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Author Topic: Luxury items stock will be good way to go  (Read 853 times)
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May 24, 2024, 11:46:53 PM

I think Luxury items brands cucci Ferrari or some yacht companies Luxury resorts and hotels.
and even in recression those things always on high demand and when we look at geopolitical situation all over the world by all those issues at the end more and more wealth will go to hands who will consume luxury goods.
It's like bank robbery lol...let them rob bank and i'll get some % asweell without doing anything because the money end destination will be luxury brands:)
More poverty might mean that a lot money for few and it's good for luxury brands life is short off course they want taste touch and feel all the finest things in the world.

Anything that can be easily created or copied would never be valuable. Some people at some point might spend a crazy money on a designer bag but for most of the people, it would be just another bag. The thing that would keep appreciating in price would be those things that are limited in quantity, can't be created or copied and are accepted worldwide without even the brokerage of an authority. It's precious metal like gold. Bitcoin comes close but it also has the limitation of being confirmed on internet and can be verified and seen on an electronic device. Gold on the other hand, any practiced person can determine the purity with or without the use of chemicals or electronic device.
Your wrong here! Cars and other luxurious things have different brands and should i say copied. But they are still gaining value as new ones are coming into existence everyday. The things is the luxurious items will not stop because everyday they are making new ones to beat the old ones while people who loves luxurious things would get prepared to buy them. Value could be given to anything even if they large number of it or they are limited in supply. The land population in the world is much yet we pay so much money to afford landed properties. What causes limited supply is because of the high demand.

When there is so much population and people who can afford all these assets but not everyone can get it unless they have more than enough to buy them. As time goes by Gold and other essential stones will be in high demand and only the richest can get even a fraction of it on their jewelries.

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May 24, 2024, 11:59:21 PM
Last edit: May 27, 2024, 06:17:38 PM by STT

This is the opposite of the truth, demand for luxury goods is not always good in fact the market can collapse so disastrously it can put all but the most well capitalized companies out of business for good.  Its an unnecessary commodity, its an ice drink on a cold day and your costs remain the same as demand and price falls.

Most genuine reference I can easily post is Exters triangle which is the general description of the economy made decades ago.   Secure capital favors not luxury goods but essentials that continue on as a market regardless, though still affected no doubt.


Everyone will view this differently on where to place an asset but its a fair idea that prices can halve for some items of no base worth for most of the population during times of retraction vs the normal monetary expansion we've become used to.

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May 25, 2024, 02:09:18 AM

I believe every company will be affected by the economic recession and their future will depend on how they will deal with it and for sure, even if they suffered rich people will have their back and still buy their products simply because they already established their brand in the market.
During the pandemic no one was really making cars for the sole reason that no one was buying them.

There was really no need for anyone to buy new cars at that time when they could barely go out safely. There was nowhere else  to go to as well. Everything was restricted and people were forced to stay at their own houses. After everything went back to normal, brands began to bounce back as everyone was looking for luxury items to buy once again.

Companies may not always have constant influx of profit but they surely can recover afterwards.

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May 25, 2024, 04:41:09 AM

I think investing in luxury stuff is very risky and quite inaccessible for most. In terms of risk, a recession means that a lot of people are struggling to even cover their basic needs, let alone buy luxury items or stay at luxurious resorts. So there's a good chance you purchase something very expensive but then there's low liquidity and you can't even sell it at a reasonable price. In terms of affordability, luxury stuff requires having enough to actually buy it, which puts a high threshold on this investment. That means you really have to commit to it and can't take it slow, which makes Bitcoin a better option.

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May 25, 2024, 05:01:13 AM

In a recession, luxury items that you listed still go down in value. People lost their businesses and many of those possessions like Ferraris are all on credit and they are the first to go when money is tight.

I watched a documentary how someone spent like $20K on some wheels and tires for a Lamborghini. The car was worth more than that and later they defaulted on the loan and the car barely fetched enough money to even cover the price of those wheels and tires. Nobody had money back then and no credit.

So luxury items were still affected.
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May 25, 2024, 06:04:52 PM

Although investments are said to be a counter to the economic issues like recession, I still think that the demand for them will be affected negatively because that is the time where people are struggling financially. The word consume seems different from investing. When you say consume I think it's the same as eating on a restaurant.

Even though you feel full and happy for a while, it is still not the same as investing in which you can grow your money over time. I'm not saying that we should not treat our selves anymore, we still can but there should be a limitation to it. No this is not like a bank robbery. That's a crazy example lol. I see nothing illegal on this process but except if they literally do illegal stuff like money laundering, stealing, etc...   ▄████████████████████████████████████▄
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May 25, 2024, 06:44:59 PM

I think Luxury items brands cucci Ferrari or some yacht companies Luxury resorts and hotels.
and even in recression those things always on high demand and when we look at geopolitical situation all over the world by all those issues at the end more and more wealth will go to hands who will consume luxury goods.

Wait a minute! Grin Do people actually still care about Gucci and Fendi stuff? I remember back in campus when Gucci, Versace, Fendi things were the next thing with big boys, these things were used to rate big class from the average class back then and the funny thing is that I envy them that time and I wish I had some for myself too but with time after graduation and see the outside wall of school, I knew there is more too life than luxurious and expensive items because of names. These materials things are just shit show for wasting money and are bad financial mistakes.

It's like bank robbery lol...let them rob bank and i'll get some % asweell without doing anything because the money end destination will be luxury brands:)
More poverty might mean that a lot money for few and it's good for luxury brands life is short off course they want taste touch and feel all the finest things in the world.

People that invest in most of this things don't know about what investment is about and perhaps the got lucky with wealth, like it's possible for someone to invest into something and then make high profits and then spend it  anyhow because the process was easy for them.

One thing people don't understand is that their alternatives to most of these hype materials but because of show off and wealth display, they just want to spend money recklessly without understanding if tomorrow will be the same or not.



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May 27, 2024, 03:57:01 PM

I think Luxury items brands cucci Ferrari or some yacht companies Luxury resorts and hotels.
and even in recression those things always on high demand and when we look at geopolitical situation all over the world by all those issues at the end more and more wealth will go to hands who will consume luxury goods.
It's like bank robbery lol...let them rob bank and i'll get some % asweell without doing anything because the money end destination will be luxury brands:)
More poverty might mean that a lot money for few and it's good for luxury brands life is short off course they want taste touch and feel all the finest things in the world.

The ones that you listed here are nothing but dog water. These are not the luxury items you should be owning if you want to remain in your current financial standing. Gucci bags depreciate faster than your high school crush's sex appeal soon as she steps into college, cars fall in the same batch. You could make a statement when it comes to yachts but their maintenance outweighs the money you will get from owning and holding them, add to this the fact that these fuckers cost you money for gas and oil as well. Only thing that you could really make money out of with the things you listed is hotels and resorts, and this is only because they are real estate, which I also would call you out cause why the fuck would you spend a million dollars in a single RE property just so you could flaunt your cash, when you can diversify and buy rental houses from different locations instead?

Only luxury items you should buy to secure the value of your money is silver and gold, and don't buy necklaces or jewelries with stones either cause soon as those stones are cut and placed on your bracelets, they don't mean shit. Buy ingots and bars of gold and silver, that's where the money's at.   ▄████████████████████████████████████▄
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May 27, 2024, 05:02:17 PM

If you really want to save for the rainy days or make sure that you are not losing value on your money, buy art pieces and store them accordingly. These luxury items and their respective stocks fluctuate, and most of the luxury items you speak of depreciate in value after a couple of years unless you really buy those that are limited edition.

There are other things out there that make a good investment which are more accessible compared to other investments out there. One good example are precious metals. In this day and age, it isn't hard to buy jewelries made of gold and silver to stockpile - just make sure to buy from reputable sources though for you to not get scammed.

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May 27, 2024, 05:11:00 PM

I think investing in luxury stuff is very risky and quite inaccessible for most. In terms of risk, a recession means that a lot of people are struggling to even cover their basic needs, let alone buy luxury items or stay at luxurious resorts. So there's a good chance you purchase something very expensive but then there's low liquidity and you can't even sell it at a reasonable price. In terms of affordability, luxury stuff requires having enough to actually buy it, which puts a high threshold on this investment. That means you really have to commit to it and can't take it slow, which makes Bitcoin a better option.
I agree with you, this is very risky and only a small number of people want these goods and it is very unlikely that those who have difficulty meeting their needs want these luxury goods and it takes a large income to be able to buy these luxury goods and we can buy them after we can meet the needs we need and making Bitcoin an investment I think will be better than choosing to invest in luxury goods that we ourselves will have difficulty selling to be able to meet our needs.

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May 27, 2024, 05:36:29 PM

This must be a modern thinking that I have developed from bitcoin ecosystem and Satoshi Nakamotto: when you hate inflation, create your own money. This way, I cannot afford buying a tesla car but I own tesla shares. Yes, I also agree with OP.
You are right, why act like a stubborn kid, and buy something that comes with a lot of liabilities, while we can still buy their shares and can make money, once we make enough money we will also do the same as rich are doing, buy new tesla. This is a cycle that I think repeats from time to time, generation to generation. BTC and Satoshi's developments have made us realize the potential of investing.

TBH if it's not BTC, then I don't think I would be thinking of investing my money, even if I would be doing a job, either I will save my savings in fiat in some banks or I will buy some things with liabilities. But due to BTC I get into investing, and now I realize the potential of investing and trading as well.

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May 27, 2024, 06:16:08 PM

I agree with you, this is very risky and only a small number of people want these goods and it is very unlikely that those who have difficulty meeting their needs want these luxury goods and it takes a large income to be able to buy these luxury goods and we can buy them after we can meet the needs we need and making Bitcoin an investment I think will be better than choosing to invest in luxury goods that we ourselves will have difficulty selling to be able to meet our needs.
Investing in luxury goods requires large capital and you have to make sure you buy limited production items so that other rich people hunt for the item and you can sell at high prices to rich collectors, but not everyone is lucky to compete in purchasing limited edition items because other people have registered several purchase lists with different register names to obtain investment goods. But investing in luxury goods is also high risk and requires high costs for maintaining the goods, if you choose to invest in jewelry, bags, rare cars and other items. Other risks include fluctuation and low liquidity depending on market demand and collector desires.

I prefer investing in bitcoin rather than investing in luxury goods, the profit from investing in bitcoin will never be in any investment, you just have to hold it in your wallet until you reach the profit you have planned.
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May 28, 2024, 03:03:23 PM

I agree with you, this is very risky and only a small number of people want these goods and it is very unlikely that those who have difficulty meeting their needs want these luxury goods and it takes a large income to be able to buy these luxury goods and we can buy them after we can meet the needs we need and making Bitcoin an investment I think will be better than choosing to invest in luxury goods that we ourselves will have difficulty selling to be able to meet our needs.
Investing in luxury goods requires large capital and you have to make sure you buy limited production items so that other rich people hunt for the item and you can sell at high prices to rich collectors, but not everyone is lucky to compete in purchasing limited edition items because other people have registered several purchase lists with different register names to obtain investment goods. But investing in luxury goods is also high risk and requires high costs for maintaining the goods, if you choose to invest in jewelry, bags, rare cars and other items. Other risks include fluctuation and low liquidity depending on market demand and collector desires.

I prefer investing in bitcoin rather than investing in luxury goods, the profit from investing in bitcoin will never be in any investment, you just have to hold it in your wallet until you reach the profit you have planned.

Investing in luxury goods involves risks, as with every investment. It is not easy to both compete in the luxury goods market and sell luxury goods as a reliable seller. Capital is required to purchase such goods, and putting your capital into a risky market is not something everyone can do.

I don't know how price fluctuation happens in luxury goods. If there are fluctuations in price, you may lose money on the luxury goods you purchased. No one doing business wants such an outcome.

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May 30, 2024, 03:31:58 PM

I agree with you, this is very risky and only a small number of people want these goods and it is very unlikely that those who have difficulty meeting their needs want these luxury goods and it takes a large income to be able to buy these luxury goods and we can buy them after we can meet the needs we need and making Bitcoin an investment I think will be better than choosing to invest in luxury goods that we ourselves will have difficulty selling to be able to meet our needs.
Investing in luxury goods requires large capital and you have to make sure you buy limited production items so that other rich people hunt for the item and you can sell at high prices to rich collectors, but not everyone is lucky to compete in purchasing limited edition items because other people have registered several purchase lists with different register names to obtain investment goods. But investing in luxury goods is also high risk and requires high costs for maintaining the goods, if you choose to invest in jewelry, bags, rare cars and other items. Other risks include fluctuation and low liquidity depending on market demand and collector desires.

I prefer investing in bitcoin rather than investing in luxury goods, the profit from investing in bitcoin will never be in any investment, you just have to hold it in your wallet until you reach the profit you have planned.
Avoid influencers promising "easy money" with luxury investments. This game's hidden costs aren't disclosed. Maintenance is serious. Fancy cars need fancy garages, mechanics, and insurance. If you can't afford top-notch protection to keep your diamond-studded watch safe, don't wear it

Next, the market. Fickle as heck. Hot news now may be old news tomorrow. What a select set of collectors believes is cool determines the value of these objects. I promise, their tastes vary faster than the weather

So, the takeaway? Luxury things and Bitcoin aren't guaranteed ways to get rich fast. Both have hazards and demand understanding and dedication that most people don't grasp. The key is balance. If you have the money and are willing to research, luxury investments or Bitcoin may be a good fit. As a bet, it's not guaranteed






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May 30, 2024, 08:34:54 PM

Investing in luxury goods involves risks, as with every investment. It is not easy to both compete in the luxury goods market and sell luxury goods as a reliable seller. Capital is required to purchase such goods, and putting your capital into a risky market is not something everyone can do.

I don't know how price fluctuation happens in luxury goods. If there are fluctuations in price, you may lose money on the luxury goods you purchased. No one doing business wants such an outcome.
The price fluctuations of luxury goods depend on demand and rare items, but you have to join the billionaire economic club because they will buy at high prices when they want even though sometimes considering the risk, they want to buy luxury goods just to show off or just as a hobby, but Some billionaires certainly invest in luxury goods.

However, price fluctuations are not the only risk of investing in luxury goods, but there are many other risks that must be considered before deciding to invest in luxury goods, including buyer interest depending on changes in trends and lifestyles, maintenance costs are very high, make sure the goods are genuine with a purchase invoice or sometimes there are special certificates for luxury goods.
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May 30, 2024, 11:46:03 PM

I think Luxury items brands cucci Ferrari or some yacht companies Luxury resorts and hotels.
and even in recression those things always on high demand and when we look at geopolitical situation all over the world by all those issues at the end more and more wealth will go to hands who will consume luxury goods.
It's like bank robbery lol...let them rob bank and i'll get some % asweell without doing anything because the money end destination will be luxury brands:)
More poverty might mean that a lot money for few and it's good for luxury brands life is short off course they want taste touch and feel all the finest things in the world.

You do realize that liquidity would be scarce if you try to get rid of them quickly. And you would sometimes need to list them for ages to get premium price. Consumer base for those is smaller then other things and if you wanted cash quickly you would most likely need to sell them with huge loss, as people wouldn't necessarily be interested of them at that time without huge discount. And rich people aren't some sort of monolith with their taste. They collect different kinds of luxuries, and your popular luxury now might be niche market in the future.

So why wouldn't you just buy stocks or commodities instead, from an exchange with huge liquidity. Why is it important to own something physical luxury? Just the cost for maintaining and protecting them would set you back so much, that it doesn't seem you thought this though at all.   ▄████████████████████████████████████▄
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May 31, 2024, 02:49:07 AM

I think investing in luxury stuff is very risky and quite inaccessible for most. In terms of risk, a recession means that a lot of people are struggling to even cover their basic needs, let alone buy luxury items or stay at luxurious resorts. So there's a good chance you purchase something very expensive but then there's low liquidity and you can't even sell it at a reasonable price. In terms of affordability, luxury stuff requires having enough to actually buy it, which puts a high threshold on this investment. That means you really have to commit to it and can't take it slow, which makes Bitcoin a better option.

Yes this true fact luxury item is very risky mostly a hotel as certain environmental changes can influence and course losses just as the so called recession or pandemic where people hardly go it luxury home or even hide to get in contact with people in public place, it can be cheaper to afford in a period of the so called recession and pandemic which is true but certain luxury items need certain period to generate good income assuming you buy a luxury items like building in period of recession or pandemic which lasted for some years the low turn out of people coming in can render you loss as the hotel will need some maintenance at the end of the year in addition to the money you have not recover.

Secondly incident like war you realize that such investment may also facing similar challenge of low turn of people coming in  apart from that if it's located in the are of war the possibility of the structure not being level down by weapon is under 50-50 but in BTC no matter what happens within the environment your covered as every nation can't be at the same level of growth as different investor is involved in Bitcoin you have assurance of you investment yielding for you even where your nation is at war it even pay higher when your holding for long term in Bitcoin.
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May 31, 2024, 04:46:14 AM

I think Luxury items brands cucci Ferrari or some yacht companies Luxury resorts and hotels.
and even in recression those things always on high demand and when we look at geopolitical situation all over the world by all those issues at the end more and more wealth will go to hands who will consume luxury goods.
It's like bank robbery lol...let them rob bank and i'll get some % asweell without doing anything because the money end destination will be luxury brands:)
More poverty might mean that a lot money for few and it's good for luxury brands life is short off course they want taste touch and feel all the finest things in the world.

As far as I know, someone buys luxury goods such as cars or yachts because they tend to have a better price than regular vehicles, when resold, regardless of the brand you buy. Even in some cases, luxury cars and yachts have a higher selling price than before, over time. Because both have special features that not all vehicles have. In addition, the production process is done by hand and involves highly qualified technicians. However, keep in mind, although the price of these vehicles does not fall too much on the market, proper maintenance also plays an important role in the value of the vehicle you have. It may be natural that many people buy luxury cars and yachts but rarely use them or just for display.

Luxury resorts and hotels are clearly a good choice because people will always need them, there will be operational income and property values will always increase. This investment can be an alternative investment diversification for wealthy people who may have invested in other areas such as stocks, bonds, or other real estate. In this case, luxury resorts and hotels are an attractive choice because they can provide diversity in their investment portfolio, so that if one instrument experiences a decrease in value, investment in hotels can still provide stable returns.
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May 31, 2024, 08:54:55 AM

I agree with you, this is very risky and only a small number of people want these goods and it is very unlikely that those who have difficulty meeting their needs want these luxury goods and it takes a large income to be able to buy these luxury goods and we can buy them after we can meet the needs we need and making Bitcoin an investment I think will be better than choosing to invest in luxury goods that we ourselves will have difficulty selling to be able to meet our needs.
Investing in luxury goods requires large capital and you have to make sure you buy limited production items so that other rich people hunt for the item and you can sell at high prices to rich collectors, but not everyone is lucky to compete in purchasing limited edition items because other people have registered several purchase lists with different register names to obtain investment goods. But investing in luxury goods is also high risk and requires high costs for maintaining the goods, if you choose to invest in jewelry, bags, rare cars and other items. Other risks include fluctuation and low liquidity depending on market demand and collector desires.

I prefer investing in bitcoin rather than investing in luxury goods, the profit from investing in bitcoin will never be in any investment, you just have to hold it in your wallet until you reach the profit you have planned.
Yes, of course it requires a lot of capital to be able to invest in luxury goods and also to maintain them it also requires high costs. Of course this will be very difficult for us if we don't have a lot of funds to be able to keep these goods at a high price, because if we If you don't have sufficient funds for maintenance costs, of course the item cannot be sold at a high price.
Currently investing in Bitcoin will certainly be very profitable compared to investing in luxury goods which require quite a lot of money to maintain.

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May 31, 2024, 12:48:18 PM

I think investing in luxury stuff is very risky and quite inaccessible for most. In terms of risk, a recession means that a lot of people are struggling to even cover their basic needs, let alone buy luxury items or stay at luxurious resorts. So there's a good chance you purchase something very expensive but then there's low liquidity and you can't even sell it at a reasonable price. In terms of affordability, luxury stuff requires having enough to actually buy it, which puts a high threshold on this investment. That means you really have to commit to it and can't take it slow, which makes Bitcoin a better option.

That is not necessarily true because during a recession not everyone will have economic difficulties, there will be people with good business ideas who can still make money and even become rich. Like the Covid pandemic when the entire world economy fell into crisis, everyone was unemployed and had no income. But some of my friends took the risk of opening a company that produces masks and hand sanitizer, they have made a lot of money during the pandemic while we are sitting at home waiting for subsidies from the government.

Economic recession, inflation, and crisis only cause difficulties for low- and middle-income people, while the upper class is hardly affected too much.

Take iPhone as an example, iPhone 14 and 15 sales always reach record sales, demand is always high despite the world economy being very unstable in the past 3 years. That clearly shows that there are always people making good money even in an economy where many people still struggle to make ends meet on a daily basis.   ▄████████████████████████████████████▄
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