How much would it cost to power the average PC 24 hours a day, 7 days a week using Solar ?
200W load
8760 hours
1752 kWh needed annually
New Jersey 1400kWh annually per fixed tilt kW of PV: need 1.25kWpdc of PV / 0.8 DC:AC ratio (performance ratio) = 1.56kWpdc of PV
California 1600kWh annualy per fixed tilt kW of PV: need 1.37kWpdc of PV
Arizona 1800kWh annually per fixed tilt kW of PV: need 1.215kWpdc of PV
Single Axis Tracking: 125% annual kWh compared to FT (fixed tilt) = 80% PV needed. Not available for roof-mounted systems.
Dual Axis tracking: 140% annual kWh compared to FT = 70% PV needed. Not available for roof-mounted systems
Capital Costs: dependent on rebates offered by state, utility, etc.
For back of envelope, use $3000/kW installed for fixed tilt systems. Add 25% for SAT, 40% for DAT (vendors can do the math, too.)
Leasing options: too complicated (I don't know).
NOTE: This assumes a grid-tied PV system. For an off-grid system, more equipment, more complications, more cost, less reliability.