Unfortunately Electrum doesn't allow to generate a SLIP39 seed or to divide an existing one afaik.
The problem is, those two standards' mnemonic to seed algorithm don't mix well because wallets use SLIP39's master secret as seed while BIP39 mnemonic is hashed to generate its seed.
Given that, there's a workaround if you really want to use an existing BIP39 mnemonic to create SLIP39 shares. (
So do you know a SLIP39 tool allowing to split an existing bip39 mnemonic seed into several shares or to generate one at least?
There's a workaround in Iancoleman's BIP39 and SLIP39 tools that can do that
But your SLIP39 shares will be too long since it'll be using the 512-bit seed derived from the BIP39 mnemonic as its "
Master secret".
The workaround is to get your existing BIP39 mnemonic's seed:
In BIP39 tool; paste your BIP39 mnemonic on "
BIP39 Mnemonic" text box (
and your passphrase), then copy the result "
BIP39 Seed".
In SLIP39 tool; paste the copied seed on "
Master Secret" and set your 'Groups and Members' preferences.
Then try the shares on a SLIP39-compatible wallet like Electrum if it will restore the same private keys and addresses.
Note: Don't rely on workarounds if you want a reliable backup.