CTM_Marketing (OP)
Copper Member
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
June 18, 2024, 01:57:03 PM Last edit: June 18, 2024, 02:41:13 PM by CTM_Marketing |
Copper Member
Activity: 201
Merit: 0
June 19, 2024, 07:39:41 AM |
It is very important for local business to survive because there is a big competition between local business and big international corporations. That is why local business needs comfortable tools to survive.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
June 19, 2024, 01:29:26 PM |
It is very important for local business to survive because there is a big competition between local business and big international corporations. That is why local business needs comfortable tools to survive.
Cryptocurrency industry continue to develop but the most important is to create project that will be really necessary for people that it will be able to survive in the future.
Copper Member
Activity: 57
Merit: 0
June 20, 2024, 07:56:48 AM |
It is very important for local business to survive because there is a big competition between local business and big international corporations. That is why local business needs comfortable tools to survive.
Cryptocurrency industry continue to develop but the most important is to create project that will be really necessary for people that it will be able to survive in the future. Now a lot of different apps appear and people have a big choice. The app must be necessary to people to survive.
Jr. Member
Activity: 154
Merit: 1
June 20, 2024, 01:17:51 PM |
I agree that now a lot of scamers and it is necessary to check all the information about the project and its token sale.
Copper Member
Jr. Member
Activity: 98
Merit: 1
June 21, 2024, 09:13:29 AM |
I agree that now a lot of scamers and it is necessary to check all the information about the project and its token sale.
I think people are more careful now than they were in 2017 and have already learned how to choose the right projects.
Copper Member
Activity: 127
Merit: 0
June 21, 2024, 05:23:37 PM |
I agree that now a lot of scamers and it is necessary to check all the information about the project and its token sale.
I think people are more careful now than they were in 2017 and have already learned how to choose the right projects. When market start to rise people do not think about risks they think more about profit.
Copper Member
Activity: 109
Merit: 0
June 21, 2024, 05:28:35 PM |
Local business needs support but to use the app people must know about this app and its advantages.
Jr. Member
Activity: 201
Merit: 1
June 22, 2024, 08:08:34 AM |
Local business needs support but to use the app people must know about this app and its advantages.
It is very difficult to survive for local businesses, so they need support and comfortable tools to survive.
Copper Member
Jr. Member
Activity: 98
Merit: 1
June 22, 2024, 11:35:35 AM |
Interesting article. Such articles alows to know more about project and understand why it is necessary for people.
Jr. Member
Activity: 187
Merit: 1
June 23, 2024, 09:31:51 AM |
Interesting article. Such articles alows to know more about project and understand why it is necessary for people. Promotion is an important part of development of every project. Whithout promotion it is impossible to survive.
Copper Member
Activity: 79
Merit: 0
June 23, 2024, 11:03:28 AM |
Promotion is an important part of development of every project. Whithout promotion it is impossible to survive.
It is very important to promote the project. People must know all the advantages of the project and how it will be useful for them.
Copper Member
Activity: 76
Merit: 0
June 23, 2024, 06:59:14 PM |
Promotion is an important part of development of every project. Whithout promotion it is impossible to survive.
It is very important to promote the project. People must know all the advantages of the project and how it will be useful for them. Cryptocurrency becomes very popular and there are a lot of cryptocurrency projects and apps that is why they need promotion too much.
Copper Member
Activity: 41
Merit: 0
June 24, 2024, 08:09:30 AM |
Cryptocurrency becomes very popular and there are a lot of cryptocurrency projects and apps that is why they need promotion too much.
Interesting project. Lets see how it will develop in the future, but you are right promotion is necessry in all the cases.
Copper Member
Activity: 201
Merit: 0
June 24, 2024, 11:55:03 AM |
Token sale will start on August 1st. Lets see how the project will develop before the token sale.
Copper Member
Activity: 41
Merit: 0
June 24, 2024, 03:27:53 PM |
Token sale will start on August 1st. Lets see how the project will develop before the token sale.
Lets wait for the token sale. Many people think that soon market will start to rise and it will be even more attention to the cryptocurrency.
Copper Member
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
June 25, 2024, 11:06:41 AM |
Token sale will start on August 1st. Lets see how the project will develop before the token sale.
Lets wait for the token sale. Many people think that soon market will start to rise and it will be even more attention to the cryptocurrency. It is necessary to be ready to the token sale. To have the token sale successful it is neccessary to create a working useful project and promote it.
Jr. Member
Activity: 125
Merit: 1
June 25, 2024, 02:01:26 PM |
Token sale will start on August 1st. Lets see how the project will develop before the token sale.
Lets wait for the token sale. Many people think that soon market will start to rise and it will be even more attention to the cryptocurrency. It is necessary to be ready to the token sale. To have the token sale successful it is neccessary to create a working useful project and promote it. There is a time to prepare to the token sale. But that token sale will be successful it is necessary to prepare to it.
Copper Member
Activity: 99
Merit: 0
June 25, 2024, 05:35:55 PM |
Interesting project. Hope it will continue to develop in the future.
Copper Member
Activity: 34
Merit: 0
June 26, 2024, 04:25:17 PM |
Interesting project. Hope it will continue to develop in the future.
A lot depends on the results of the token sale which will be on the August 1st.
Copper Member
Activity: 34
Merit: 0
June 26, 2024, 05:22:06 PM |
Interesting project. Hope it will continue to develop in the future.
A lot depends on the results of the token sale which will be on the August 1st. The results of the token sale a lot depends on the condition of the cryptocurrency market. Hope soon cryptocurrency market will start to grow.
Activity: 52
Merit: 0
June 26, 2024, 06:06:39 PM |
Local businesses are very important for the development of every country. It is very important to have business well developed for the development of economy of every country and for the future development of the economy.
Copper Member
Activity: 76
Merit: 0
June 27, 2024, 08:51:22 AM |
Local businesses are very important for the development of every country. It is very important to have business well developed for the development of economy of every country and for the future development of the economy.
It is very important to support local businesses because local businesses give taxes to the local economonies.
Copper Member
Activity: 64
Merit: 0
June 27, 2024, 10:29:54 AM |
Local businesses are very important for the development of every country. It is very important to have business well developed for the development of economy of every country and for the future development of the economy.
It is very important to support local businesses because local businesses give taxes to the local economonies. When there is an economic crisis it is very important to support local business because small businesses are extremely vulnerable in a crisis.
Activity: 40
Merit: 0
June 27, 2024, 12:09:06 PM |
When there is an economic crisis it is very important to support local business because small businesses are extremely vulnerable in a crisis.
Many people now pay attention to cryptocurrency industry and the products that such products offer for people, but the local business must understand that such products are necessary for them.
Jr. Member
Activity: 101
Merit: 1
June 28, 2024, 06:21:32 AM |
When there is an economic crisis it is very important to support local business because small businesses are extremely vulnerable in a crisis.
Many people now pay attention to cryptocurrency industry and the products that such products offer for people, but the local business must understand that such products are necessary for them. Now many people think that cryptocurrency market will rise and soon it will be possible to earn more money on the rise of the market and attention to the cryptocurrency will increase.
Copper Member
Activity: 41
Merit: 0
June 28, 2024, 11:36:57 AM |
Now many people think that cryptocurrency market will rise and soon it will be possible to earn more money on the rise of the market and attention to the cryptocurrency will increase.
Sommer is not the best time for the market. Hope the situation will change in the autumn.
Copper Member
Activity: 23
Merit: 0
June 28, 2024, 03:12:41 PM |
Now many people think that cryptocurrency market will rise and soon it will be possible to earn more money on the rise of the market and attention to the cryptocurrency will increase.
Sommer is not the best time for the market. Hope the situation will change in the autumn. People prefer to rest during the summer but not to trade not to lose money on trading.
CTM_Marketing (OP)
Copper Member
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
June 29, 2024, 01:00:50 PM |
Websser is a GlobalService Hub is a sophisticated digital platform designed to seamlessly connect services More information at https://x.com/WebsserApp/
Copper Member
Activity: 99
Merit: 0
June 29, 2024, 01:04:47 PM |
Websser is a GlobalService Hub is a sophisticated digital platform designed to seamlessly connect services More information at https://x.com/WebsserApp/News from twitter allow to know more about the project and its advantages and development. It is very important to check the news to know what have been done in the project.
Copper Member
Activity: 90
Merit: 0
June 29, 2024, 02:49:55 PM |
Websser is a GlobalService Hub is a sophisticated digital platform designed to seamlessly connect services More information at https://x.com/WebsserApp/News from twitter allow to know more about the project and its advantages and development. It is very important to check the news to know what have been done in the project. I agree that it is very important to check all the information about project and its development. Not all the projects are successfull. Also it is necessary to remember that there are a lot of scums their.
Activity: 31
Merit: 0
June 30, 2024, 04:23:32 AM |
I agree that it is very important to check all the information about project and its development. Not all the projects are successfull. Also it is necessary to remember that there are a lot of scums their.
A lot depends how profitable is project for people and what advantages it gives to people. It is not enought to create the project. It is necessary to realize all planned ideas.
Copper Member
Activity: 48
Merit: 0
June 30, 2024, 06:49:07 AM |
I agree that it is very important to check all the information about project and its development. Not all the projects are successfull. Also it is necessary to remember that there are a lot of scums their.
A lot depends how profitable is project for people and what advantages it gives to people. It is not enought to create the project. It is necessary to realize all planned ideas. The profit of the project depends a lot from the condtion of the cryptocurrency market. When market rise the profit of from the project increase too and many people would like to buy such tokens of the project.
CTM_Marketing (OP)
Copper Member
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
June 30, 2024, 07:27:14 AM |
Copper Member
Activity: 47
Merit: 0
July 01, 2024, 03:49:53 PM |
It is very important that the project will continue to develop. It is necessary to be ready till the token sale which will start on the 1st of August.
Copper Member
Activity: 24
Merit: 0
July 01, 2024, 05:40:04 PM |
It is very important that the project will continue to develop. It is necessary to be ready till the token sale which will start on the 1st of August.
Development is very important for every projects. That is why it is very important to check the news and social development of the project.
Copper Member
Activity: 48
Merit: 0
July 01, 2024, 08:39:16 PM |
It is very important that the project will continue to develop. It is necessary to be ready till the token sale which will start on the 1st of August.
Development is very important for every projects. That is why it is very important to check the news and social development of the project. It is much more simple to develop the project during the rise of the market. Hope soon the market will start to rise and Websser will get enought money for the its future development and will achive all planned results.
Jr. Member
Activity: 153
Merit: 1
July 02, 2024, 08:37:13 AM |
Development is very important but everything needs money, development needs money too.
Copper Member
Activity: 64
Merit: 0
July 02, 2024, 12:04:33 PM |
Development is very important but everything needs money, development needs money too.
Many people now looking for new and prospective projects that appear on the market. Many people believe that they will be able to earn more money.
Copper Member
Activity: 34
Merit: 0
July 02, 2024, 01:16:47 PM |
Development is very important but everything needs money, development needs money too.
Many people now looking for new and prospective projects that appear on the market. Many people believe that they will be able to earn more money. It is necessary to have experience to evaluate the potential of the project.
Copper Member
Activity: 99
Merit: 0
July 03, 2024, 07:54:54 AM |
It is necessary to have experience to evaluate the potential of the project.
The problem is that many people start to invest and spend money without any experience and knowladge and in the results their investments are not successful.
Copper Member
Activity: 67
Merit: 0
July 03, 2024, 10:48:49 AM |
It is necessary to have experience to evaluate the potential of the project.
The problem is that many people start to invest and spend money without any experience and knowladge and in the results their investments are not successful. People must understand that it is very dangerous to invest money in different projects without any checking.
Jr. Member
Activity: 101
Merit: 1
July 03, 2024, 12:29:18 PM |
People must understand that it is very dangerous to invest money in different projects without any checking.
It is not enough just to create project, it is necessary to promote it that people will understand its advantages and how it is useful for people.
Copper Member
Activity: 85
Merit: 0
July 04, 2024, 08:50:17 AM |
People must understand that it is very dangerous to invest money in different projects without any checking.
It is not enough just to create project, it is necessary to promote it that people will understand its advantages and how it is useful for people. Also it is necessary to remember about competion on the cryptocurrency market which only be increase in the future especically if cryptocurrency market will start to grow soon.
Copper Member
Activity: 34
Merit: 0
July 04, 2024, 11:07:11 AM |
People must understand that it is very dangerous to invest money in different projects without any checking.
It is not enough just to create project, it is necessary to promote it that people will understand its advantages and how it is useful for people. Also it is necessary to remember about competion on the cryptocurrency market which only be increase in the future especically if cryptocurrency market will start to grow soon. Because of big competiton a lot of useful projects appear and some of them are able to survive but not all of them.
Activity: 31
Merit: 0
July 04, 2024, 01:30:27 PM |
Because of big competiton a lot of useful projects appear and some of them are able to survive but not all of them.
Competition allows market to develop and become better.
Copper Member
Activity: 36
Merit: 0
July 05, 2024, 07:59:32 AM |
Because of big competiton a lot of useful projects appear and some of them are able to survive but not all of them.
Competition allows market to develop and become better. Competition depends a lot of how many products and projects are in the industry to compete.
Copper Member
Activity: 52
Merit: 0
July 05, 2024, 10:51:25 AM |
Competition depends a lot of how many products and projects are in the industry to compete.
Competition allows market to develop and gives it a lot of new and useful opportunities. Thanks competition a lot of new and useful tools appear.
Jr. Member
Activity: 187
Merit: 1
July 05, 2024, 02:51:27 PM |
Competition depends a lot of how many products and projects are in the industry to compete.
Competition allows market to develop and gives it a lot of new and useful opportunities. Thanks competition a lot of new and useful tools appear. Thanks competition many companies develop and appear a good and prospective projects and useful products. Competition allows marke to develop more quickly and only the best projects will be able to survive that are really necessary for people.
Copper Member
Activity: 41
Merit: 0
July 06, 2024, 08:25:15 AM |
Competition depends a lot of how many products and projects are in the industry to compete.
Competition allows market to develop and gives it a lot of new and useful opportunities. Thanks competition a lot of new and useful tools appear. Thanks competition many companies develop and appear a good and prospective projects and useful products. Competition allows marke to develop more quickly and only the best projects will be able to survive that are really necessary for people. Now a lot of interesting projects appear and many people are looking for new and prospective projects for investing to earn money on them.
Activity: 40
Merit: 0
July 06, 2024, 09:28:01 AM |
Now a lot of interesting projects appear and many people are looking for new and prospective projects for investing to earn money on them.
Many people now are waiting for the rise of the market and this attract a lot of attention.
Jr. Member
Activity: 115
Merit: 1
July 06, 2024, 12:05:21 PM |
Now a lot of interesting projects appear and many people are looking for new and prospective projects for investing to earn money on them.
Many people now are waiting for the rise of the market and this attract a lot of attention. Summer is not good season for the rise of the market. But after the fall of the market always are the rise of the market.
Copper Member
Activity: 67
Merit: 0
July 07, 2024, 09:07:50 AM |
Summer is not good season for the rise of the market. But after the fall of the market always are the rise of the market.
Cryptocurrency market develops very quickly and gives a lot of opportunities. Such opportunities attract a lot of people.
CTM_Marketing (OP)
Copper Member
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
July 07, 2024, 09:48:43 AM |
Copper Member
Activity: 48
Merit: 0
July 07, 2024, 11:46:07 AM |
Such video allows to know more about the project, what it offers and all opportunities that it can give to the people.
Activity: 40
Merit: 0
July 08, 2024, 07:19:30 AM |
Such video allows to know more about the project, what it offers and all opportunities that it can give to the people.
Development depends a lot of conditions of cryptocurrency market. But market must be active to rise.
Copper Member
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
July 08, 2024, 09:51:43 AM |
Such video allows to know more about the project, what it offers and all opportunities that it can give to the people.
Development depends a lot of conditions of cryptocurrency market. But market must be active to rise. Summer is not the best time for development. People want to rest in summer.
Activity: 52
Merit: 0
July 08, 2024, 11:41:11 AM |
Such video allows to know more about the project, what it offers and all opportunities that it can give to the people.
Development depends a lot of conditions of cryptocurrency market. But market must be active to rise. Summer is not the best time for development. People want to rest in summer. In summer on the 1st of August it will be a token sale of Websser and it is necessary to be ready to the tokensale.
Copper Member
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
July 09, 2024, 05:32:57 AM |
Summer is not the best time for development. People want to rest in summer.
In summer on the 1st of August it will be a token sale of Websser and it is necessary to be ready to the tokensale. Lets wait till the token sale and check how it will be resultative.
Copper Member
Activity: 25
Merit: 0
July 09, 2024, 06:52:23 AM |
Summer is not the best time for development. People want to rest in summer.
In summer on the 1st of August it will be a token sale of Websser and it is necessary to be ready to the tokensale. Lets wait till the token sale and check how it will be resultative. Token sale allows to atract the necessary sum of money for the future development of the project and realization of all planned ideas.
Copper Member
Activity: 67
Merit: 0
July 09, 2024, 03:29:24 PM |
Token sale allows to atract the necessary sum of money for the future development of the project and realization of all planned ideas.
Lets wait till the 1st of August ans check what it will be ready till the token sale.
Copper Member
Activity: 52
Merit: 0
July 10, 2024, 12:16:04 PM |
Token sale allows to atract the necessary sum of money for the future development of the project and realization of all planned ideas.
Lets wait till the 1st of August ans check what it will be ready till the token sale. Summer is not the best time for development but it is very important to continue to develop the project in all the times even if the time is not the best one.
Jr. Member
Activity: 115
Merit: 1
July 11, 2024, 09:02:53 AM |
Hope the token sale will be sucessful but a lot will depend on the conditions of the cryptocurrency market and how many products will be realized.
Copper Member
Activity: 117
Merit: 0
July 11, 2024, 09:06:58 AM |
Hope the token sale will be sucessful but a lot will depend on the conditions of the cryptocurrency market and how many products will be realized.
Many people waiting that cryptocurrency market soon will continue to grow but it is necessary to wait till the grow but nobody knows how long it is necessary to wait.
Activity: 39
Merit: 0
July 11, 2024, 10:09:34 AM |
Hope the token sale will be sucessful but a lot will depend on the conditions of the cryptocurrency market and how many products will be realized.
Many people waiting that cryptocurrency market soon will continue to grow but it is necessary to wait till the grow but nobody knows how long it is necessary to wait. After the fall of the market will be a rise. This is the law of the market. The more you wait till the rise of the market the soon it will start.
Copper Member
Activity: 30
Merit: 0
July 11, 2024, 11:22:37 AM |
Hope the token sale will be sucessful but a lot will depend on the conditions of the cryptocurrency market and how many products will be realized.
Many people waiting that cryptocurrency market soon will continue to grow but it is necessary to wait till the grow but nobody knows how long it is necessary to wait. After the fall of the market will be a rise. This is the law of the market. The more you wait till the rise of the market the soon it will start. Now it is very difficult time not only for the cryptocurrency market but also for all world economy because the economic crysis continue to develop.
Copper Member
Activity: 99
Merit: 0
July 12, 2024, 01:27:43 PM |
Now it is very difficult time not only for the cryptocurrency market but also for all world economy because the economic crysis continue to develop.
I agry with you that everything in the world is very interconnected. Many people people are waiting for the changes because they desipointed in everything.
Copper Member
Activity: 89
Merit: 0
July 12, 2024, 02:04:53 PM |
Now it is very difficult time not only for the cryptocurrency market but also for all world economy because the economic crysis continue to develop.
I agry with you that everything in the world is very interconnected. Many people people are waiting for the changes because they desipointed in everything. Cryptocurrency market continue to develop and its adoption continue to grow. Many people are desipointed in the world economy and national fiat and they start to use cryptocurrency.
Activity: 31
Merit: 0
July 12, 2024, 02:53:47 PM |
Cryptocurrency market continue to develop and its adoption continue to grow. Many people are desipointed in the world economy and national fiat and they start to use cryptocurrency.
Development of the market is very important but lets wait till the tokensale to see its results.
Copper Member
Activity: 57
Merit: 0
July 13, 2024, 09:40:31 AM |
Cryptocurrency market continue to develop and its adoption continue to grow. Many people are desipointed in the world economy and national fiat and they start to use cryptocurrency.
Development of the market is very important but lets wait till the tokensale to see its results. Sommer is not good for the development. Many people continue to monitor cryptocurrency market even when market will fall. Fall of the market is the best time for searching new opportunities.
Copper Member
Activity: 30
Merit: 0
July 13, 2024, 10:34:08 AM |
Sommer is not good for the development. Many people continue to monitor cryptocurrency market even when market will fall. Fall of the market is the best time for searching new opportunities.
There is not a good time for development or bad time. It is necessary to continue to develop the project in all the times. Only the such cases the project will be able to survive.
Copper Member
Activity: 77
Merit: 0
July 13, 2024, 02:14:15 PM |
Sommer is not good for the development. Many people continue to monitor cryptocurrency market even when market will fall. Fall of the market is the best time for searching new opportunities.
There is not a good time for development or bad time. It is necessary to continue to develop the project in all the times. Only the such cases the project will be able to survive. Some experts predict that the rise of the market will start in August. So may be the August is the best time for token sale.
Copper Member
Activity: 47
Merit: 0
July 14, 2024, 11:00:57 AM |
Some experts predict that the rise of the market will start in August. So may be the August is the best time for token sale.
I see that cryptocurrency market started to grow. It is hard to say how long such growth will continue and will it be a real growth of the market.
Copper Member
Activity: 21
Merit: 0
July 14, 2024, 01:21:03 PM |
Some experts predict that the rise of the market will start in August. So may be the August is the best time for token sale.
I see that cryptocurrency market started to grow. It is hard to say how long such growth will continue and will it be a real growth of the market. The price of the tokens depends too much on the conditions of the cryptocurrency market. It is more simple to grow when the whole market grows.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
July 14, 2024, 02:36:53 PM |
The price of the tokens depends too much on the conditions of the cryptocurrency market. It is more simple to grow when the whole market grows.
Soon it will be a token sale and it will be more simple to have a good results in the token sale if cryptocurrency market will continue to develop.
Jr. Member
Activity: 153
Merit: 1
July 15, 2024, 02:58:27 PM |
The price of the tokens depends too much on the conditions of the cryptocurrency market. It is more simple to grow when the whole market grows.
Soon it will be a token sale and it will be more simple to have a good results in the token sale if cryptocurrency market will continue to develop. If the market will rise token sale will attract a lot of people and a lot of attention but also a lot will depends on marketing.
Copper Member
Activity: 34
Merit: 0
July 15, 2024, 04:11:31 PM |
Thank you for information. I think it allows to attract more attention to the Websser app.
Copper Member
Activity: 67
Merit: 0
July 16, 2024, 07:14:45 AM |
Thank you for information. I think it allows to attract more attention to the Websser app. It is a good way to attract attention to the project and its advantages. A good kind of promotion.
Copper Member
Activity: 64
Merit: 0
July 16, 2024, 08:35:02 AM |
It is a good way to attract attention to the project and its advantages. A good kind of promotion.
Cryptocurrency market continue to develop and new many projects appear and now it is the best way to find new and prospective projects for investment.
Copper Member
Activity: 76
Merit: 0
July 21, 2024, 12:45:16 PM |
It is a good way to attract attention to the project and its advantages. A good kind of promotion.
Cryptocurrency market continue to develop and new many projects appear and now it is the best way to find new and prospective projects for investment. Now many people are looking for a new and prospective projects. So I am waiting for a token sale.
Activity: 39
Merit: 0
July 21, 2024, 02:10:13 PM |
It is a good way to attract attention to the project and its advantages. A good kind of promotion.
Cryptocurrency market continue to develop and new many projects appear and now it is the best way to find new and prospective projects for investment. Now many people are looking for a new and prospective projects. So I am waiting for a token sale. Now a lot of different projects appear but the most important thing is to make the right choice.
Copper Member
Activity: 99
Merit: 0
July 22, 2024, 08:40:58 AM |
Now a lot of different projects appear but the most important thing is to make the right choice.
To make the right choice it is necessary to have experience to analize the project and all its advantages to find its prospective and future development of the project.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
July 22, 2024, 01:47:04 PM |
Now a lot of different projects appear but the most important thing is to make the right choice.
To make the right choice it is necessary to have experience to analize the project and all its advantages to find its prospective and future development of the project. It is very difficult thing to make the right choice because now there are a lot of different cryptocurrency projects and the choice is very big
Jr. Member
Activity: 187
Merit: 1
July 22, 2024, 03:15:57 PM |
Now a lot of different projects appear but the most important thing is to make the right choice.
To make the right choice it is necessary to have experience to analize the project and all its advantages to find its prospective and future development of the project. It is very difficult thing to make the right choice because now there are a lot of different cryptocurrency projects and the choice is very big Not all the projects will be able to realize all planned ideas and it is necessary to remember about it. But in all cases now investors have choice where to invest or to invest or not
Copper Member
Activity: 70
Merit: 0
July 23, 2024, 10:31:56 AM |
Not all the projects will be able to realize all planned ideas and it is necessary to remember about it. But in all cases now investors have choice where to invest or to invest or not Nobody knows when cryptocurrency market will start to rise. It will take some time and I do not think that such rise will be very soon.
CTM_Marketing (OP)
Copper Member
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
July 23, 2024, 02:36:35 PM |
Websser and Bast Solutions Join Forces to Elevate Blockchain Synergy. In a dynamic convergence of technological prowess, Websser and Bast Solutions have forged a formidable strategic alliance, marking a watershed moment in the landscape of blockchain innovation. More information at https://x.com/WebsserApp/status/1696280969018319183
Copper Member
Activity: 62
Merit: 0
July 23, 2024, 02:52:10 PM |
Websser and Bast Solutions Join Forces to Elevate Blockchain Synergy. In a dynamic convergence of technological prowess, Websser and Bast Solutions have forged a formidable strategic alliance, marking a watershed moment in the landscape of blockchain innovation. More information at https://x.com/WebsserApp/status/1696280969018319183Interesting information. Such kind of cooperation allows to develop more quickly, attract more attention to the products of project and make the project more interesting for investment.
Jr. Member
Activity: 107
Merit: 1
July 24, 2024, 09:12:16 AM |
Interesting information. Such kind of cooperation allows to develop more quickly, attract more attention to the products of project and make the project more interesting for investment.
Now a lot of interesting projects appear and people have a big choice. So it is important to check the projects that appear on the market and analize them to use the opportunities that such projects offer.
Copper Member
Activity: 127
Merit: 0
July 24, 2024, 02:36:25 PM |
Interesting information. Such kind of cooperation allows to develop more quickly, attract more attention to the products of project and make the project more interesting for investment.
Now a lot of interesting projects appear and people have a big choice. So it is important to check the projects that appear on the market and analize them to use the opportunities that such projects offer. The most important is to realize all planned ideas. To do this it is necessary to check the experience of the team and the development of the project.
CTM_Marketing (OP)
Copper Member
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
July 24, 2024, 02:42:43 PM |
Hello to the community. The Websser team wants to thank you for the success of the project, but it is also important to remind you that the WEBSS ICO in August will be officially announced on CoinMarketCap. THEY DON'T CHARGE IN SCAMS! careful. More information at https://x.com/WebsserApp/status/1784989459919831157
Copper Member
Activity: 73
Merit: 0
July 25, 2024, 05:12:54 AM |
Interesting information. Such kind of cooperation allows to develop more quickly, attract more attention to the products of project and make the project more interesting for investment.
Now a lot of interesting projects appear and people have a big choice. So it is important to check the projects that appear on the market and analize them to use the opportunities that such projects offer. The most important is to realize all planned ideas. To do this it is necessary to check the experience of the team and the development of the project. I agree that it is not enought only to stop on the realization of idea of the project. It is necessary to continue to develop the project in the future.
Copper Member
Activity: 76
Merit: 0
July 25, 2024, 07:11:15 AM |
Hello to the community. The Websser team wants to thank you for the success of the project, but it is also important to remind you that the WEBSS ICO in August will be officially announced on CoinMarketCap. THEY DON'T CHARGE IN SCAMS! careful. More information at https://x.com/WebsserApp/status/1784989459919831157You are right. It is necessary to be very careful an check everything not to invest money in scams.
Copper Member
Activity: 90
Merit: 0
July 25, 2024, 08:29:45 AM |
Hello to the community. The Websser team wants to thank you for the success of the project, but it is also important to remind you that the WEBSS ICO in August will be officially announced on CoinMarketCap. THEY DON'T CHARGE IN SCAMS! careful. More information at https://x.com/WebsserApp/status/1784989459919831157You are right. It is necessary to be very careful an check everything not to invest money in scams. In cryptocurrency projects there are a lot of scammers because big money attract a lot of scammers. Now projects are able to attract a lot of money during token sale and this attract scammers and hackers.
Copper Member
Activity: 52
Merit: 0
July 26, 2024, 06:44:56 AM |
In cryptocurrency projects there are a lot of scammers because big money attract a lot of scammers. Now projects are able to attract a lot of money during token sale and this attract scammers and hackers.
Cryptocurrency becomes very popular during the rise of the market. But not all the projects will be able to survive during the fall of the market. It is necessary to remember, that after the rise will be a fall of the market.
CTM_Marketing (OP)
Copper Member
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
July 26, 2024, 07:10:28 AM |
Activity: 40
Merit: 0
July 26, 2024, 08:46:53 AM |
Useful for users information about token sale which it will on the 1st of August. Many people are looking for new and prospective projects and their opportunities. Lets check what it will be.
Jr. Member
Activity: 125
Merit: 1
July 27, 2024, 08:00:24 AM |
Useful for users information about token sale which it will on the 1st of August. Many people are looking for new and prospective projects and their opportunities. Lets check what it will be. Soon it will be a token sale. It will start on the 1st of August. I am waiting for token sale.
Copper Member
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
July 27, 2024, 09:59:11 AM |
Useful for users information about token sale which it will on the 1st of August. Many people are looking for new and prospective projects and their opportunities. Lets check what it will be. Soon it will be a token sale. It will start on the 1st of August. I am waiting for token sale. Interesting project but it is very important to check its development and the team. A lot depends on the team and how it will be able to realize all planned ideas and do everything good.
Life is simply better with Crypto
Copper Member
Activity: 77
Merit: 0
July 27, 2024, 02:04:42 PM |
Useful for users information about token sale which it will on the 1st of August. Many people are looking for new and prospective projects and their opportunities. Lets check what it will be. Soon it will be a token sale. It will start on the 1st of August. I am waiting for token sale. Interesting project but it is very important to check its development and the team. A lot depends on the team and how it will be able to realize all planned ideas and do everything good. Also it is necessary to remember that during the rise of the market it is much more simple to develop the project that during the fall of the market. Every project need financing and druring the rise of the market it is much more simple to attract money that during the fall.
Jr. Member
Activity: 101
Merit: 1
July 28, 2024, 09:01:18 AM |
Also it is necessary to remember that during the rise of the market it is much more simple to develop the project that during the fall of the market. Every project need financing and druring the rise of the market it is much more simple to attract money that during the fall.
Cryptocurrency market continue to develop. A lot of new projects appear with a new opportunities and it is necessary to use such opportunities.
Copper Member
Activity: 99
Merit: 0
July 28, 2024, 11:05:06 AM |
Also it is necessary to remember that during the rise of the market it is much more simple to develop the project that during the fall of the market. Every project need financing and druring the rise of the market it is much more simple to attract money that during the fall.
Cryptocurrency market continue to develop. A lot of new projects appear with a new opportunities and it is necessary to use such opportunities. Develompent is very important for every project. So lets check how this development will continue.
Jr. Member
Activity: 115
Merit: 1
July 29, 2024, 08:34:07 AM |
It is good that such news appear and a lot of interestig and prospective projects appears and they continue to developing in the future to create a really useful for people products.
Copper Member
Activity: 62
Merit: 0
July 29, 2024, 11:59:17 AM |
It is good that such news appear and a lot of interestig and prospective projects appears and they continue to developing in the future to create a really useful for people products. Websser continue to develop and it is a good news for the project and for its community.
Copper Member
Activity: 41
Merit: 0
July 29, 2024, 02:35:40 PM |
It is good that such news appear and a lot of interestig and prospective projects appears and they continue to developing in the future to create a really useful for people products. Websser continue to develop and it is a good news for the project and for its community. The token sale will start on the 1st of August. Lets wait for the token sale and see its results.
Copper Member
Activity: 21
Merit: 0
July 30, 2024, 08:19:51 AM |
The token sale will start on the 1st of August. Lets wait for the token sale and see its results.
Soon we will see the results of token sale of Websser. But I like the idea to create services for Marketplace for local business.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
July 30, 2024, 11:20:57 AM |
Such information allows to know more about Websser and Websser app to understand what Websser create and why this product is necessary.