Crude oil and its by-product are still very much valuable in any part of the world, for any country that is facing economic challenge that has crude oil, check very well there is something behind it, Saudi Arabia and Qatar and some countries in the world that have crude oil are doing very well with it. Even as most countries want to move away from fossil engine's, the crude oil and its by-product products are still sold in the international market on a substantial amount. Op, if you know any country in the world that have crude oil and are not doing well except for corrupt countries, please mention them to me?
Crude oil is still an important commodity in the lives of the world's people, so its role is still difficult to replace by renewable energy. Recently, many people have complained about the high cost of battery maintenance for electric vehicles.
This confirms that the world is actually not ready to abandon crude oil, only some people claim that the world is getting sicker because of crude oil, this is actually not proven, in developing countries, it is difficult to abandon oil, so crude oil commodities are still very tempting.