Oh yeah, I got distracted by the horrible butchering of physical, and chemical, laws here, so I didn't even post what I wanted to. Gold is not going to be devalued by being created, because we are not going to produce gold in significant quantities at any point in the foreseeable future.
However, gold will likely be devalued by a huge influx of supply anyway. This supply will come from asteroids. Google, James Cameron, and many other billionaires\100+ millionaires, have been investing in companies that are developing the technology, and making plans, to capture, and mine, asteroids.
For example, 241 Germania is an asteroid that contains enough resources (in the form of various metals, minerals, water, etc.) that it could be worth $50-100 TRILLION if fully mined. But, that is a very large asteroid, and very far away, so probably not one anyone will mess with anytime soon. Instead, they would likely go for small asteroids that are very near us. Many of those have $50-100 Billion worth of platinum and gold.
Here's the thing. The cost of mining an asteroid is going to be extremely expensive. So it's not like they found a way to get gold for $50 an oz. If it costs $1000 / oz to mine the gold, it'll still be profitable to mine it and sell it at current market prices, but it's not like they're going to be dumping it on the market super cheap.