Thank you guys for trying to help me!
I've never seen a datestamp for Electrum. Monero for instance uses those, to speed up synchronisation. Are you sure it's a Bitcoin seed?
Yes its for sure my old BTC wallet, i wrote it down next to the words.
That’s unlikely to be a timestamp, but more likely to be a derivation path.
Does it look something like this: m/84’/0'/0'?
If it does then it’s a derivation path and you will need it (along with the seed) to restore the correct wallet.
What you need to do, after typing the seed and selecting bip39 (assuming you are using electrum to restore your wallet), is to type that derivation path in the appropriate field then click Finish.
Dont think it is a derivation path, because I wrote "Datestamp: 1234/56". It is not 1234/56, just six random numbers, which are too big to be an actual date.
With that, it's safe to assume that it isn't an Electrum seed phrase.
If you pasted an Electrum seed there, the 'Next' button should be clickable without ticking any options, if it's not an Electrum seed, it will not be clickable.
And based from its age, a note saying "Seed type: old" should be displayed below it.
Also, if you tick "BIP39 seed" option, it should display "BIP39 checksum ok" for it to be a valid BIP39 seed.
So if it shows that it has the correct checksum, that's your first clue.
Otherwise it's something from a non-standard mnemonic seed implementation or has at least one wrong word or arrangement.
Continuing will just force Electrum to derive keys from it because the 'Next' button will be clickable whether it's a valid BIP39 seed or not since you ticked "BIP39 seed" option.
There is no hint about the correct checksum in Electrum. I triple checked every word and arrangement.
If you enter your seed phrase and you can only move forward if you check the BIP39, it means that:
1- it is not a standard electrum seed phrase.
2--it has typos, you are adding an incorrect symbol or letter or spelling mistakes.
3- you created a custom BIP39:
Custom BIP39 seeds do not have a specific format so you can write whatever you want, it is essentially a brainwallet.
In this case, make sure you choose the correct address type and derivation path, if "detect existing accounts" does not work. you remember anything specific? Software color, address type...?
Do you remember if the password was to enter the software or was it part of the seed?.
Its not a custom BIP39, because every word is in the BIP39 word list. I cannot remember anything specific regarding the wallet. The password was just used to enter the software.
Is there a wallet, which supports a lot of different seed formats?