvote system,or at least to add a sorting option to switch between these two display modes (by time of posting or merites recieved).
Is a system like this feasible,and can we see something like this implemented in the near future ?
Yes, it was discussed before. This is a forum, not a problem solving website like StackExchange. The posts can easily create together a discussion and then the chronology is important. Even more, it can happen that the best answer needs a small correction or completion and that one may get more merit.
All in all, not feasible, sorry.
you should always read the replies before posting so you aren't repeating what someone else has already said. I would recommend this for any thread 3 pages or less.
Very good advice, which unfortunately far too few follow.