Activity: 1302
Merit: 1000
ORB has a good chance to grow.
October 04, 2016, 05:10:04 AM Last edit: October 04, 2016, 07:52:44 PM by Mario241077 |
Activity: 1302
Merit: 1000
ORB has a good chance to grow.
October 04, 2016, 09:23:17 PM Last edit: October 05, 2016, 05:00:33 AM by Mario241077 |
| is going up in ORB check the BID values? The twitch and back and forth! 4.4603 BTC to 7000 Satoshi versus 30000 Satoshi BTC sum 4.4546
Activity: 1302
Merit: 1000
ORB has a good chance to grow.
October 04, 2016, 09:26:54 PM |
Many BOT's work in ORB
ghostlander (OP)
Activity: 1241
Merit: 1020
No surrender, no retreat, no regret.
October 05, 2016, 04:22:13 AM Last edit: October 05, 2016, 04:50:59 AM by ghostlander |
2 ghostlander I see strange mining statistic after hard fork. Wallet receive ORB transaction, adds them to memory pool, but does not include them into blocks. Here example: 02:38:09  getmininginfo
02:38:09  { "blocks" : 2003032, "currentblocksize" : 1000, "currentblocktx" : 0, "powdifficulty" : 1.32434070, "posdifficulty" : 0.35963979, "powreward" : 1.00000000, "posreward" : 1.00000000, "networkhashps" : 10610356, "stakeweight" : 380451, "minweightinputs" : 133, "avgweightinputs" : 177, "maxweightinputs" : 228, "stakemindepth" : 2000, "stakeminvalue" : 1.00000000, "stakecombine" : 40.00000000, "stakesplit" : 80.00000000, "pooledtx" : 21, "testnet" : false }
I do not think that this is a local problem with my wallet. Because this 20 tx was not included by any other miners as well. Next 3 blocks do not include any of this transactions, only coinbase transactions (new coins generation): block 2003033block 2003034block 2003035P.S. Also i see large diff oscillations - like diff goes up x2 and back down is just about 1 hour... And again similar cycle repeated few hours later. Including PoS, so this can not be caused by just one jumping miner with powerful hardware or switching pool hunting for most profitable coin. But here is a good changes too - orphans blocks almost gone now for me! I got only one orphan since hard fork. Its about 10-fold decrease. Looks like someone has produced a lot of near dust outputs and tried to spend them without fee. ~$ orbitcoind getrawtransaction fcabc728ca969e1bb7fe1bc916f92a181e646c4eb12a803a4d0b2771e6d603ab 1 { "hex" : "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", "txid" : "fcabc728ca969e1bb7fe1bc916f92a181e646c4eb12a803a4d0b2771e6d603ab", "version" : 2, "time" : 1474998641, "locktime" : 0, "vin" : [ { "txid" : "fbc27c8c99426aa1b79ef1e3ffc59af0985bff4383bd0f1cbc4d15044d727862", "vout" : 19, "scriptSig" : { "asm" : "304402201a6a294eb1f06e1d574436354e55b3cab6facb3ba34d97b3378238c2f5d824a502204ef56ff003158c6b4c9a332529bc6133fdf728e649620449101ce228c11c3cd501 02add187a4cb75f81d82663e90541be6663c6f96a95e06a17ed8134d17e341fe18", "hex" : "47304402201a6a294eb1f06e1d574436354e55b3cab6facb3ba34d97b3378238c2f5d824a502204ef56ff003158c6b4c9a332529bc6133fdf728e649620449101ce228c11c3cd5012102add187a4cb75f81d82663e90541be6663c6f96a95e06a17ed8134d17e341fe18" }, "sequence" : 4294967295 }, { "txid" : "fbc27c8c99426aa1b79ef1e3ffc59af0985bff4383bd0f1cbc4d15044d727862", "vout" : 39, "scriptSig" : { "asm" : "3046022100fd251f8c61da9d5d924da7a56542fe1fc65b894fd420e1236e1c691667726990022100eafabf414c6b93d284717fdd484d268acf86fbff8c8faf445c273b6ee80a16bf01 02f3c9d5be62a3b0918ca67cdd4c8f5ba3a4ca4d5eecf5d87a90ae1958d49813f9", "hex" : "493046022100fd251f8c61da9d5d924da7a56542fe1fc65b894fd420e1236e1c691667726990022100eafabf414c6b93d284717fdd484d268acf86fbff8c8faf445c273b6ee80a16bf012102f3c9d5be62a3b0918ca67cdd4c8f5ba3a4ca4d5eecf5d87a90ae1958d49813f9" }, "sequence" : 4294967295 }, { "txid" : "fbc27c8c99426aa1b79ef1e3ffc59af0985bff4383bd0f1cbc4d15044d727862", "vout" : 42, "scriptSig" : { "asm" : "304502210099e947f6db6a3678e092f03676f577681d87ff7ffa2242ce9c9d51aba23c7263022031a1ee9c35e3d4b5db725123df1952ca4aeec2445bcf96a97c1fc0da340e1d6601 03b9cfedcdcb09aa92cf06aec873de24dc7f39b09e5a15e45a3dbaadc695faddc5", "hex" : "48304502210099e947f6db6a3678e092f03676f577681d87ff7ffa2242ce9c9d51aba23c7263022031a1ee9c35e3d4b5db725123df1952ca4aeec2445bcf96a97c1fc0da340e1d66012103b9cfedcdcb09aa92cf06aec873de24dc7f39b09e5a15e45a3dbaadc695faddc5" }, "sequence" : 4294967295 } ], "vout" : [ { "value" : 0.01690000, "n" : 0, "scriptPubKey" : { "asm" : "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 c7550bbf0cda9e84727771bfdae654e1651595dd OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG", "reqSigs" : 1, "type" : "pubkeyhash", "addresses" : [ "ob3LakhVn5MiwmpSdKx3nXKp78LJoSKzsT" ] } }, { "value" : 0.01210000, "n" : 1, "scriptPubKey" : { "asm" : "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 8b9ec9cedc30f9ddc8a2364fac9076c791ccf802 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG", "reqSigs" : 1, "type" : "pubkeyhash", "addresses" : [ "oVbcNxXaZZYSH9pZL6DugCxwhnyrXQeyUx" ] } } ] }
Three inputs 0.01 ORB each, two outputs, 0.0169 + 0.0121 = 0.03 ORB. No fee. It failed of course. Diff oscillations happen when large miners come and go. I see one PoW miner generating 5 to 10 blocks in a few minutes and leaving until the diff gets low again.
ghostlander (OP)
Activity: 1241
Merit: 1020
No surrender, no retreat, no regret.
October 05, 2016, 04:59:18 AM |
unless the average daily trade volume for the last 14 days exceeds 0.3 BTC Wasn't this 0.2 BTC in the past? I think the daily average is not far from 0.3 BTC past 2 weeks. Orbitcoin is also listed at several other good exchanges (see OP) so i'm not worrying. AFAIR it was a 0.2 BTC daily average for 1 week which we met. We can meet the new one, too.
ghostlander (OP)
Activity: 1241
Merit: 1020
No surrender, no retreat, no regret.
October 05, 2016, 05:04:56 AM |
Looks like you used wrong command to decode.
Well spotted. 'decoderawtransaction' requires the raw transaction data as input, not the txid of the transaction. So you need to do 'getrawtransaction <txid>' to get the raw data, then feed that to 'decoderawtransaction <data>' 'getrawtransaction <txid> 1' gets a raw TX data and decodes it into a JSON object
October 05, 2016, 12:06:09 PM |
Orb wallet won't sync I think I need the nodes to fix it ? But why ? It was working perfectly 2 days ago and I am only 5 hours behind but it won't go past there it just keeps adding more hours as it falls behind. Why does this happen ? Many BOT's work in ORB
How much orb do you have ? It must build up weight first remember.
October 05, 2016, 06:52:25 PM |
You can use the addr below to create addnodes. orbitcoind getpeerinfo | grep 'addr\|sub\|bound\|heigh' "addr" : "", "subver" : "/Orbitcoin:", "inbound" : false, "startingheight" : 2005534,
"addr" : "", "subver" : "/Orbitcoin:", "inbound" : false, "startingheight" : 2005534,
"addr" : "", "subver" : "/Orbitcoin:", "inbound" : false, "startingheight" : 2005536,
"addr" : "", "subver" : "/Orbitcoin:", "inbound" : false, "startingheight" : 2005537,
"addr" : "", "subver" : "/Orbitcoin:", "inbound" : false, "startingheight" : 2005546,
"addr" : "", "subver" : "/Orbitcoin:", "inbound" : false, "startingheight" : 2005568,
"addr" : "", "subver" : "/Orbitcoin:", "inbound" : false, "startingheight" : 2005573,
"addr" : "", "subver" : "/Orbitcoin:", "inbound" : false, "startingheight" : 2005587,
"addr" : "", "subver" : "/Orbitcoin:", "inbound" : false, "startingheight" : 2005808,
October 05, 2016, 07:19:04 PM |
You can use the addr below to create addnodes. orbitcoind getpeerinfo | grep 'addr\|sub\|bound\|heigh' "addr" : "", "subver" : "/Orbitcoin:", "inbound" : false, "startingheight" : 2005534,
"addr" : "", "subver" : "/Orbitcoin:", "inbound" : false, "startingheight" : 2005534,
"addr" : "", "subver" : "/Orbitcoin:", "inbound" : false, "startingheight" : 2005536,
"addr" : "", "subver" : "/Orbitcoin:", "inbound" : false, "startingheight" : 2005537,
"addr" : "", "subver" : "/Orbitcoin:", "inbound" : false, "startingheight" : 2005546,
"addr" : "", "subver" : "/Orbitcoin:", "inbound" : false, "startingheight" : 2005568,
"addr" : "", "subver" : "/Orbitcoin:", "inbound" : false, "startingheight" : 2005573,
"addr" : "", "subver" : "/Orbitcoin:", "inbound" : false, "startingheight" : 2005587,
"addr" : "", "subver" : "/Orbitcoin:", "inbound" : false, "startingheight" : 2005808,
I forgot I had to update to the new version so I did and tried with the data files but it never worked so now i'm downloading the blockchain again. It's going to take so long now:( I hope it stakes better after the fork.
October 05, 2016, 08:46:41 PM Last edit: October 05, 2016, 10:34:13 PM by TvZ |
You can use the addr below to create addnodes. orbitcoind getpeerinfo | grep 'addr\|sub\|bound\|heigh' "addr" : "", "subver" : "/Orbitcoin:", "inbound" : false, "startingheight" : 2005534,
"addr" : "", "subver" : "/Orbitcoin:", "inbound" : false, "startingheight" : 2005534,
"addr" : "", "subver" : "/Orbitcoin:", "inbound" : false, "startingheight" : 2005536,
"addr" : "", "subver" : "/Orbitcoin:", "inbound" : false, "startingheight" : 2005537,
"addr" : "", "subver" : "/Orbitcoin:", "inbound" : false, "startingheight" : 2005546,
"addr" : "", "subver" : "/Orbitcoin:", "inbound" : false, "startingheight" : 2005568,
"addr" : "", "subver" : "/Orbitcoin:", "inbound" : false, "startingheight" : 2005573,
"addr" : "", "subver" : "/Orbitcoin:", "inbound" : false, "startingheight" : 2005587,
"addr" : "", "subver" : "/Orbitcoin:", "inbound" : false, "startingheight" : 2005808,
I forgot I had to update to the new version so I did and tried with the data files but it never worked so now i'm downloading the blockchain again. It's going to take so long now:( I hope it stakes better after the fork. You can try to download the blockchain from here: don't know if this is updated recently but for sure it's lots more recent than download from zero.
Activity: 1302
Merit: 1000
ORB has a good chance to grow.
October 06, 2016, 12:56:46 PM |
Orb wallet won't sync I think I need the nodes to fix it ? But why ? It was working perfectly 2 days ago and I am only 5 hours behind but it won't go past there it just keeps adding more hours as it falls behind. Why does this happen ? Many BOT's work in ORB
How much orb do you have ? It must build up weight first remember. The weighting is calculated from time and input size. Will, I've mined over the years more than 80000 ORB, and buyed review a few posts from having previously
Activity: 1302
Merit: 1000
ORB has a good chance to grow.
October 06, 2016, 12:59:47 PM |
Activity: 1302
Merit: 1000
ORB has a good chance to grow.
October 06, 2016, 07:50:26 PM |
The PoS diff increases rapidly and strongly, so we have strong holders in Orb
21:50:01  getdifficulty
21:50:01  { "proof-of-work" : 0.63111518, "proof-of-stake" : 1.53040493, "search-interval" : 1 }
Activity: 1302
Merit: 1000
ORB has a good chance to grow.
October 06, 2016, 07:54:54 PM |
Is it good? Yes, I believe it. There are many people who believe in ORB, so they keep ORB. The higher the investment ORB to mine the higher the price! The same happens in the BTC, the price is at the lower limit! S7 Miner are almost unprofitable! Only the S9 Miner brings money, but costs 2500 USD to buy, I believe. The Invest, must first be brought in! The S7 Miner costs 600 USD. So we are at the lower limit in the BTC and in ORB!
October 08, 2016, 02:59:17 PM |
Nice list at CoinExchange! 47 active peers right now! 366 seen since august, that's pretty much! Orbitcoin is growing
October 08, 2016, 03:04:44 PM |
ORB isn't delisted from Bittrex! Good news!
Activity: 1302
Merit: 1000
ORB has a good chance to grow.
October 08, 2016, 08:00:49 PM |
ORB isn't delisted from Bittrex! Good news! Yes i have sacrificed some beloved ORB. to hold at Bittrex But the money remains in the crypto world
Activity: 1302
Merit: 1000
ORB has a good chance to grow.
October 08, 2016, 08:02:03 PM |
Nice list at CoinExchange! 47 active peers right now! 366 seen since august, that's pretty much! Orbitcoin is growing The German share is growing, that pleases me. Maybe I'm not completely innocent