So to get more wealth use cheat code:
Give promise today that for example you will have some goal or amount of money after one month.
You promise yourself and even If all of this not become reality some % of this will become into real.
The word " i promise" have strong power more than you could imagine.
So you need to use "i promise" first and then describe the outcome and the magic will make it even happening by someone else If you are not capable to do this by yourself.
Remember universe reads the Code this is correct way to give order to "universe the big computer " the Code example: " i promise myself and others that i have on this date that much money or bitcoin"
Remember universe are designed the way so it will take the order and process it best way possible.
If you do not use right code words nothing happens.
Now the universe will read the code and the computer Will take your order and start processing it.
But the strongest key word are always "i promise"
It's like the universe are one big computer wich reading the Code the way you talking and words you using have power.
The funny part of this are the thing that If you do not have much the resources and capabilities then universe will be like banker he will divide the cost of energy with all the others becouse you use word "i promise" the universe will take that word for sure and will do best way as possible to give you results you described with given time frame.
That's our financial world are based on "i promise" word
Use this method with action becouse without action unlikely Will happening
Try this method and let others know how it was
Your approach using the phrase "I promise" seems to be very nice and effective. Because to move forward everyone needs influence which we can get by using the words "I am committed." But in this case we must use it within our capacity. Because if there is a huge difference between wanting and getting then if you don't get it later, you will get pain from there. But it is also true that we are not fully aware of our capabilities as is the case with elephants. In this case I also have a promise to myself that within the next year I will own a Bitcoin.