How to mine Aleo1) Linux 2) Windows 3) HiveOS
If you choose to use HiveOS, configure in the Wallets tab and create a Flight Sheet by following these steps:
1. Navigate to the Wallets tab and input your f2pool account name in the designated wallet address field. Please note that you cannot directly add an ALEO wallet address here.
2. Within the flight sheet configuration interface, locate the wallet option. From the dropdown menu, select the wallet configuration you established in step 1.
3. In the Miner section of the flight sheet setup, choose “Custom”.
4. In the Miner section of the flight sheet setup, click “Setup Miner Config”. Then A new window will pop up, allowing you to input specific mining parameters. For detailed instructions, refer to this file. Once configured, click “Apply Changes” to save your settings.
5. Return to the main Flight Sheets interface and select “Create Flight Sheet” to finalize your mining configuration.
6. Then you could apply this Flight Sheet for your miners to start mining ALEO.
You can use “Web Shell” to Check the mining logs, the command is as follows:
tail -f /hive/miners/custom/aleominer/aleominer1.log
Additionally, you can use the following command to uninstall the previous version of the mining software from HiveOS:
rm -rf /hive/miners/custom/downloads/a* && miner restart
Back up pool URL:
stratum+tcp:// (The back up pool URL is only available for aleominer 3.0.6 and earlier versions.)