Fuck, fuck, fuck. Europe is trully a joke. Seriously, how EU is good for the citizens? It brings nothing.
This union does everything to drag the citizen down. The goal in our life is to progress, not to be dragged down.
They should rather deal with all these invading refugees who arrive by the thousands in boats. Stop, stop, stop!!!
Here we already have measures concerning bank accounts held abroad (within the union). In which information about you is shared between our countries (if you have a bank account elsewhere, the taxman knows about it)
But now the CEXs are going to be included in this scheme. Which means in the end: your country will know if you have an account with Kraken, Binance, and others... But it will also know how much you have in coins...
I hope for you that you have filled in your tax returns perfectly, and you have not tried to defraud, otherwise, "hello problems! how are you?"
These are not the problems of Europe, but the new digital slavery. When people told me about this 5 years ago, I thought they were a little crazy. We have no more than 2-3 years left when the legislation will work, and if you send coins to a centralized service, then after that it will be impossible or very difficult to become anonymous again.