It's all about supply and demand. Reduce the supply demand goes up along with the price. but you gotta annihilate a chunk large enough to really shake things up. and otherwise its just a drop in the bucket that no one notices. So maybe we just need more bonfires going to make coin-burning actually do something. Though at some point destroying all the coins defeats the purpose don't it? Gotta strike a balance. But at the same time, it doesn't matter how many coins you burn if there is no demand. Many shitcoins nowadays use the burn process as a marketing ploy, to attract more attention from the community. Many of them fail because at the end of the day, they are still shitcoins.
they are shitcoins, and with low demand at that, if it was shitcoin that was fancied by so many peolpe like for example some meme coin like doge coin that have burning plus gettinh shilled by elon then the burning would be massive despite just a shitcoin, its matter of demand, the point of burning is that, so it could double the existing value of certain coin due to high demand and limited supply but that won't work with coin that not many truly demanded like shitcoin without community, etc.
and indeed so many shitcoins are just using it for marketing ploy, trying to give that image of scarcity, but people with normal mind will definitely know at first glance that the burning of these shitcoin with low demands doesn't mean anything.