Welcome to the OTC Fantomcoin topic!
FantomCoin is supporting merged mining with every major CryptoNote currency. New blockchain needs no additional hashpower - it uses Bytecoin/BCN, BitMonero/BMR/MRO, QuazarCoin/QCN blocks or shares as PoW. Miners are free to choose donor chain they like. In case other chains based on CryptoNote will appear they also can be used as donor chains.
Official discussion thread can be found here:
In this topic you can trade your FCN into BCN, BMR/MRO, QCN or BTC and vice versa. To be listed here simply PM me or leave your order in this topic.
Thank you for your attention and let the trading games begin!
WTSBitcoin Fiction - 30 FCN for 0.0363 BTC (0.00121 BTC per FCN)
madsquirrel - 100 FCN for 0.125 BTC (0.00125 BTC per FCN)
smooth - 400 FCN for 0.5 BTC (0.00125 BTC per FCN) temporary unavailable
btcjedi - 100 FCN for 0.11 BTC (0.0011 BTC per FCN)
WTBCheesus - 50 FCN for 0.0615 BTC (0.00123 BTC per FCN)
MadCow - 2000 FCN for 2 BTC (0.001 BTC per FCN)
johncitizen - 3000 FCN for 3.2 BTC (~0.00106 BTC per FCN)
zzzman20 - 2000 FCN for 2.2 BTC (0.0011 BTC per FCN)
.3 btc @ .0011 = 272.72727273 WTB