As you see below, 20 accounts are used by me. Every week, a giveaway of at least 200 satoshis (most times 300 sats) via QR code on their Twitter page @EarnWithBM are released to the public per account holder. So I make 20 times what the average Joe makes. What is Bitcoin Magazine's business model? Just giving away money? Something just doesn't add up here. Magazine is one of the original news and print magazine publishers covering Bitcoin and digital currencies. You can earn sats by Flash Fridays (at least 200 sats) and Daily read (50 sats)
50 sats x 7 days = 350 sats
300 sats per week = 200 sats (most times is 300 sats per week)
50 sats bonus per week after retweet quota = 50 sats
Total per account: 700 sats
700 sats x 20 = 14,000 sats (almost US$3.00) (a lot for a 3rd world country)
I have already successfully made withdrawals to Wallet of Satoshi from all 20 accounts. This is a way for persons in 3rd world countries to try lightning. Anyhow, an IP address restriction must be put in place to deter bad players.
20 Accounts? OP, Good Luck with all of your accumulations with your Satoshi's accumulations but you're simply driven by greed looking for quick Bitcoin or Satoshi's.
Bitcoin Magazine focuses on teaching about Bitcoin and earning Satoshi's in the process. I'm there daily to read and learn about Bitcoin.
There's also a 21 days lecture about Bitcoin, Proof of Work, Proof of Stake and many more which has to do with nodes and transaction.
At the end of 21 days, A quiz would be conducted for you to earn 2100 Satoshi's.
Such Attitude on Bitcoin Magazine, and you won't do same on Bitcoin Talk? Man you must be super greedy and hungry. Introduction of IPand Capcha can solve all of these mess.