Hi I have the following 3 280x cards for sale, located in Melb all boxed & with receipts.
2 x Asus Tops - 3 slot edition - Hynix Mem
Modded bios at 1075v
Purchased from MSY & Scorptec in Dec/Jan
http://www.asus.com/Graphics_Cards/R9280XDC2T3GD5V2/$285 per card
1 x Sap Vap X - Hynix Mem
http://www.sapphiretech.com/presenta...pid=2024&lid=1Modded bios at 1075v
Purchased in Dec from MSY
Pickup from CBD or 3040, happy to post $20 5kg express satchel, please PM if interested
I also have various types of Risers if anyone needs let me know what & i'll probably have some.