gorbaniov (OP)
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
July 09, 2023, 04:39:24 AM |
[ANN] [Mainnet] [GPU-POW] Gorbaniov (GOR) |HARD FORKED kaspa |
What is Gorbaniov Network
GOR is decentralized cryptocurrency, that is making waves in the world of BlockChain. This innovative project (hard-fork of Kaspa) * with full asic resistance system (testing the system) is based on the Proof of Work consensus algorithm and uses the hashing function to ensure the security and efficiency of its network. The Tokenomics architecture allows more mining decentralization and enables effective solo-mining even at lower hashrates. Fair-launch in July (10/07/2023) 17:00 UTC *with no pre-mine, zero pre-sales, and no coin allocations.
Network specifications: blockDAG Total supply: GOR is 28.7 Billion Algorithm: kHeavyhash for start (working on full asic resistance system with own algo) Halving : once per year via smooth monthly reductions by a factor of (1/2)^(1/12). Block reward: 500 GOR Block time: 1 sec
MINING POOLS & EXCHANGES (in social media channels)
gorbaniov (OP)
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
July 09, 2023, 07:00:07 AM |

Activity: 298
Merit: 18
July 10, 2023, 06:00:50 PM |
On discord person pointed out that this is same dev as https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5449113.0 And all of the Argon2id/Chukwa rugs. And this seems 100% correct. "* with full asic resistance system (testing the system)" This is a lie, there is no asic resistance, he is launching same kaspa algo and sets mining pools to solo. Why? Because he will proxy all of your traffic to kaspa pools and try to get kaspa solo blocks off them using your hashrate while proxy rewarding you some worthless coins. If you own KS0 or other asics don't even think of putting them on this as you will be losing 200$+ of kaspa per day.

Activity: 298
Merit: 18
July 10, 2023, 06:35:04 PM Last edit: July 10, 2023, 06:47:36 PM by MMOStars |
Jr. Member
Activity: 97
Merit: 1
July 10, 2023, 07:01:30 PM |
Stay away!
Jr. Member
Activity: 69
Merit: 1
July 11, 2023, 02:15:05 AM |
I tried all the 3 pools with different miners for nvidia graphics and they gave me an error I tried the ixbase pool and the message connection denied at the request of the host appeared and in the pool gorvaniov.com I got the error message of wachtdog using gminer

Activity: 245
Merit: 10
July 11, 2023, 08:41:35 PM |

Activity: 245
Merit: 10
July 11, 2023, 09:00:08 PM Last edit: July 12, 2023, 03:28:08 PM by vitik |
in addition, they promote chauvinism and Nazism, encourage insults and humiliation along ethnic lines. to the question: why they promote Nazism, a blocking followed
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
July 11, 2023, 11:07:58 PM |
in addition, they promote chauvinism and Nazism, encourage insults and humiliation along ethnic lines. to the question: why, they block This person was banned in discord for political talk, now he writes about scam 
Activity: 13
Merit: 0
July 12, 2023, 08:09:29 PM |
Everyone who got into gor is a scam, don’t waste time, I spent 2 days, as a result, they cleared my wallet, now they are restarting something and I will try to scam again, they said that all the coins would be returned and everything was recorded, I was kicked from a telegram to a request for proofs .
Bce ктo пoпaл в GOR этo лoxoтpoн, нe тpaтьтe вpeмя, я пoтpaтил 2 дня, в итoгe oчиcтили мoй кoшeлeк, ceйчac чтo-тo пepeзaпycкaют и я пoпpoбyю cкaмaть eщe paз, cкaзaли чтo вce мoнeты бyдyт вepнyли и вce зaфикcиpoвaли, мeня выкинyли из тeлeгpaммы нa зaпpoc пpyфoв.
Activity: 58
Merit: 0
July 13, 2023, 12:58:02 AM |
No this is not fud. I can confirm also as what others are saying, coins disappeared and wallet address changed on their web based wallet. I witnessed this myself. Do not trust this project. Don't bother. Forget it!
Jr. Member
Activity: 97
Merit: 1
July 13, 2023, 07:28:20 AM |
No this is not fud. I can confirm also as what others are saying, coins disappeared and wallet address changed on their web based wallet. I witnessed this myself. Do not trust this project. Don't bother. Forget it!
It was a scam from the begining, how can you create a wallet and not be able to use special characters for the password? How safe is that. And as soon as someone mentioned the NovaSol dev it was a no go.
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
July 16, 2023, 09:27:48 AM |
Everyone who got into gor is a scam, don’t waste time, I spent 2 days, as a result, they cleared my wallet, now they are restarting something and I will try to scam again, they said that all the coins would be returned and everything was recorded, I was kicked from a telegram to a request for proofs .
Bce ктo пoпaл в GOR этo лoxoтpoн, нe тpaтьтe вpeмя, я пoтpaтил 2 дня, в итoгe oчиcтили мoй кoшeлeк, ceйчac чтo-тo пepeзaпycкaют и я пoпpoбyю cкaмaть eщe paз, cкaзaли чтo вce мoнeты бyдyт вepнyли и вce зaфикcиpoвaли, мeня выкинyли из тeлeгpaммы нa зaпpoc пpyфoв.
Taкaя жe cитyaция. Oни пpoвoдили тecт, вce былo xopoшo, a кoгдa пepeшли нa мaйннeт, типa cтaлo вce плoxo и oни нecкoлькo paз "пepeзaпycкaли ceть" - в peзyльтaтe ни мoнeт в кoшeлькe, ни кoшeлькa, тoлькo пoтpaчeннoe вpeмя и yпyщeнныe дpyгиe вoзмoжнocти. A тeпepь oни гoвopят, чтo y ниx тecтнeт. )))
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
July 17, 2023, 06:29:57 PM |
No this is not fud. I can confirm also as what others are saying, coins disappeared and wallet address changed on their web based wallet. I witnessed this myself. Do not trust this project. Don't bother. Forget it!
It was a scam from the begining, how can you create a wallet and not be able to use special characters for the password? How safe is that. And as soon as someone mentioned the NovaSol dev it was a no go. It seems folks are to easy n the word SCAM. How can it be scam from the beginning ? if it still didn't go live on the main net ? Its new network - it got its on/off stuff, did u forget how ETH started on week 1 ? Just Chill and let see what will be in few weeks when its live - if it will go live.
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
July 17, 2023, 06:48:17 PM |
I was looking at kaspa github , and found this project . First fork for kaspa , now that Asic and FPGA Farms are on kaspa network - im glad someone is taking care of us gpu miners . Good luck Gorbaniov Team - i might add some power . BTC 
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
July 18, 2023, 06:23:14 AM |
https://youtu.be/KCCVmjXc-igI'm mining. Looking for a block and coins are coming into my wallet coming in. You can see about 500 coming in per block. Wouldn't it not be Scam if you find a block and hash comes out and the coin comes in?? Or can it be a scam even if a coin comes in??
Jr. Member
Activity: 97
Merit: 1
July 18, 2023, 06:49:18 AM |
If you guys from the last 3 replies don't think it's a scam go ahead and keep mining it. What is strange is that all brand new accounts are flooding the thread to defend the project, wonder why... 
Activity: 13
Merit: 0
July 18, 2023, 07:19:19 AM |
https://youtu.be/KCCVmjXc-igI'm mining. Looking for a block and coins are coming into my wallet coming in. You can see about 500 coming in per block. Wouldn't it not be Scam if you find a block and hash comes out and the coin comes in?? Or can it be a scam even if a coin comes in?? I also mined and received coins in my wallet, then the wallet was reset, its SCAM project dont waste your time
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
July 19, 2023, 06:50:20 AM |
If you guys from the last 3 replies don't think it's a scam go ahead and keep mining it. What is strange is that all brand new accounts are flooding the thread to defend the project, wonder why...  Did u forget ? u also had one replay when u started 
Activity: 99
Merit: 0
July 20, 2023, 07:57:51 PM |
The GOR project is 100% a scam. The GOR developers are totally liars. I mined more than 10k gor. However, after a few days, after I logged in to the wallet again, the wallet address was reset and the balance was zero. Why are there so many miners still mining this rubbish project? Fuck you