slap a useless token on it while making the user experience worse and call it web3
oh wait you did most of that 6 years ago and the site hasn't ever changed
its like the people who made the site are gone and you have no idea what you are doing
after all these years you still look like a scammer
you still haven't got support for segwit
prove me wrong?
If you don't like the site, then don't play there. Seems like a pretty simple fix doesn't it? Acting like a fool in their thread and hiding under a newbie account does nothing but make you look like a scared little kid. I agree that they need to do some upgrades, but there are ways to say it that might get people to listen vs acting up.
Haters gonna hate, it's always been like that. Most likely this guy has had a bad experience at coinpoker in the past and now needs to express his feeling here.
I also think he might be a regular member just hiding under a newbie as you said, kinda strange.
Posting his agenda in here over and over again will not change anything.
I thought I made it very clear that I'm not playing there and why
i was on the site when they opened 6 years ago and it looked liked a scam, here i am 6 years later checking in and its still a scam and NOTHING on the site has changed from the player perspective and it's still a scam. the ONLY liquidity for this shit token is buyers of it for rake back on the site. nobody wants this
I had an account here over a decade ago now but I'm certainly no reg on the forum
i im back as a poker player saying this is still a garbage site
someone had to say it
this is simply a tab still open in my browser and i think 'oh yeah' this dumb shitcoin tonyg site that has an illiquid shitcoin
oh yeah thats a scam
ill keep the tab open for now if you wanna talk more but its all looking like scammer trash to me 6 years later and i wanted to share my perspective
i want to play poker on a good site
i think you can buy brain cell tokens now on this new blockchain
this is garbage and there are better sites (and the better sites are shit too, just not as much complete BS)
maybe they can make it better, but after 6 years they didn't change shit aside from making the shit token not the main in play
rent a brain cell, both of you
brain cells are available on my new blockchain now
buy more brain cells for brain cell rakeback
but yeah i just wanted to warm my fellow poker players...
fuck this shit coin site
the more you buy the smarter you get
#sarcasm tag for those who needed it
i doubt many smart people still are regs here
my point is NOBODY should be encouraged to play on this shit web site
you look like many of the scammers i left behind here a decade ago with all those shitty links in you signature
and when your sig is most of the content, you aren't providing shit
you are uselelss intrenet garbage just like the site in question
do yo late for work, shitcoiners have any more questions or can we close this tab now