Good for you, but you can't deny the fact that AI is the new revolution, every technology that we have seen throughout mankind's history has it's cons and pros, even the most widely used internet. And most likely AI is not for everyone.
I'm not questioning the fact that AI has its application in human society, I'm just expressing my opinion about how inappropriate use and abuse can (and probably will) have extremely bad consequences for people. Even those who started the whole thing at one point expressed their concern regarding the mass abuses that have appeared in the online world thanks to the new technology.
If you consider the majority of sci-fi content that has to do with AI, in most cases this very technology has disastrous effects on the human race. Regardless of what anyone thinks, I am of the opinion that the chances that this technology will turn against us at some point is at least 80%, but it is obvious that people have some kind of self-destruction gene that encourages them to dig a hole in which sooner or later they will fall into.