It will be better if Bitcoins are backed by stocks, bonds, bullion and other investment material. The Bitcoin foundation can create a centralized Bitcoin exchange, and the profit from that can be used to purchase these assets.
Ugh... whatever.
TBF can do that, some folks might care, and if so it would be a central point of failure and attract attacks.
Better is what is already happening and what Rand Paul (and you) seem to be missing.
Bitcoin is backed by the full faith and credit of the p2p community of people that value it.
It is not backed by force, it is backed by our own goods and services.
For my own part, I am backing bitcoin with silver and gold. Last year I committed to back it with 84 Million ounces of silver, redeemable on demand, and minted into Bitcoin Specie (link to the thread below). Today that backing is inadequate and it has had to increase along with the value of bitcoin.
Anyone can participate in the DECENTRALIZED bank of bitcoin and back it with their own assets and services. We all do this every day.
So what Rand Paul is hoping might happen, has already happened. Many times over. This decentralized system of valuation based on our own market making activities is far more robust than any central bank could hope to be, and much less costly. We do not need a giant army to defend the fort where our gold is hidden, it is scattered all over the globe and individually protected.
We are the army, we are the bank, we are the issuers of the currency... and we need no central authority to give us permission to be that, it is an accomplished feat. Done.