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Author Topic: Do you trust bitcoin holders?  (Read 1517 times)
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May 08, 2024, 02:39:22 PM

I don't know why you're trying to mix politics and Bitcoin?

So, a Bitcoin holder shouldn't trust a boomer who invest in gold?
So, a Bitcoin holder shouldn't trust a content creator who show his face to anyone in the world?
So, a Bitcoin holder shouldn't trust a trader who use centralized exchange?

I doubt if people can completely avoid banks, even you trade via P2P, you still need to use bank accounts to receive your money. You might can completely avoid banks if you can spend Bitcoin directly to purchase or pay something, but it's only possible in El Salvador.


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May 08, 2024, 02:46:13 PM

Since bitcoin promotes mostly anti-government, banks, etc.
No thats just what the common people think because bitcoin was built to be different from the centralized systems.

I dont take it to be anti-bank, in fact blockchain technology is being used by many banks for providing different services.

So as far as trusting someone goes, that depends on the context of what trust you are talking about. If you think the holders have their own agenda, then yes they are in it for profit just like everyone of us. Are they try to embezzle someone? I dont think so.

Fact that the people who are very public about bitcoin as anarchists, does not make it anti-government. The proper terms are "decentralized" and "censorship resistant".


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May 08, 2024, 03:14:53 PM

Trust about what? I'm not doing what others tell me anyway, I have my head on my shoulders. I can listen to people's opinions, but I have the ability to agree or disagree with it.
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May 08, 2024, 03:16:51 PM

Since bitcoin promotes mostly anti-government, banks, etc.
No, it doesn't promote hate against those subjects. But because of its features promoting anonymity and decentralization, that seems to be it but that's not a direct hit to them.

I am wondering; Do you trust bitcoin holders?
I am a Bitcoin holder and I trust myself. Why there's a need to question someone who's holding it as a store of value if you're going to trust him or not?

Trust is subjective and the subject about bitcoin holding is lack to say on what aspect do you trust them.

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May 08, 2024, 03:29:12 PM

Fact that the people who are very public about bitcoin as anarchists, does not make it anti-government. The proper terms are "decentralized" and "censorship resistant".

How can I not believe it, I have owned bitcoin almost 9 years. Maybe there are many more than me and maybe they are also trying to improve like me. If you look at hisori, then I think it's not just a matter of decentralization. Many of them are attracted because of their value. Many new people are coming in trying to improve economic conditions.

I hold Bitcoin and I currently believe it can achieve better value. The crypto industry has changed as more than just a means of transfer but as a moneymaker.

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May 08, 2024, 03:45:42 PM

Since bitcoin promotes mostly anti-government, banks, etc.
I didn't see that. We talk about them based on the point of view that we feel fits their system.
Bitcoin is not anti-government and anti-banking. They have their own system and Bitcoin is not here to oppose it.
As a Bitcoin holder, I am also a person who uses the banking system in my daily affairs.

I am wondering; Do you trust bitcoin holders?
Obviously I believe in Bitcoin holders as people who know what is important for them to do for the long term.


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May 08, 2024, 04:09:16 PM

While there are certain ideologies that make more sense with Bitcoin than others, Bitcoin unites people from all sides of the political spectrum, actually, and I think that even on this forum we can see how diverse opinions can be. Even if someone adheres to libertarianism, for instance, which may go naturally well with Bitcoin, it doesn't mean being anti-government because you might actually be a part of government and support the minimal state conception of it (like Argentina's President). Also, being against the Central bank is different from being against banks in general.
I think a matter of trust depends more on one's usual approach than on ideology. I'm a pretty trusting person, so I sort of have a default trust for other people until they prove me wrong. But that doesn't mean I'd share access to my accounts or disclose certain private information to those people. It's just basic background trust as a lack of distrust, and I have it both for Bitcoin holders and non-holders.

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May 08, 2024, 04:24:01 PM

At some point, I always get to believe that no matter how much decentralized bitcoin and other digital cryptocurrencies want to present themselves, there will always be a need for the local bank and I’m sure it might not be directly but it will still take a lot of hard work to totally ignore our local fiats

I understand how much we are getting fed up with the consistent extortion from bitcoin holders and traders and even the common man and that’s why we all want cryptocurrency to thrive but the truth is that, bitcoin and its likes will still need to push more harder to prove it’s trustworthiness and reliability before such trust will be bestowed 😂
Let’s take things with crypto and stop making it seem we can just cancel our local fiat overnight


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May 08, 2024, 04:45:16 PM

Who says bitcoin is anti-government? It's just our freedom to hold assets without a third party, which means it's not anti-government even though on the contrary there are governments that are anti-bitcoin but I don't care about that so far the government still supports bitcoin even though it is a commodity asset.

At least in my country bitcoin is not banned, it is even taxed in every transaction on the CEX.

Of course trusting Holder bitcoin, this is already some know I hold and has produced a high ROI meaning that there are still many people gaining confidence in bitcoin can change their lives.
So I will stay in the bitcoin circle to keep holding.

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May 08, 2024, 04:50:56 PM

I am not anti government or anti-bank, for me it is more of a freedom.
I do trust Bitcoin holders since I am also one of them, and I like to put my money into it rather than letting it sit on my bank.
I consider it as currency and investment at the same time.

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May 08, 2024, 05:44:15 PM

I would trust him if I knew the Bitcoin holders around me. If not, I wouldn't believe it, especially if I had never met him. Bitcoin is not anti-government and neither is it anti-bank. But even though the government cannot control Bitcoin, Bitcoin can go hand in hand with Fiat. We use Bitcoin and Fiat at the same time as Bitcoin to complement the shortcomings of Fiat. I am not anti-government or anti-bank and know that people who use Bitcoin are also not anti-government and anti-bank, especially those around me who still use banks.

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May 08, 2024, 06:03:28 PM

Since bitcoin promotes mostly anti-government, banks, etc.

I am wondering; Do you trust bitcoin holders?

What, kind of words and narratives these are bro, when Bitcoin promoted anti-government policy haha seems like you are naming the decentralization as the anti-government policy, I want to remind you that Bitcoin is just a payment system, these days now you can say a digital asset (Digital Gold), Bitcoin promotes the decentralization and self-custody of the funds with ensured privacy, security, and transparency of the transaction haha these are not Ai generated words, these are my emotions haha this the first time I've made a perfect chin of these words.

In the second half, I want to let you know why I should trust Bitcoin holders rather than trusting them I trust the Bitcoin community if the old holders are willing to sell then new buyers are in the queue, So I trust the Bitcoin community and reliability.

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May 08, 2024, 07:31:24 PM

Since bitcoin promotes mostly anti-government, banks, etc.

Can you explain to us how bitcoin is "anti-government"? Because I can't seem to understand what you mean. In no part of bitcoin does it go against government. It doesn't break any government laws, it's just a coins and an asset. It's actually government that's against Bitcoin.
I hold bitcoin and I don't see how I'm against the government. I'm not breaking any laws by holding bitcoin. I would only be breaking any law when the government put a law against holding bitcoin.
Even the decentralised nature of bitcoin isn't against the government because there's no law against it.


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May 08, 2024, 07:38:56 PM

Pretty sure these days, nobody is anti government. Or at least the majority of Bitcoin holders aren’t. If they were they wouldn’t of KYC on exchanges to buy and sell their crypto.
You seem to be confused. A bitcoin holder doesn't buy and sell crypto. That's what traders do. Holders own bitcoin and they hold it.
There are many other ways of exchanging bitcoin to goods and services than trading it on a centralized exchange. That's how you get fiat money and selling for fiat isn't the goal of many holders Wink

Most of the holders are probably nothing but speculators.

Speak for yourself.

They aren’t in it for the advances bitcoin can make for society, they are in it for the monetary gains. Many earlier adopters were different. But these days, everyone is getting into crypto to get rich, not go against the government.

That's why I'm not getting into "crypto" but hold bitcoin instead.

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May 08, 2024, 07:55:32 PM

Since bitcoin promotes mostly anti-government, banks, etc.

I really hope you know what you are saying, when you say anti banks, I will agree with you fully but when you said Anti government, I will agree with you partially because there are some fiscal policies the government make that the banks are using to control the people and that's privacy concern, other than that Bitcoin is anti Bank and complete does the opposite of what Banks are doing and doesn't really have anything to with how governments does their things.

I am wondering; Do you trust bitcoin holders?

Wait a minute, do you think that if the government own more 70% of the circulating supply, you think they will sell? Hell no, that's exactly what they want and they don't have it. If they have the opportunity to hold that amount, regulation of Bitcoin becomes simple to implement and miners wouldn't have choice than to agree with every of their decisions. Some of the seek road Bitcoin that were seize by US government aren't sold till today, don't you think they have plan for holding those Bitcoins.

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May 08, 2024, 07:59:13 PM

Having financial private life and being your own bank is financial freedom, and not anti-bank or anti-government. It is the government that is against the privacy of their citizens and wants to have control over everything her citizens are doing.

Bitcoin hodlers are normal people with different mindset, and everyone has the reason why they adopted bitcoin, if there is no trust in bitcoin enthusiasts, it means that p2p will bring more harm to the system. We have the good, bad and ugly, it is just the government that are making it look as if bitcoin enthusiasts are criminals of which we have more criminals using fiat for their illicit activities that government is even aware of but they keep don't bring it to the public.

Nobody can do without the government or banks because that is our tradition.

Simple and ordinary people that are trying to make lives convenient and safe for thier livelihood.Our governments are trying so hard to create a clash in between.Its definitely up to every person to reciprocate the same efforts,support,indulgence and keep trying to improve the economic conditions.

Bitcoin is more like a support system to us financially,and its not like how the government constantly regards it as a tool that promotes financial crimes.Bitcoin is freedom for all and it suits whatever situation you'll consider it;based on your knowledge,trust and awareness.

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May 08, 2024, 08:49:48 PM

Since bitcoin promotes mostly anti-government, banks, etc.

I am wondering; Do you trust bitcoin holders?
I am a BTC holder and I trust myself because I don't trust banks and some governments. Situation is not the same everywhere, like in my place the main state bank of our country made the statement that they are not responsible for the money people store in their banks. I was like then who is responsible. And how you (banks) can say such things. Till then I never stored my funds in banks. Most of them are in BTC or other alts. I know it can be problematic if I won't save my funds in fiat like in time of high fluctuations.

But I hope I will be saved as fluctuations are not permanent. They will end at last. My point here is, even if it promotes anti-government, or banks, it also made them realize that they can't loot or play with people's money anymore. BTC has reminded them there reputations and place. Now they will be playing within there boundaries. Many are even adopting it (governments and banks both). So its a two way road, one way is adopting while other is opposing. I think we should look at the bright side.

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May 08, 2024, 08:56:28 PM

Bitcoin isn't a threat to the government directly; it's a threat to the bank, which is totally centralized. So ultimately, when the banking system is affected, it will affect the government's economic policy. As we know, holding Bitcoin in a non-custodial wallet means we are our own bank. So banks always seem to stand against Bitcoin. Some banks are supporting but not adapting at all. If your government considers using Bitcoin legal, then holding Bitcoin is fine and isn't anti-government action. For me, it's totally anti-government and anti-bank as well. But due to decentralised behaviour, I am still holding. 

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May 08, 2024, 09:41:11 PM

It's a rhetorical question, it's that simple, right?  they are a part not the whole, and that hodl percentage, although it is quite high/important in bitcoin, and consequently the trend, is only determined in volume, that is, we trust the community. Therefore, some holders are there for years, others for an indefinite period of time, it is a cycle/users-holders.



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May 08, 2024, 09:51:28 PM

I'm on bitcoin but I'm not saying that I'm anti-bank or anti-government because after all we must be subject to the government and we also can't rule out banks in the life we do now because fiat is in control for all the needs we have so even though I'm on bitcoin I wouldn't say that I'm anti-bank and anti-government it's just that for now my choice is different.

But it doesn't matter because when my choice is different it doesn't mean I don't like the opposite because everything will be chaotic if I think bitcoin is right and the others are wrong and vice versa.
We don't need to be anti anything to be in bitcoin because as long as we still need other than bitcoin then why not use it as an advantage in surviving a currently difficult life where fiat is a support for daily needs and bitcoin is a future investment that until now we still have hope that bitcoin will be very profitable for the future.
























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