BoxBet.io Started out as a pure Telegram casino but now have a fully functional web platform which covers all of your needs. With extensive catalogues of games on offer as well as market leading promotions and bonuses, this is only the beginning. To help spread the word we are launching this Signature Campaign and if you are a quality gambling poster we want to hire YOU!
Rules and Requirements:Wear the Signature and the Avatar.
Make a minimum of 20 constructive posts each week that you participate in order to get paid.
Make a minimum of 10 constructive posts in the gambling boards each week that you participate in order to get paid.
Posts in Off-Topic, Games and Rounds, this or any other campaign/bounty thread as well as threads where your Signature is not displayed will not count towards the requirement.
If you participate in any other Signature/Avatar campaign during your stay here, you'll be removed without payment or notice.
If you remove your Signature or Avatar for any reason during your stay here you'll be removed without payment or notice.
If you participate with multiple accounts in this campaign you will be removed without payment or notice and blacklisted from any and all future campaigns under my management.
You need to have received a minimum of 10 merit in the last 120 days in order to join this campaign.
This campaign is open for Hero and Legendary Members.
Each week will run from Saturdays>Fridays according to my timezone (CET).
Cut-off for each week will be Fridays at 23:59.59 (CET).
Payments will be sent to your bech32
BTC address each Saturday.
BoxBet.io reserves the right to make changes and/or to end this campaign at their own discretion. Each started week will be paid out in full.
Payouts and Positions:12x Hero/Legendary Members - $65 in
The Signature:Hero - Legendary Member
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The Avatar:
How to Apply:1. Wear the Signature and Avatar.
2. Copy and fill out the below form and post it as a reply in this thread:
Bitcointalk Profile Link:
Current Amount of Posts:
Merit EARNED in the last 120 days:
bech32 BTC Address for Payouts:
If you've been accepted, make sure to check the spreadsheet to see if the information entered is correct. I am not liable for you providing a faulty BTC address.