Is Web5 a "buzzword"?
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A while ago, Jack Dorsey proposed a new solution to truly decentralize the web. He calls it "Web5". Apparently, this will be Web 3.0's successor powered by the Bitcoin blockchain itself. From a maximalist point of view, this would mean Bitcoin will be used for everything you do around the web. It will act not only as a currency, but also as a platform for decentralized applications, ownership registry, decentralized identities, and more. Isn't this what Ethereum and other copycat smart contract platforms (BNB, Cardano, TRON...) are doing? If so, then "Web5" would be no different than "Web 3.0" itself. It could be a catch phrase to lure as much investors into Jack Dorsey's little project.

What do you think? Is Web5 really a catch phrase? Or is it completely different from Web 3.0? Do you think we may be too early to replace "Web 3.0" even when the world is stuck with Web 2.0? Your input will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. :)
Quote from: Abiky on July 05, 2022, 01:05:16 AM

What do you think? Is Web5 really a catch phrase? Or is it completely different from Web 3.0? Do you think we may be too early to replace "Web 3.0" even when the world is stuck with Web 2.0?

I perceive it as rather a mockery. There are no such things as decentralised when some platform contains decentralised wording in their scheme/project to block/censor token access or some user within specific countries. Also, some communities are in favour that the foundation on some projects is taking over or stealing a whale account as Solend itself does, for the sake of project longevity they claimed.

After all, in an essence, web3.0 doesn't even exists yet rather is simply a buzzword to make hype.
Is it really needed to have that progress of going up to web5 or so on?

Bitcoin can already be used for everything right now and who would use web5? Still we, the bitcoin adopters that have been doing good even if we're just web1, web2, web3 or whatever you call that web.

We're all good with the current state that we have, we all need is the continuous growth for bitcoin and everyone who doesn't know it yet has to be informed and educated.
Quote from: Abiky on July 05, 2022, 01:05:16 AM

A while ago, Jack Dorsey proposed a new solution to truly decentralize the web. He calls it "Web5". Apparently, this will be Web 3.0's successor powered by the Bitcoin blockchain itself. From a maximalist point of view, this would mean Bitcoin will be used for everything you do around the web. It will act not only as a currency, but also as a platform for decentralized applications, ownership registry, decentralized identities, and more. Isn't this what Ethereum and other copycat smart contract platforms (BNB, Cardano, TRON...) are doing? If so, then "Web5" would be no different than "Web 3.0" itself. It could be a catch phrase to lure as much investors into Jack Dorsey's little project.

What do you think? Is Web5 really a catch phrase? Or is it completely different from Web 3.0? Do you think we may be too early to replace "Web 3.0" even when the world is stuck with Web 2.0? Your input will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. :)

Web3 protocol is just being formed. The developers tell us they are talking about a blockchain-based decentralized internet and that all data will be stored on decentralized nodes.
But most decentralized nodes are located on centralized servers. All important data is located on centralized servers. I don't believe in this technology because it is based on centralized technology.
Are we already done with web3? i know the crypto community are still awaiting the ground breaking web3 has to offer base on what we have read so far by promoters and bloggers online. Now web5 is on the picture! i really can not say since i haven't witness any practical usage, for now it all sound like a catch phrase until it is proven not to be.
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