May 16, 2024, 07:08:21 PM |
<...> even though I'm learning the hard way... So, your friend throws you to the wolves on this forum? Great buddy.  OK. So you figured it out on your own, good for you. But honestly, what's so special about it to figure out? This is just an online forum. These things have been around forever, probably way before you were even born. And people weren't struggling with it back in the BBS days, half a century ago. Come on.
May 16, 2024, 08:51:21 PM |
This is a true story: after learning about the forum, I went to see a friend for assistance. He helped me set up an account and then, when I tried to ask him for help posting, he refused and told me that since we are not close, I would have to learn how to post on the forum on my own. For someone to have helped you set up an account, then it shouldn't be a difficult task in helping you through on how you could make the required standard on quality posts needed on the forum, moreover since you're still a newbie, it may require of you to go on learning first before making post in other to avoid making mistakes, except if you wish he make those post for you which i believe he will definitely turn the offer. I found it difficult to ask him questions about how the forum operated, and after several months, his number was unreachable. As long as you have found your way to this forum and can read, then take your time in learning on the boards and read more often, you will by yourself discover on some things here without being told.
Activity: 1148
Merit: 1129
May 16, 2024, 09:10:21 PM |
Since then, I have been posting, watching, and learning from the community, but I still want to say that even though I'm learning the hard way, it has given me a lot more confidence that I can succeed on my own with perseverance and hard work.
You don't have to expect much from people to avoid disappointment. Sometimes it is better to learn alone without mentorship. It will make you study and discover things by yourself which is far better. Many people came to the forum by themselves, nobody guided them and they had to learn and excel alone. I encourage you to keep learning and in no time you will become well grounded. OP, it's been a while since you opened the account, the first thing you need to do is become a forum regular. The important thing is that if you are in the habit of reading where the senior members of the forum are discussing what topics, and what threads they are writing, then I don't think you will have any problem with posting. If you go from being active in the forum for 2-1 days and then come to the forum after a month or two then everything will become difficult for you, then it will feel like I am learning the hard way. I say be regular, give it enough time, the more time you give the more you will learn and the later it will seem very simple.
The original poster needs to be more regular for him to master the activities of the forum. But I understand what OP is talking about. He thinks that he should have had the privilege of mentorship under the person who introduced him to the forum. And I think the person who introduced him to the forum should have guided him for some time before allowing him to move on. Some persons might not be too sharp to understand how the forum works and mentorship will aid fast learning. The person who introduced me to the forum assisted me for a few days before I began to engage in personal research.
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May 16, 2024, 09:59:35 PM |
This is a true story: after learning about the forum, I went to see a friend for assistance. He helped me set up an account and then, when I tried to ask him for help posting, he refused and told me that since we are not close, I would have to learn how to post on the forum on my own. I found it difficult to ask him questions about how the forum operated, and after several months, his number was unreachable. Finally, one Sunday after church, we got together, and I took it upon myself to ask him for advice on the platform, all he could say was to post on the beginners' forum if you needed any help. Since then, I have been posting, watching, and learning from the community, but I still want to say that even though I'm learning the hard way, it has given me a lot more confidence that I can succeed on my own with perseverance and hard work.
Well, you are navigating around the forum dose not mean you are learning something new; it can be something new but seeing that this is a public and general forum, everyone can post and discuss here without learning anything about the forum since if they can read and write they can understand how the forum operates.
| | . .Duelbits│SPORTS. | | | ▄▄▄███████▄▄▄ ▄▄█████████████████▄▄ ▄███████████████████████▄ ███████████████████████████ █████████████████████████████ ███████████████████████████████ ███████████████████████████████ ███████████████████████████████ █████████████████████████████ ███████████████████████████ ▀████████████████████████ ▀▀███████████████████ ██████████████████████████████ | | | | ██ ██ ██ ██
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Activity: 185
Merit: 61
May 17, 2024, 04:19:41 AM |
I think most new members face problems like yours if they don't have many close acquaintances to advise. But there is peace of mind in being able to know and learn about a subject through hard work. What you try to achieve on your own can have many benefits in the future. Expand your own intuition to prove your talent with perseverance and courage.
Activity: 2380
Merit: 4641
May 17, 2024, 04:53:33 AM |
If you look carefully at people's profiles, you will most likely understand that there are a lot of people on the forum who came to the forum themselves, learned about the rules themselves, and made a name for themselves. So what unusual things are you telling us today? You are not alone in your endeavors. Maybe we should pat you on the shoulder and call you a “smart boy”? You should be more humble in your successes and more determined in seeking knowledge and then teaching more people like you. If you don’t like your friend’s behavior, then be different, gain knowledge, teach, and help without betraying them.
May 17, 2024, 07:24:48 AM |
You may feel betrayed but this is the best approach to learning, do it yourself. Fail, make mistakes and learn from them. You stagnated your own learning process because you were waiting for a friend to mentor you when in fact you needed was right here on the forum. The most important question you should ask yourself is why are you here. Is it to learn about bitcoin? If it is, you should not wait until your friend’s approval before doing what you want. It’s been two years since you registered this account, have you bought bitcoin since then or are you also waiting for your friend?
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Full Member
Activity: 546
Merit: 220
May 17, 2024, 01:34:32 PM |
This is a true story: after learning about the forum, I went to see a friend for assistance. He helped me set up an account and then, when I tried to ask him for help posting, he refused and told me that since we are not close, I would have to learn how to post on the forum on my own. I found it difficult to ask him questions about how the forum operated, and after several months, his number was unreachable. Finally, one Sunday after church, we got together, and I took it upon myself to ask him for advice on the platform, all he could say was to post on the beginners' forum if you needed any help. Since then, I have been posting, watching, and learning from the community, but I still want to say that even though I'm learning the hard way, it has given me a lot more confidence that I can succeed on my own with perseverance and hard work.
posting on the forum isn't a really difficult thing if you relay try to put your mind to it as you don't relay need a special skill to be able to post on the forum all you need is the ability to be bale to read an write and know how well to use your device to navigate the forum well enough and if there's anything you relay need then you should then go ahead to check the beginners and help board and see guides and other post that will help you as a beginner to be able to properly get to navigate the forum well enough and then you wouldn't necessarily need to be assisted to be able to properly navigate the forum well enough. Another advice I think you are definitely goin to need well enough is in the quality of your post and you can only get to achieve it if only you ae able to put your mind to studying first after which you can be able to get the proper knowledge to be able to make really quality post on the forum, that way you get to experience progressive growth on the forum and be bale to get used to a better way to explore the forum and even become better at it with little or no guide.
May 17, 2024, 02:02:11 PM |
This is a true story: after learning about the forum, I went to see a friend for assistance. He helped me set up an account and then, when I tried to ask him for help posting, he refused and told me that since we are not close, I would have to learn how to post on the forum on my own. I found it difficult to ask him questions about how the forum operated, and after several months, his number was unreachable. Finally, one Sunday after church, we got together, and I took it upon myself to ask him for advice on the platform, all he could say was to post on the beginners' forum if you needed any help. Since then, I have been posting, watching, and learning from the community, but I still want to say that even though I'm learning the hard way, it has given me a lot more confidence that I can succeed on my own with perseverance and hard work.
You joined the forum and you were only interested in posting, post about what exactly? Your friend is right for not teaching you how to post, the only thing he failed to tell you is that you should concentrate more in reading and learning. Most of us here were not taught by anyone how to post and do certain things, we learnt all we know here by following up topics and asking questions. So, do not make this whole thing about you and how you are learning the hard way. He did a great job by introducing you to the forum, you owe him a sincere appreciation for bringing you here. Concentrate more in learning so you can make quality contributions that will impact the lives of other members in this forum.
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UP TO | 1 BTC + 150 | FREE SPINS |
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Mia Chloe
May 17, 2024, 05:16:16 PM |
Op learning and ranking up are both dynamic. No one here is forced to post quality or obey the forum rules. It's all a personal choice or voluntary action. Your friend showing you this forum is a nice thing however the First question you should ask yourself is why did you wanted to join Bitcointalk? I think if you are able to personally answer this you are good to go. Everyone has a reason for doing something and if you check closely those that have a valid and important reason of doing something usually come out best unlike the naive ones. My point Is the forum doesn't force you or commit you to learning however if you do commit yourself to learning genuinely you find out you will definitely rank up. I have always been an active member ever since I joined the forum though I wasn't actively posting at the beginning since I was trying my best to understand how the forum works as well as learn from every discussion.
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Activity: 1148
Merit: 1129
May 17, 2024, 06:22:48 PM |
This is a true story: after learning about the forum, I went to see a friend for assistance. He helped me set up an account and then, when I tried to ask him for help posting, he refused and told me that since we are not close, I would have to learn how to post on the forum on my own. I found it difficult to ask him questions about how the forum operated, and after several months, his number was unreachable. Finally, one Sunday after church, we got together, and I took it upon myself to ask him for advice on the platform, all he could say was to post on the beginners' forum if you needed any help. Since then, I have been posting, watching, and learning from the community, but I still want to say that even though I'm learning the hard way, it has given me a lot more confidence that I can succeed on my own with perseverance and hard work.
Well, you are navigating around the forum dose not mean you are learning something new; it can be something new but seeing that this is a public and general forum, everyone can post and discuss here without learning anything about the forum since if they can read and write they can understand how the forum operates. The first time I saw this forum it was not attractive. It is very rare to see a forum with just black and white color. Current websites are usually colorful but this forum looks archaic. But the more you navigate the platform and understand how it is arranged, you will discover that it is one of the best websites. As newbies keep visiting and reading they would gradually identify areas of interest and focus on them. So I will encourage OP to keep visiting and learning about Bitcoin and the forum. Anybody who navigates around the forum and doesn't learn anything has no interest in learning about Bitcoin because there are topics that will interest you.
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Activity: 144
Merit: 27
"Quietly Making Noise"
May 17, 2024, 06:26:27 PM |
I Love to learn on my own, since I don't need to follow the step-by-step guidance of a teacher. When this famous quote was first made: "He that teaches himself has a fool for a master." ~Benjamin Franklin", he did not have the internet to help.  This is a true story: after learning about the forum, I went to see a friend for assistance. He helped me set up an account and then, when I tried to ask him for help posting, he refused and told me that since we are not close, I would have to learn how to post on the forum on my own. I found it difficult to ask him questions about how the forum operated, and after several months, his number was unreachable. Finally, one Sunday after church, we got together, and I took it upon myself to ask him for advice on the platform, all he could say was to post on the beginners' forum if you needed any help. Since then, I have been posting, watching, and learning from the community, but I still want to say that even though I'm learning the hard way, it has given me a lot more confidence that I can succeed on my own with perseverance and hard work.
May 17, 2024, 07:53:07 PM |
A lot of people (newbies) always say the same, how hard it is to figure out their ways around the forum but perhaps it's not that hard to share your thoughts on a topic that is being created or you creating a thread from your misunderstandings or complicated issues around bitcoin isn't that hard as over exaggerated but although it might feel difficult for a newbie around the forum when the find out the ranking system, the tension on trying to rank up makes them feel like it's too difficult around the forum but its not really.
You just have to empty your mind on whatever to read and learn from any source in the forum but where you want to reach a level where someone is at a short period of time then it becomes a hard task for the newbie.
The forum is simple just as the it says simple machine forum, you don't need too much because it's a user friendly site, the user interface is not difficult to figure out sections and areas where your thoughts could shared.
May 17, 2024, 08:30:04 PM |
I will not agree with anyone that say this forum is very accept the person is not read to lean. Because nothing is difficult here since the person can read write so I don't see anything that Wil stop him from understanding this forum, we all know that even for school we have some the level that a person needs to start before going to high level that's how this forum be too.
Furlthermore, we have so many of board here that you can visit as a biginners that you can quickly earned knowledge and understand better about this place, because even me the first I started this forum I feel like going back but after I relay that this this place not support difficult for me since i can read and write and possibly with in one week i start navigate the forums and also comprehend how it operates.
Full Member
Activity: 669
Merit: 200
🌀 Cosmic Casino
May 18, 2024, 06:00:34 AM |
This is a true story: after learning about the forum, I went to see a friend for assistance. He helped me set up an account and then, when I tried to ask him for help posting, he refused and told me that since we are not close, I would have to learn how to post on the forum on my own. I found it difficult to ask him questions about how the forum operated, and after several months, his number was unreachable. Finally, one Sunday after church, we got together, and I took it upon myself to ask him for advice on the platform, all he could say was to post on the beginners' forum if you needed any help. Since then, I have been posting, watching, and learning from the community, but I still want to say that even though I'm learning the hard way, it has given me a lot more confidence that I can succeed on my own with perseverance and hard work.
I think you are only calling it learning the hard because you don’t have the zeal to learn about bitcoin, maybe your are not really here to learn about bitcoin, maybe you are just here to stick around so you can survive in your investment. When you have passion for something you can go to any length just to be the best in it and you can never see learning it as a problem. And again you said you never knew about the beginners and help sector, but going through you profile you have engage severally in the beginners and help sector. So maybe you are just saying all of this to get some attention. But regardless of what you said the beginners and help sector is one of the most fundamental sector of this forum, it help newbies a lot because you can get a lot of help from here. High ranking members are always here to help newbies in their problems. I urge you to read the forum rules and regulations, it will help you a lot to blend in.
May 18, 2024, 06:30:51 AM |
in my experience, i didn't encounter any difficulties when i first registered on this forum, because to be honest, everything was very clear and quite easy to understand. even if you don't have a friend to introduce you to this forum, you can still clearly understand what is needed to develop your account on this forum and what the rules of this forum are. i just don't understand why there are so many newbies who make this forum so difficult to understand, even though if you have difficulty you can use the search feature or ask the members of this forum directly. it's that easy and there's no need to make it too complicated.

Activity: 280
Merit: 37
★★ Play Plinko or Invest!
May 18, 2024, 07:28:11 AM |
in my experience, i didn't encounter any difficulties when i first registered on this forum, because to be honest, everything was very clear and quite easy to understand. even if you don't have a friend to introduce you to this forum, you can still clearly understand what is needed to develop your account on this forum and what the rules of this forum are. i just don't understand why there are so many newbies who make this forum so difficult to understand, even though if you have difficulty you can use the search feature or ask the members of this forum directly. it's that easy and there's no need to make it too complicated.
You're right must newbie find it very difficult to understand this forum, However I think the reason why most newbie find it difficult to understand is because they don't read the rules and regulations of the forum, because if you read the rules and regulations of the forum very well you won't find anything difficult in the forum. from there you're going to know the dos and donts of the forum then you have to follow the rules and regulations accordingly, with this there's no way you're going to encounter any difficulties in this forum, if there's anything you don't understand you can also ask questions as you're guided.
May 18, 2024, 08:46:59 AM |
This is a true story: after learning about the forum, I went to see a friend for assistance. He helped me set up an account and then, when I tried to ask him for help posting, he refused and told me that since we are not close, I would have to learn how to post on the forum on my own. I found it difficult to ask him questions about how the forum operated, and after several months, his number was unreachable. Finally, one Sunday after church, we got together, and I took it upon myself to ask him for advice on the platform, all he could say was to post on the beginners' forum if you needed any help. Since then, I have been posting, watching, and learning from the community, but I still want to say that even though I'm learning the hard way, it has given me a lot more confidence that I can succeed on my own with perseverance and hard work.
Hopefully you don't feel bad for his refusal to teach you something regarding on what other things you need to do here since you need to understand that we have different activities participating and maybe he's busy on other things that he think more beneficial to him so try to understand him. Its good to know that you are trying to learn by yourself since your eagerness to learn will put you on better position someday and just continue reading some quality discussion since for sure later on you could easily learn and think about everything is easy to learn by help of this forum. Hard works pays of later on if you exert more effort to learn so for know seek for a lot of knowledge since this is the most ideal thing to do.
May 18, 2024, 09:59:07 AM |
To be honest, it's not as easy as you make it sound if the person has absolutely no experience with forums such as this. The ability to read and write doesn't make a person understand everything they are seeing, they can't find specific sections and where they need to make their posts, they find it hard to understand the rules, and are always afraid of getting banned or blocked, etc.
I know one can learn all these things if they spend some time experimenting with everything, I have learned everything myself after joining the forum, never had someone guiding me through, I did have some difficulties initially but since I was an internet freak, I figured out everything way earlier than a normal person would do.
I beg to disagree with you on this. It's actually not easy as it may seem considering the individual's learning ability but the problem most people encounter with the forum at their early stage is lack of reading. I don't see anything technical here that one can not understand by reading. All these sections are specifically identified on the home page with a little explanatory summary of each board. Someone who's familiar with internet should know that visiting beginners section is the first step to begin with in any platform and virtually everything you need to know is pin on the beginners board. Quite well, I understand your point and I'm not disputing the importance of having a tutor but this forum is not too hard for someone to cope with. Op is making it sound like a big deal to thrive here without a mentor. Asking someone to help you with posting has rendered the purpose of your account creation meaningless. The purpose of being here in the first place is to learn and I don't see it as learning in hard way, it's a normal thing.
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Sr. Member
Activity: 1008
Merit: 343
★★ Play Plinko or Invest!
May 18, 2024, 12:16:17 PM |
This is a true story: after learning about the forum, I went to see a friend for assistance. He helped me set up an account and then, when I tried to ask him for help posting, he refused and told me that since we are not close, I would have to learn how to post on the forum on my own. I found it difficult to ask him questions about how the forum operated, and after several months, his number was unreachable.
You are doing very well for yourself if you have been able to earn 10+ merits by yourself without anyone's assistance in showing you how to earn them. If you can earn that amount of merits, it means that if you continue, you can keep earning. The person who introduced you to this forum has already done the best thing of introducing you here, as you followed up by trying to figure it out yourself, you have done the best. Congratulations because in like two years, you will notice a massive increase in knowledge.