JJ Abrams definitely supports it and has no doubt invested heavily in it - personally. The several projects/shows he's been involved in are high tech and future/transhumanist like crazy. The show Almost Human (love it) features bitcoin as a standard form of currency, with neon hardware wallets that can scan at an ATM or whatever to check the balance. The DNA bomb was spectacular in concept and I figure someone got to work figuring out how to do it for real! For the unfamiliar, it's a gorgeous silver ball about grapefruit sized that they drop in a room like a grenede and it explodes like a disco ball sparkle shower and destroys all dna evidence in the space and removes all traces of it. Obviously the bad guys used it to wipe a crime scene but still...that was cool as all hell...and pretty, too!!
The utility of something like that would be in hospitals or crime scenes to clean the shit out of it to the micro level...somebody thought it up for the show, somebody's literally working on it this moment, guaranteed.
The point is that a lot of the people who have written bitcoin off have not considered the future technology that is being invested in and developed now with 100% full expectation of a virtual currency. Even VirginAir vacation space flights has announced it will be accepting bitcoin payment for excursions into space.
Excursions into space? Vacations? What? What??
See, that's already happening. People have already been vacationing to space. They weren't doing it 5 years ago though, were they.
Visit singularityhub.com or any transhumanist slash technology sites and look closer at the stuff being developed and how that is beyond the scope of fiat cash...digital is king and we're not going backwards just because a government or bank is threatened anymore than science stopped advancing medicine just because religious tards thought it was the devil.
It's *already* digital. Bitcoin is a perfectly acceptable bridge from physical carry cash to 100% digital cashless...it's a transitional currency and because of it, it will be around a long ass time. That doesn't mean other virtual currencies won't rise up and compete for business but what's likely to happen is the competition leads to a cross trading option just like fiat currency now. The Shift is taking place.
For you to seriously suggest bitcoin is a failed experiment is to expose how oblivious you are to what's taking place all around you at an exponential rate.
In 20 years, *given what is currently in development* it's not at all unreasonable to see the unbreakable security protocol of brainwallet level - literally affixed in your brain and you can just "think" of the transaction without ever exposing the information externally.
I mean if they're *already* working on the technology that will let us literally download information directly into a knowledge base in our brains - including search feature - don't think somebody hasn't also thought up mind to mind transactions for the penultimate p2p transactions. If they get any closer, they're having sex.
This aint going anywhere, nor is it sci fi - this is the cusp of a mega shift in the way we exist at all.
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