Pow is working. And how to connect to POS?
if using qt wallet simply set in console setgenerate true 0
if it returns
"staking": true,
"generate": false,
"numthreads": 0
you are now staking. Wallet must remain open to stake.
Stake With vaporumcoind
With vaporumcoind the commands will need to be used with vaporumcoin-cli.
For staking to work the wallet needs to be unlocked. If you encrypted your wallet you will need to unlock it with the command walletpassphrase.
Example: vaporumcoin-cli walletpassphrase "your passphrase" 3600
3600 is the time in seconds the wallet will stay unlocked before locking again. This means you will need to unlock it again after this specified amount of time to continue staking.
The wallet must stay open and online to be able to stake.
1. Run vaporumcoind and let the blockchain fully sync.
2. Send coins to your wallet if you do not have any in your wallet already.
3. Run vaporumcoin-cli setgenerate true 0.
You can check to make sure you are staking with vaporumcoin-cli getgenerate
1. Navigate to vaporumcoin-cli or Console depending on your wallet.
2. Enter the command getgenerate.
It will return:
"staking": true,
"generate": false,
"numthreads": 0
If you see "staking": true, then you are staking!
If you see "staking": false, then you are not staking. Enable staking by entering the command setgenerate true 0.
Stake With Vaporumcoin-QT
With Vaporumcoin-QT the commands will need to be entered in the console. This is accessible at Help -> Debug Window -> Console.
For staking to work the wallet needs to be unlocked. If you encrypted your wallet you will need to unlock it with the command walletpassphrase.
Example: walletpassphrase "your passphrase" 3600
3600is the time in seconds the wallet will stay unlocked before locking again. This means you will need to unlock it again after this specified amount of time to continue staking.
The wallet must stay open and online to be able to stake.
1. Enter your vaporumcoin-qt folder.
2. Run vaporumcoin-qt and let the blockchain fully sync.
3. Send coins to your wallet if you do not have any in your wallet already.
4. Navigate to the Console.
5. Enter the command setgenerate true 0.