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Author Topic: I want to actually mine Bitcoin (SHA256) on modern GPUs  (Read 918 times)
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January 08, 2023, 09:58:26 AM
Merited by vapourminer (1)

The only real reason this would still be used is for fun or if you have somehow access to a botnet or malware and can run this for free on the victims computer. But even then it is not really profitable and also very illegal for just a small profit. Still nice that it can be done, since CPU mining is the form of mining that satoshi Nakamoto intended for bitcoin. As far as I know he never really though about asics.

Even those who create malware/botnet would mine different coin (usually Monero) which could be mined with CPU at profit.

Imagine if someone re-wrote older code or created new code for a GPU / CPU miner program that was able to improve the efficiency drastically of GPU's/ CPU's to compete with smaller Asics. Then what would you say?

Impossible? I don't believe so. Does such code exist currently? No...  But one doesn't know for certain what the future will bring.

If it's truly possible, Intel would rather optimize source code of their dedicated GPU[1] driver and modify existing open source SHA-256 mining software rather than creating ASIC[2].




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February 04, 2025, 12:14:19 PM

Discussion of software for education purposes to understand mining related functionality can go here.

I think with hardware advancements to GPU, since asics took over, means that GPU efficiency is more than 3/25/50% if the software was advanced.

PCIe gen 4/5, more clock speeds and more memory on GPU these days, there must be software that can be created to improve on outdated CGMiner software and utilise these advancements

hashcat is a good example, its up-to-date software produces sha256 hashing rates of at least 3 times the CGMiner hashrates

i get 1.4GH/s on RX6600 on cgminer


* Hash-Mode 1400 (SHA2-256)

Speed.#1.........:  4219.1 MH/s (63.05ms) @ Accel:64 Loops:1024 Thr:256 Vec:1

thats 1.4GH/s vs 4.2GH/s for RX6600

Looking at the new 4090 hashrates for hashcat:

* Hash-Mode 1400 (SHA2-256)

Speed.#1.........: 21975.5 MH/s (48.66ms) @ Accel:32 Loops:512 Thr:512 Vec:1

thats 22GH/s!

For everyday people who are not willing to sacrifice their ears to have an asic in their home or room, they must be able to lottery mine BITCOIN (not some altcoin) with a GPU while their PCs are idle, this is a massive untapped market/area

look at how old S9s are being used as space heaters with 1/3 hashboards, fan modding and over/under-clocks

i think the bitcoin network deserves the hashrates provided by people with GPU who want to lottery mine such as others, OP and myself, they deserve an updated miner!

pandering to the hype/sensation from news and policymakers about how bitcoin is using alot of energy and destroying the world i think is not in the spirit of this community and its founder

this rhetoric of wasted electricity using CPU/GPU on bitcoin mining is tiring and as sledge said it is stunting creativity and possible invention

insulting and even hateful comments have no merit here
I found this one and it works for nVidia/CUDA:

cgminer/bfgminer only support OpenCL (GCN Radeon).

ccminer performance is not optimal though, it's 5 times slower compared to benchmarks:

Maybe if someone could write an modern CUDA miner that utilizes the big L2 cache it could get a lot faster (not ASIC-level of course)...
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February 04, 2025, 11:26:15 PM
Last edit: February 05, 2025, 02:42:55 AM by NotFuzzyWarm

As I said in an older and mostly identical thread here
RTX 4090 Benchmarks
SHA-256: 30,000 MH/s

But there's no modern CUDA miner out there, since there's no incentive to write one...
In other words the 4090 pulling what, ~800w?, is as fast as one of Sidehack's early COMPAC USB stick miners from around 8 years ago - which pulls ~10w.

If one wants to fart around with not using a real miner just because it can be done, fine. Just stop deluding yourself that there is some Majik Key to doing better using wholly unsuitable HW.

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February 05, 2025, 01:03:25 AM

As I said in an older and mostly identical thread here
RTX 4090 Benchmarks
SHA-256: 30,000 MH/s

But there's no modern CUDA miner out there, since there's no incentive to write one...
In other words the 4090 pulling what, ~800w?, is as fast as one of Sidehack's early COMPAC USB stick miners from around 8 years ago - which pulls ~10w.

If one wants to fart around with not using a real miner, fine. Just stop deluding yourself that there is some Majik Key to doing better using wholly unsuitable HW.

30 gh at 800 watts rtx 4090 $2000 for the gpu

vs 1100 gh at 20 watts bitaxe $200 for the bitaxe and a psu

so 36x the hash rate and 1/40 the power used

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