Cryptocurrencies are new compared to Fiat currency, and so is their market values volatile. However, their volatility comes with prospective good gains. Another benefit is cryptocurrencies can be use to reduce payment sorting costs, giving room for small businesses to retain in their possession more of what they get and significantly increase in the rate how fast they get paid. Crypto may serve as another effective possibility of choice or making asset equal to cash, this might be lower over time due to inflation. It can further aid stronger control over the capital of such enterprise to cope with the risks and opportunities of direct involvment in digital Business.
I don't understand some of the stuff you are trying to say, OP. Did you use Google Translate?
Crypto prices are volatile not because cryptocurrencies are new, but because most cryptocurrencies are scarce.
You are coming up with the assumption that the crypto prices will keep going up forever. I don't know what will happen with the cryptocurrency world in the distant future and I'm not that optimistic.
I don't believe that adopting crypto payments would reduce the costs of the small businesses. At the end of the day, they will have to convert the crypto to fiat, which comes with it's own transaction fees.