Mates on the stairs: 5
│ Username │ Days │ Stairs │ Latest │ Stairs/day │ new │ % of │
│ │ In │ Done │ Report │ │ Stairs │ Team │
│ Timelord2067 │ 35 │ 6404 │ 2025-02-11 │ 182.97 │ 120 │ 30.56% │
│ DirtyKeyboard │ 45 │ 4500 │ 2025-02-09 │ 100 │ 0 │ 21.48% │
│ philipma1957 │ 31 │ 5230 │ 2025-02-03 │ 168.71 │ 0 │ 24.96% │
│ SuperBitMan │ 16 │ 2800 │ 2025-02-01 │ 175 │ 0 │ 13.36% │
│ MusaPk │ 12 │ 1260 │ 2025-01-25 │ 105 │ 0 │ 6.01% │
│ Team │ Mates │ Stairs │ Days │ Stairs/Mate │ Stairs │ Days till │
│ Stairs │ │ per Mate │ per Mate │ per Day │ per Day │ 20_000 │
│ 20954 │ 7 │ 2993.43 │ 20.5714 │ 145.514 │ 1018.6 │ -0.94 │
| | | | | | | | |
0k 2.5k 5.0k 7.5k 10k 12.5k 15.0k 17.5k 20.0k
Report Format: '200k, User Name, DaysStepping, TotalStairsDone, YYYY-MM-DD (Optional Date)'
See the OP for more details
Edit report: 200k,DirtyKeyboard,48,4800,2025-02-12
Out and about on the Sunshine Coast yesterday - (2X(48+12))=120
Walk on!That sounds nice.
Lately I've only managed utilitarian walking. I'm due for a nice hike.
I like to walk to places like the store when possible.
As an off topic message to everyone I recommend getting a high visibility vest for road side walking.
Get well soon philipma!