April 21, 2014, 10:35:25 PM |
Arbitrage (doing it yourself or letting a company you trust do it for you) is probably the safest and one of the most profitable ways.
Arbitrage Pros: 1) relatively easy to learn 2) low risk 3) very profitable 4) can make money no matter if the market goes up or down or hardly moves at all
Cons: 1) takes a lot of time 2) investing in companies may result in getting goxxed 3) succes depends on spread, low spread means no good arbitrage opportunities.
Trading: Pros: 1) very profitable of done correctly
Cons: 1) pretty risky 2) hard to master 3) can get goxxed for leaving your bitcoins at the exchange 4) success depends on market movement
Mining: Pros: 1) once set up, does not take much time/effort 2) no risk 3) pretty predictable stream of income
Cons: 1) high start up costs (miners are overpriced) 2) there's not a single merchant that actually delivers in time (huge loss of potential profit) 3) high electricity bills, especially when you live in areas where electricity is expensive (like Europe and large parts of the USA)
Investing Pros: 1) doesn't take a lot of time 2) you stimulate the bitcoin economy (if it's a legit business that actually does something good for bitcoin) 3) in some cases you can get compounding returns (for example dividends which you can reinvest) 4) in some cases you may have some influence in the companies you invest in.
Cons: 1) business are risky (they can collapse or gox you) 2) even if they are legit, they may have bad results, maybe permanently, maybe for a few months