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Author Topic: Does monitor size affect trading?  (Read 753 times)
Rengga Jati
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September 19, 2023, 09:10:00 PM

Is it just for aesthetics? or does trading on a big screen have an effect on the outcome of your trade. I often see that professional traders have created a work space for themselves where they invest heavily into hardware and big monitor screens.
Not just for aesthetics or to influence betting results.
however, the function of a larger monitor provides more comfort and experience. This will make it easier for a trader to view and analyze indicators and others more comfortably because of the larger monitor screen. Yes, this is comfort, and comfort can make us more focused and enjoyable in doing various things. And sometimes they need a bigger screen for certain purposes.

But when it comes to trading skills and abilities, it's different. This is a person's ability which depends on how much effort he puts into learning and understanding trading. In this way, his readiness and the maturity of his trading skills and abilities will be better as long as a trader is willing to learn and always upgrade his knowledge and insight, as well as how to manage himself to be ready for a trading career, along with good emotional management, mental readiness and preparedness. financially too. So that a trader can be better prepared in any way for trading, especially crypto which carries high risk.

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September 19, 2023, 09:44:53 PM

Is it just for aesthetics? or does trading on a big screen have an effect on the outcome of your trade. I often see that professional traders have created a work space for themselves where they invest heavily into hardware and big monitor screens.
Not just for aesthetics or to influence betting results.
however, the function of a larger monitor provides more comfort and experience. This will make it easier for a trader to view and analyze indicators and others more comfortably because of the larger monitor screen. Yes, this is comfort, and comfort can make us more focused and enjoyable in doing various things. And sometimes they need a bigger screen for certain purposes.

But when it comes to trading skills and abilities, it's different. This is a person's ability which depends on how much effort he puts into learning and understanding trading. In this way, his readiness and the maturity of his trading skills and abilities will be better as long as a trader is willing to learn and always upgrade his knowledge and insight, as well as how to manage himself to be ready for a trading career, along with good emotional management, mental readiness and preparedness. financially too. So that a trader can be better prepared in any way for trading, especially crypto which carries high risk.
I can attest to this on which having multiple monitors could really bring out that kind of comfort and experience when it comes to accessibility since you could really be easily be able to switch up your eyes to look if ever you do tend to trade or stream or accessing your social media unlike when you are always making those +Alt +Tab thing on your Keyboard which kinda hassle or something that not liking because the other browsers are really that been covered. This is why i do have 3 monitor set up on my own rig on which 1 is for trading chart, 2 is for social media apps and 3 is for those searches or for my work on which you could really be able to monitor if ever you do see some odd changes specially on trading.Unlike when you arent that aware then you might be able to missed up some opportunities or trying out to apply some back up plans whenever the market becomes shit.
Somewhat its not really that necessary to have 2 or 3 because 1 is really just that enough, it would really be falling down into the category on which it is really that preferred if you are really that liking on easy and good
user experience on having multiple monitors.

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September 19, 2023, 11:49:48 PM

Is it just for aesthetics? or does trading on a big screen have an effect on the outcome of your trade. I often see that professional traders have created a work space for themselves where they invest heavily into hardware and big monitor screens.
Not just for aesthetics or to influence betting results.
however, the function of a larger monitor provides more comfort and experience. This will make it easier for a trader to view and analyze indicators and others more comfortably because of the larger monitor screen. Yes, this is comfort, and comfort can make us more focused and enjoyable in doing various things. And sometimes they need a bigger screen for certain purposes.
thats true, the comfort could get us more focused into making analysation, imagine making analysation using typical laptop screen, like chromebook which only spans about 11 inches that'd be really scuffed.
if some individual think they are expert enough that they need the edge advantage of having larger screen so that they could analysis better then its fine.
there's most certainly no harm in having bigger screen when you're quite literally making money out of your career from it.
therefore its some sort of investment too honestly, whatever increase your productivity if you put your money into it, then its gonna be all fine.   ▄████████████████████████████████████▄
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September 20, 2023, 12:34:12 AM

It is not a larger screen, but rather several screens where you can track several information at the same time. It is more like a map that you need to see from several perspectives to get a better understanding.
this type of trading requires experienced traders and not beginners who are trying to learn how trading can be done.
It is for professional and experienced traders who know exactly what they are looking for. They don't let emotion affects their decisions like newbie traders and they focus on some indicators, information they see fit. Unlike newbie traders, who read many useless information, over attach many indicators on their charts that all together affect their thinking about the market and movement of a coin. With newbie traders, more screens, more emotion, more bad decisions.

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September 20, 2023, 05:25:28 AM

Personally monitor size not effect yet in trading because I got comfortable when researching and analyze with chart of some coin trading by using mobile phone, I don't know with an expert or professional trader have user large of monitor size for understanding with chart. Its not really required when trading in bitcoin have to use large monitor size, during we know when support resistance price of bitcoin how large of monitor not really important yet.
All my friend have been success in trading most likely trade by using mobile phone and easily how to manage every time with trading without need to bring large monitor size, but if some professional trader have large monitor for accurate predicting is not wrong because they are enjoying with trading and reading chart by using large monitor size.

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September 20, 2023, 06:43:52 AM

It is for professional and experienced traders who know exactly what they are looking for. They don't let emotion affects their decisions like newbie traders and they focus on some indicators, information they see fit. Unlike newbie traders, who read many useless information, over attach many indicators on their charts that all together affect their thinking about the market and movement of a coin. With newbie traders, more screens, more emotion, more bad decisions.
Beginner traders will of course be very different from traders who are already professional, because most beginner traders have to spend more time learning while using their money to try it, so obviously those who are still beginners will have more screens and emotions that can arise. as a result of some of the mistakes they made. Because even those who have become professional traders have also made mistakes in the past when they were still learning like beginners today, so this is a comparison of two traders with different levels of knowledge.

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September 20, 2023, 08:38:44 AM

It is for professional and experienced traders who know exactly what they are looking for. They don't let emotion affects their decisions like newbie traders and they focus on some indicators, information they see fit. Unlike newbie traders, who read many useless information, over attach many indicators on their charts that all together affect their thinking about the market and movement of a coin. With newbie traders, more screens, more emotion, more bad decisions.
Beginner traders will of course be very different from traders who are already professional, because most beginner traders have to spend more time learning while using their money to try it, so obviously those who are still beginners will have more screens and emotions that can arise. as a result of some of the mistakes they made. Because even those who have become professional traders have also made mistakes in the past when they were still learning like beginners today, so this is a comparison of two traders with different levels of knowledge.
Its overkill i would say on which a noob tending to make some multiple  monitors just to make out some trades is never been that efficient or basically you are still wasting money since you cant really be able to utilize those monitors for your advantage on which you would really be still that focusing on learning those basic stuff on a single monitor which i should say that it would really be just that enough.

2 monitors for a professional trader would really be that enough but just like the rest been saying that it would really be entirely be depending on someones preference because we know that there are people who do have multiple jobs specially to those who do WFH which it is really that necessary to have those multiple monitors for best user experience and that comfort which it gives but somehow
you would really be needing to spend some extra for that kind of benefit on which it would really be still depending with your budget.

The best thing to put focus on is on how you would really be able to make yourself that learning without needing to spend much not literally on trading capital
but on the resources that it really needs.


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September 20, 2023, 11:21:23 AM

I can attest to this on which having multiple monitors could really bring out that kind of comfort and experience when it comes to accessibility since you could really be easily be able to switch up your eyes to look if ever you do tend to trade or stream or accessing your social media unlike when you are always making those +Alt +Tab thing on your Keyboard which kinda hassle or something that not liking because the other browsers are really that been covered. This is why i do have 3 monitor set up on my own rig on which 1 is for trading chart, 2 is for social media apps and 3 is for those searches or for my work on which you could really be able to monitor if ever you do see some odd changes specially on trading.Unlike when you arent that aware then you might be able to missed up some opportunities or trying out to apply some back up plans whenever the market becomes shit.
Somewhat its not really that necessary to have 2 or 3 because 1 is really just that enough, it would really be falling down into the category on which it is really that preferred if you are really that liking on easy and good
user experience on having multiple monitors.
I assume that this depends on whether the trader is trading one asset or several coins, in addition, this will only be necessary for day traders, since I doubt that long-term traders sit all day in front of several monitors and monitor the market. I assume that several monitors in this case will give an advantage, since this will really allow you to monitor several coins at the same time, but I personally do not have such experience, so it is difficult for me to assess how much this really is.


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September 20, 2023, 04:28:16 PM

Is it just for aesthetics? or does trading on a big screen have an effect on the outcome of your trade. I often see that professional traders have created a work space for themselves where they invest heavily into hardware and big monitor screens. So I wonder if trading on bigger monitor screen has a better effect on trading because I think that with the big screens a trader will be able to make better analysis. Is this my opinion correct or is there no special effect that trading on big screen has?
I think the answer to your question is pretty much mentioned in your question. Like you said that the professional traders are created those workplace so the fact is professional trader. I really don't think big screen monitor or small screen monitor makes much of a difference in trading. But for professional traders, time is valuable. I think it's easier to analyze on a big screen and it saves time, I'll actually take it as a main fact.
For example I am a coder, I am coding software on one monitor and watching its output on another monitor. If I want, I can see the output of my code in the browser by pressing alt + tab, but if there is another monitor, I am watching the output and doing another coding, then I can save the time of pressing alt+tab.
So I want to say, first become a professional trader after then big screen can be need ffor you. But for learning or doing trading, I don't think the screen size of monitor is mandatory.

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September 20, 2023, 08:05:00 PM

I can attest to this on which having multiple monitors could really bring out that kind of comfort and experience when it comes to accessibility since you could really be easily be able to switch up your eyes to look if ever you do tend to trade or stream or accessing your social media unlike when you are always making those +Alt +Tab thing on your Keyboard which kinda hassle or something that not liking because the other browsers are really that been covered. This is why i do have 3 monitor set up on my own rig on which 1 is for trading chart, 2 is for social media apps and 3 is for those searches or for my work on which you could really be able to monitor if ever you do see some odd changes specially on trading.Unlike when you arent that aware then you might be able to missed up some opportunities or trying out to apply some back up plans whenever the market becomes shit.
Somewhat its not really that necessary to have 2 or 3 because 1 is really just that enough, it would really be falling down into the category on which it is really that preferred if you are really that liking on easy and good
user experience on having multiple monitors.
I assume that this depends on whether the trader is trading one asset or several coins, in addition, this will only be necessary for day traders, since I doubt that long-term traders sit all day in front of several monitors and monitor the market. I assume that several monitors in this case will give an advantage, since this will really allow you to monitor several coins at the same time, but I personally do not have such experience, so it is difficult for me to assess how much this really is.
There is absolutely no need for any long term investor to have more than one screen at all, what are they going to look at in a different screen that they can't see in a single one? Plus, it is important for not just a trader, but a day trader as well, because traders could make moves slowly and do not need a lot of screens whereas a day trader would be making trades within minutes and they may need it, plus a futures trader may need something like that as well.

Basically anyone that needs to do something quickly may need something like this and that is the important part of it. I believe that we are going to end up with an issue that would be a bit more problematic in the end and could be considered a bit of a trouble.






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September 20, 2023, 09:34:23 PM

I use a mobile phone and laptop for trading and I can say that the experience isn't quite the same because it was more comfortable to use a bigger screen than a smaller one. However, using a mobile phone also has an advantage as you can easily bring it and very handy but if the problem is that I often make mistakes I don't use it anymore in placing orders. For me, if we think about being successful in trading, we need also to level up and acquire stuff that we think would help us to grow like having a bigger monitor size.

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September 20, 2023, 09:51:04 PM

Big screens are only for those who look for the charts in all timeframes to understand the trend in each timeframe. They then decide if the trend is bullish or bearish based on the majority timeframes showing where it is heading. Then they mark the support and resistance boxes, and decide their TP and SL for the trade. I don't use a big monitor personally, I'm fine with my laptop and I can trade with it as I don't need longer timeframes to decide my current trade.
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September 21, 2023, 06:55:59 AM

Big screens are only for those who look for the charts in all timeframes to understand the trend in each timeframe. They then decide if the trend is bullish or bearish based on the majority timeframes showing where it is heading. Then they mark the support and resistance boxes, and decide their TP and SL for the trade.
I strongly disagree with you, the wider screen has nothing to do with better trade efficiency, what you know is already known. And there is no such thing that wider screen makes you see or do what a smaller screen wouldn't, your laptop would do what any widest screen would do as well as long as it's the same platform, except that the wideness will magnify it bigger in the wider screen.

Those who use a wider screen do that for some reasons;

1. Some use it because of their eye issues.
2. Some use it for people to take them more seriously as a trader or to prove that they are expensive.
3. While the last set uses it simply because they love bigger screens.   ▄████████████████████████████████████▄
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September 21, 2023, 08:31:53 AM

It is not a larger screen, but rather several screens where you can track several information at the same time. It is more like a map that you need to see from several perspectives to get a better understanding.
this type of trading requires experienced traders and not beginners who are trying to learn how trading can be done.

I also advise you not to be influenced by posts on Twitter, as most of them depict that they have several screens and an elegant office, which indicates that they are doing something dangerous, but the result is the same if you can divide your screen into several screens.
That's right, most traders who trade with such a setup where they have multiple big monitors are actually processing multiple things at once, they might be tracking different coins simultaneously or maybe watching the same coin with different indicators and timeframes, or they might have different markets and prices open to decide which one they should choose for a certain trade. And you are right that this is only done by traders who are experienced in this craft.

However, a lot of people might also use this thing to show off, some people who run signal groups might also show such things so that they can trap more newbies because when they see this they will feel that the guy is an expert because he has such a big setup for their trading activities.
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September 21, 2023, 01:57:11 PM

Is it just for aesthetics? or does trading on a big screen have an effect on the outcome of your trade. I often see that professional traders have created a work space for themselves where they invest heavily into hardware and big monitor screens. So I wonder if trading on bigger monitor screen has a better effect on trading because I think that with the big screens a trader will be able to make better analysis. Is this my opinion correct or is there no special effect that trading on big screen has?

Base on my experience actually having a single monitor is not enough reason why im using too my phone just to spare for the additional screen into different time frames, also additional screen gives additional information for example you can make a different TA with the different monitor with the whole potential of the screen so you can easily check if the position is ideal to make an entry or waiting for the confirmation. But you don't need to have a really large monitor 2 to 3 monitor is enough don't get too much excite with the too many monitor its so annoying to your eyes especially at night.



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September 21, 2023, 02:46:39 PM

It is not a larger screen, but rather several screens where you can track several information at the same time. It is more like a map that you need to see from several perspectives to get a better understanding.
this type of trading requires experienced traders and not beginners who are trying to learn how trading can be done.
It is for professional and experienced traders who know exactly what they are looking for. They don't let emotion affects their decisions like newbie traders and they focus on some indicators, information they see fit. Unlike newbie traders, who read many useless information, over attach many indicators on their charts that all together affect their thinking about the market and movement of a coin. With newbie traders, more screens, more emotion, more bad decisions.

I don't fancy TV screen of traders, most of them are doing show off with the blue and purple colours just to impress people that they are really making money mean while, they don't have anything to show in their portfolio at the very end of the day. Trading is not by big screen or curve monitor for impression, it is the amount of money you make at the end of the day that matters a lot. Imagine showing curvy big screen and then you have lots of losses on your trading history.

It's good to upgrade your trading desk but I think finding a way to win traded and master them should be utmost priority, if you learnt that quickly and master your own technics and skills, then designed and upgrade can follow because by then, money will be there to enjoy and the live the passionated life you always wanted.

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September 21, 2023, 07:18:10 PM

It is for professional and experienced traders who know exactly what they are looking for. They don't let emotion affects their decisions like newbie traders and they focus on some indicators, information they see fit. Unlike newbie traders, who read many useless information, over attach many indicators on their charts that all together affect their thinking about the market and movement of a coin. With newbie traders, more screens, more emotion, more bad decisions.
I don't fancy TV screen of traders, most of them are doing show off with the blue and purple colours just to impress people that they are really making money mean while, they don't have anything to show in their portfolio at the very end of the day. Trading is not by big screen or curve monitor for impression, it is the amount of money you make at the end of the day that matters a lot. Imagine showing curvy big screen and then you have lots of losses on your trading history.

It's good to upgrade your trading desk but I think finding a way to win traded and master them should be utmost priority, if you learnt that quickly and master your own technics and skills, then designed and upgrade can follow because by then, money will be there to enjoy and the live the passionated life you always wanted.
That is true, there is really no need for that at all and most of it is just for show off nothing more. Any trader would know that there is no need for anything like that, any random screen would do. Hell people do it with their iphones, why would they need a big screen. But even for chart reading, any decent monitor would do, I mean decent because of course you shouldn't use those old style ones, but anything even with a laptop would be fine, you could do it fine.

There are small laptops that you can use, and can carry in your hands, they are not big, and they would be enough. Would it hurt to have multiple giant screens? Of course not, I am not saying they are bad, I am just saying that they are not needed.

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September 21, 2023, 07:31:37 PM
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I've seen most of the traders using big (or should I say) longer (width) screens in order to understand the charts and the patterns and spot their trading points. However, there had been successful traders ever since these big monitors were not even available in the markets, so it's just a hoax that you need a big monitor to win in trading. You just need 4 things to get going in trading:

1. Discipline
Always remain disciplined towards trading and don't take it as gambling but a business that can actually earn you lots and lots of money

2. Patience
Even if you are disciplined but can't be patient enough to let your trades make you what you expected from it based on its (possible) true potential, then you're losing a fraction of your possible total earnings you could have made.

3. Self-control
Making money in trading is easy, but you must know when to stop. If you have decided a specific percentage for your daily performance and you have reached it that day, then just leave the desk and enjoy outside.

4. Strategy
Last but not the least, a strategy you can stick to. Because without strategy, you can't win long term.

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September 21, 2023, 07:48:41 PM

I use a mobile phone and laptop for trading and I can say that the experience isn't quite the same because it was more comfortable to use a bigger screen than a smaller one. However, using a mobile phone also has an advantage as you can easily bring it and very handy but if the problem is that I often make mistakes I don't use it anymore in placing orders. For me, if we think about being successful in trading, we need also to level up and acquire stuff that we think would help us to grow like having a bigger monitor size.
Yes, again, this relates to the comforts when doing trading activities. For us, most who are only playing with one or several trading pairs, this probably won't have that much of an impact. But for professional traders, who in fact really focus on trading, especially with lots of trading pairs, using a larger monitor and several monitors in one activity can really help.

I have a friend who is focused on trading as his main job at the moment and he once told me that one of his desires was to buy a bigger monitor and more advanced devices. And finally he was able to buy these devices. Because it really affects his trading activities, he doesn't just analyze 1 coin but several coins at a time. He spent a lot of time in front of the monitor, and eventually he needed a bigger one that also supported multiple devices as well. So, maybe this will also really depend on how our trading activities are.
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September 22, 2023, 08:58:56 AM

Is it just for aesthetics? or does trading on a big screen have an effect on the outcome of your trade. I often see that professional traders have created a work space for themselves where they invest heavily into hardware and big monitor screens. So I wonder if trading on bigger monitor screen has a better effect on trading because I think that with the big screens a trader will be able to make better analysis. Is this my opinion correct or is there no special effect that trading on big screen has?
Trading on the big screen of the monitor does not have any special effects but it looks much better and makes it easier to analyze the market. There are many professional investors who trade using such large screen monitors mainly because they can easily understand market trends. Moreover, there is no difference between mobile or monitor, it is possible to trade with experience in both places, there is no special effect. You are right that an investor would benefit from using the big screen for market analysis because they do it. Moreover, trading on a large screen provides many benefits and looks great, which is why most investors use monitor skins for trading.









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