Activity: 56
Merit: 0
April 10, 2014, 02:13:46 PM |
I thought 90C sounded hot.
Ill throw in some more 120mm fans and get some more air flowing.
Where do i add the CPUUSAGE=9?
April 10, 2014, 04:07:15 PM |
I thought 90C sounded hot.
Ill throw in some more 120mm fans and get some more air flowing.
Where do i add the CPUUSAGE=9?
that wont help much u need to have your fan set not on auto anything over 80c is still too hot you will kill the card
April 10, 2014, 04:14:52 PM |
I thought 90C sounded hot.
Ill throw in some more 120mm fans and get some more air flowing.
Where do i add the CPUUSAGE=9?
I haven't pass 62C on an ambient air of 87F with an Arctic Cooling Accelero Extreme 7970 gpu cooler on my MSI Twin Frozr III HD7970 OC BE. Is your card reference design or a twin fan cooler?
CRYPTSY exchange: https://www.cryptsy.com/users/register?refid=9017 BURST= BURST-TE3W-CFGH-7343-6VM6R BTC=1CNsqGUR9YJNrhydQZnUPbaDv6h4uaYCHv ETH=0x144bc9fe471d3c71d8e09d58060d78661b1d4f32 SHF=0x13a0a2cb0d55eca975cf2d97015f7d580ce52d85 EXP=0xd71921dca837e415a58ca0d6dd2223cc84e0ea2f SC=6bdf9d12a983fed6723abad91a39be4f95d227f9bdb0490de3b8e5d45357f63d564638b1bd71 CLAMS=xGVTdM9EJpNBCYAjHFVxuZGcqvoL22nP6f SOIL=0x8b5c989bc931c0769a50ecaf9ffe490c67cb5911
April 10, 2014, 04:33:40 PM |
I thought 90C sounded hot.
Ill throw in some more 120mm fans and get some more air flowing.
Where do i add the CPUUSAGE=9?
right click on gpu server icon, properties, in target add -cpuusage=9 at the end
April 10, 2014, 04:54:09 PM |
I thought 90C sounded hot.
Ill throw in some more 120mm fans and get some more air flowing.
Where do i add the CPUUSAGE=9?
I haven't pass 62C on an ambient air of 87F with an Arctic Cooling Accelero Extreme 7970 gpu cooler on my MSI Twin Frozr III HD7970 OC BE. Is your card reference design or a twin fan cooler? what kind dont matter i buy nothing but ref models as they dont blow hot air on the pcb which coming from a guy who repairs cards is a bad thing as it expands and contracts the pcb more leading to solder lifting off the pads i use ref cause it takes all heat away from the card and blows it out only thing is the blower fan is louder than non but they are miners in a place where im not worried about noise anyways saying that my temps are still below 70c

Activity: 78
Merit: 10
April 10, 2014, 06:20:26 PM |
I thought 90C sounded hot.
Ill throw in some more 120mm fans and get some more air flowing.
Where do i add the CPUUSAGE=9?
you need something for fan and temp control MSI Afterburner will help you
Activity: 1078
Merit: 1050
April 10, 2014, 07:47:53 PM Last edit: April 10, 2014, 08:53:23 PM by LongAndShort |
Still think a pool is a good idea..Thats 8 290x on that pool for 22 hours with claymores, and i must say, amazing new miner,......"WISH IT WAS SOLO" so i cant wait for pgpu's answer to claymores pool miner..it should be epic
April 10, 2014, 08:13:48 PM |
Still think a pool is a good idea..Thats 8 290x on that pool for 10 hours with claymores, and i must say, amazing new miner,......"WISH IT WAS SOLO" so i cant wait for pgpu's answer to claymores pool miner..it should be epic Primegpu miner is still faster, but the other miner is pretty close. I mine about 2 blocks every 24 hours with just one 7970.
CRYPTSY exchange: https://www.cryptsy.com/users/register?refid=9017 BURST= BURST-TE3W-CFGH-7343-6VM6R BTC=1CNsqGUR9YJNrhydQZnUPbaDv6h4uaYCHv ETH=0x144bc9fe471d3c71d8e09d58060d78661b1d4f32 SHF=0x13a0a2cb0d55eca975cf2d97015f7d580ce52d85 EXP=0xd71921dca837e415a58ca0d6dd2223cc84e0ea2f SC=6bdf9d12a983fed6723abad91a39be4f95d227f9bdb0490de3b8e5d45357f63d564638b1bd71 CLAMS=xGVTdM9EJpNBCYAjHFVxuZGcqvoL22nP6f SOIL=0x8b5c989bc931c0769a50ecaf9ffe490c67cb5911
April 10, 2014, 10:33:57 PM |
Still think a pool is a good idea..Thats 8 290x on that pool for 22 hours with claymores, and i must say, amazing new miner,......"WISH IT WAS SOLO" so i cant wait for pgpu's answer to claymores pool miner..it should be epic traitor! any ways still is slower and that wont be all yours cause of the dev fee that will always be there where the other is a 1 time
April 10, 2014, 10:35:55 PM |
3 blocks in 12hrs with 3 7970 2 290x
Activity: 1078
Merit: 1050
April 10, 2014, 10:38:46 PM |
Still think a pool is a good idea..Thats 8 290x on that pool for 22 hours with claymores, and i must say, amazing new miner,......"WISH IT WAS SOLO" so i cant wait for pgpu's answer to claymores pool miner..it should be epic
traitor! any ways still is slower and that wont be all yours cause of the dev fee that will always be there where the other is a 1 time But thats what i'm saying..the miner is super fast but its on a pool and look at the payout for 9 blocks its found another 2 blocks and ive never found that many blocks with pgpu so im extremly excited to see their performance increase. btw claymores is optimized for 290x hence how well its doing. Im hating how raped im getting mining to a pool and that is my point 
Activity: 2492
Merit: 1491
LEALANA Bitcoin Grim Reaper
April 10, 2014, 11:07:32 PM |
XPM Block rewards continue to drop...nice 
,╓p@@███████@╗╖, ,p████████████████████N, d█████████████████████████b d██████████████████████████████æ ,████²█████████████████████████████, ,█████ ╙████████████████████╨ █████y ██████ `████████████████` ██████ ║██████ Ñ███████████` ███████ ███████ ╩██████Ñ ███████ ███████ ▐▄ ²██╩ a▌ ███████ ╢██████ ▐▓█▄ ▄█▓▌ ███████ ██████ ▐▓▓▓▓▌, ▄█▓▓▓▌ ██████─ ▐▓▓▓▓▓▓█,,▄▓▓▓▓▓▓▌ ▐▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▌ ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓─ ²▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓╩ ▀▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▀ ²▀▀▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▀▀` ²²² ███████████████████████████████████████
| . ★☆ WWW.LEALANA.COM My PGP fingerprint is A764D833. History of Monero development Visualization ★☆ . LEALANA BITCOIN GRIM REAPER SILVER COINS. |
April 10, 2014, 11:28:15 PM |
Still think a pool is a good idea..Thats 8 290x on that pool for 22 hours with claymores, and i must say, amazing new miner,......"WISH IT WAS SOLO" so i cant wait for pgpu's answer to claymores pool miner..it should be epic
traitor! any ways still is slower and that wont be all yours cause of the dev fee that will always be there where the other is a 1 time But thats what i'm saying..the miner is super fast but its on a pool and look at the payout for 9 blocks its found another 2 blocks and ive never found that many blocks with pgpu so im extremly excited to see their performance increase. btw claymores is optimized for 290x hence how well its doing. Im hating how raped im getting mining to a pool and that is my point  still not beating me and with all the coin dumping ill take the tx fees
April 10, 2014, 11:33:06 PM |
Still think a pool is a good idea..Thats 8 290x on that pool for 22 hours with claymores, and i must say, amazing new miner,......"WISH IT WAS SOLO" so i cant wait for pgpu's answer to claymores pool miner..it should be epic
traitor! any ways still is slower and that wont be all yours cause of the dev fee that will always be there where the other is a 1 time To clarify a point of fact, with regard to the three miners now available, the developer (jonpry) of the NVidia one has stated that he will open source his -- which will obviously entail a reduction or elimination of the dev fee -- once the total amount collected from developer fees equals the bounty he initially offered as a target for releasing the code. So, no, the dev fee will not always be there, provided the target is met. Claymore has enabled a "no fee" option on his, I believe. It actually seems like a very nice model. I'm watching it with interest - I would consider adopting it for things I release in the future if it works out well. Compared to a "sale" model, a dev fee has less risk for the people who use the miner and more risk for the developer, but enables more people to test out the software and see if they want to use it.
Activity: 1078
Merit: 1050
April 10, 2014, 11:57:29 PM |
Still think a pool is a good idea..Thats 8 290x on that pool for 22 hours with claymores, and i must say, amazing new miner,......"WISH IT WAS SOLO" so i cant wait for pgpu's answer to claymores pool miner..it should be epic
traitor! any ways still is slower and that wont be all yours cause of the dev fee that will always be there where the other is a 1 time To clarify a point of fact, with regard to the three miners now available, the developer (jonpry) of the NVidia one has stated that he will open source his -- which will obviously entail a reduction or elimination of the dev fee -- once the total amount collected from developer fees equals the bounty he initially offered as a target for releasing the code. So, no, the dev fee will not always be there, provided the target is met. Claymore has enabled a "no fee" option on his, I believe. It actually seems like a very nice model. I'm watching it with interest - I would consider adopting it for things I release in the future if it works out well. Compared to a "sale" model, a dev fee has less risk for the people who use the miner and more risk for the developer, but enables more people to test out the software and see if they want to use it. Agreed and there is great competition ramping up and i'm excited like i said to see what pgpu can do to answer to this competition however the three are in slightly different genres and really suit 3 types of miners which is great too..but all the same i am keen to see how pgpu respponds
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
April 11, 2014, 12:13:24 AM |
I just got my new rig up and mining. I have a brand new ASUS R9280X-DC2T-3GD5 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121803Currently not over clocked everything is at stock. My CPU is a I7 4770K CPU Usage 8-12% Primecoin GPU miner ver. 1.03 ----------------------------- Mining time: 1.22 hours Est. Average Chains Per Day (CPD): 1.01 Est. Spot Chains Per Day (CPD): 1.03 Pass: 1579 GPU #0 time: 279 10-ch found: 0 expected: 0.052 blocks found: 0 expected: 0.022 A few things i noticed is my GPU clock MHZ is auto dropping to 970 rather than staying at 1070. Is this normal? Im also running at 95C for the GPU. seems right for it but not sure. I haven't had a good GPU in a few years. Are my numbers correct for what i have? Seems low compared to other peoples setups. Any advice would be great. Thanks Sounds like ur gpu is down clocking to base clocks due to temp 95oC is way to hot. My guess is ur fan is running to slow and the card is probably in a case (which isnt typically an issue with single card assuming u setup the case right) Try keep the card below 70oC 60-70% fan should do that just fine. Setting cpuusage=9 should also improve ur CPD. Once u get ur temps under control u can try a moderate oc on the gpu to further improve ur CPD. As other users have stated tho stability over a tiny improvement of the stats. I found the problem one of the fans on the GPU wasn't spinning a wire had jammed it up. As soon i freed it. Temps down to 73C solid with a little OC and back to 1.41 chains / day.
April 11, 2014, 02:01:50 AM |
Great news...glad you sorted that out.
April 11, 2014, 02:04:35 AM |
yeah you take the fee off and so goes your speed
Full Member
Activity: 289
Merit: 100
O2-Protocol.com Carbon Offset DeFi
April 11, 2014, 03:23:05 AM |
PrimeGPU correct me if im wrong, but this is how i run the miner:
1) Open Primecoin QT wallet and download full data then close the wallet 2) Run prime-gpu-server.exe 3) Run prime-gpu.exe (miner connect and start mining)...
however i saw i found 1 block and 1 10-ch but my wallet is empty....? Are my coins going to my wallet at all?
i owe one CPU G322 Haswell 3.0Ghz, is that the problem? Also im running 2 x R9 280x with XPM miner and 2 x R9 280x doing scrypt mining at same time
CPD=1.99 cpuusage=11 (setting something lower cause lower CPD)
O2-Protocol.com Carbon Offset DeFi