Hi guys,
Confirm all my luckyminer Lv06 working fine with last bitaxe
firmware 2.3.0 (not confuse with the same Number of the china factory release).
Before I change the board version from 204 to 0.11 otherwise
the bitaxe 2.3.0 dosen't start working.
Now its turn of the Lv07 !
Only for the Expert!!! ...at your risk!!!
Find on Google "postman how to post file"
The procedure would be:
Create a post request on the rest service exposed by
the luckyminer Lv07 like
http://minerip/api/system/otaUpdateUnder body, click form-data and insert a Key called "file" of type
File and inside value chose the esp-bin.bin.
Under binary Tab chose the same file as attachment.
Click Send
Create another post request on "...otaWWWUpdate" and chose the
www.bin file
The problem Is that the factory Say me the the Lv07 isen't a
bitaxe board so we can't upgrade the firmware...
Its true? I dont't know! ...some One reconize the hardware?