Honestly I would just avoid anything related to Luna altogether. This pretty much is the reason why Bitcoin crashed down to $17K. It’s the reason so many loan providers and market makers went bankrupt. Many people are upset at this coin and I don’t see it having much of a future.
Sure it’s cheap however it’s past will always haunt most people and no large player will invest in it again.
Only to those people who do get dragged of with the hype but speaking into those old investors then i wouldnt really see that they would really be making out some involvement again with this
project considering into its past where its value goes to 0% then making up some forks or version 2? Do you really believe that there are still people in the past will really be coming back
and make out some engagement into this project once again? I dont think so, this is why its better to avoid and not to trust up into those Luna devs
no matter how good the proposal of such changes or whatever plans that do have.