you guys are deaf and dumb.. mining Dark coin is not using less power it simply not doing as much hashing.
simply put, i tested this myself and i found an average of about 60 to 83% ma cpu usage mining vs scrypt or scrypt-n
THAT is what you guys are attributing to lower power usage.. it's imply not doing the same amount of work.
second of all i see another guy after i last posted here that said one line..
Just mine Dark coin and make oooh so much money.. blah blah blah
are you retarded ? i just finished telling that Vertcoin AKA: is 3x more profitable than Dark coin to mine and a better coin to boot !
seriously you don't believe ? i will unleash a tsunami of proof easily if you guys think i am lying
further more if really wanted to invest in Dark coin you could be mining VTC right now and selling at the end of the day
and buying your Dark coins and be far faaaar more ahead ..if you weren't an idiot. lol
I regularly use this angle to acquire coins i want.. i will mine one to sell them and buy another and i have had VERY good results doing that.
do your homework.. dipshits are parading around their Brand name fanboyism aka: X11 so then pull back the curtain and
do some research on things.. what did some guys here already say earlier about the coin ? are you guys deaf or what ?
X11 is afancy name they slapped on a modified version of Quark's algo whiel giving Quark zero credit in any way.
had the Quark dev made up some fancy dumb fuck name for his algo i bet you guys would be blowing him instead lol
Brand name fanboyism.. lol
i am sooo sick of the Dark coin bs hypers spreading mass bullshit.
Don't drink the Crypto-Koolaid kids,
but if you want to go ahead but i'll laugh watching when the sheets are laid out all over with Nike's sticking out the bottom lol
No i don't expect many people to get that reference
I'll give ya a hint it was an extremely famous incident that happened long before my fairly recent ex-girlfriend was even born.. i like em young and hot