Bitcoin x86 for Windows
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Figured I'd make a new topic since anyone on x86 Windows probably won't even bother to read the x64 thread, however, since you're here, I suggest you read page 5 of that thread after reading this.

OK, so essentially I've compiled 2 builds of Bitcoin with the new SHA caching optimisation, one build has full optimisation for the SSE instruction sets and will require a modern CPU, and the other is compiled without any SSE optimisation at all and should therefore run on pretty much any CPU capable of running XP or higher. The SSE version is a bit faster than the non-SSE version and both are inferior to the x64 builds, if you have a 64-bit OS, don't bother with these.

Beware however that the libeay32.dll that I included may have SSE and therefore, if you can't get either to run on your machine, replace that DLL with the one bundled with the stock Bitcoin

You can grab the builds here
Amazing. ~1250 up to ~2200.

Is this for real? Other machine from ~600 to ~1350
I don't see the source code included with any of your builds.  It would be great to be able to independently verify and compile the sources.
Quote from: BlackEye on July 26, 2010, 12:12:41 PM

I don't see the source code included with any of your builds.  It would be great to be able to independently verify and compile the sources.

If you don't trust my builds, don't use them, if you want to set up your own build environment, do the work yourself, all the source code in the app is publically available.
No need to be hostile.  I do have a build environment set up, but I am completely unable to compile your changes without your source code.  This just sends up a big red flag for me as you've obviously modified the source for some of your builds and are unwilling to provide those changes for peer review.  I think this goes against the spirit of open source.  Modified binary only releases don't help progress the software and create an unnecessary dependency on an individual to provide those binaries.
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