May 18, 2014, 03:29:16 PM |
Do you have previous experience running or managing a tattoo studio? If so, is it verifiable?
MikeCorleone (OP)
May 18, 2014, 03:46:20 PM |
Do you have previous experience running or managing a tattoo studio? If so, is it verifiable?
I've worked in a studio, haven't managed one. I have experience in managing whoever, about 9 years. I done payroll, managed employees, dealt with customers and such.
May 18, 2014, 05:25:48 PM |
checked the 1TAT2zbKqZze7fdRKGRdbEJogtUx4s3BM no investors yet?
MikeCorleone (OP)
May 18, 2014, 05:53:41 PM |
checked the 1TAT2zbKqZze7fdRKGRdbEJogtUx4s3BM no investors yet?
No- Not yet unfortunately. I posted knowing that it was a long shot anyhow. So my feelings wouldn't be hurt if no one invested. But, let's see i suppose.
May 18, 2014, 09:47:36 PM |
I'm thinking about investing in this one. Are you still looking to open on July 15th?
MikeCorleone (OP)
May 18, 2014, 09:49:34 PM |
I'm thinking about investing in this one. Are you still looking to open on July 15th?
If shares sell soon enough then yes. And thanks for the post, I appreciate it.
May 18, 2014, 09:54:24 PM |
Worst case scenario. You sell no shares. What happens next?
MikeCorleone (OP)
May 18, 2014, 10:08:14 PM |
Worst case scenario. You sell no shares. What happens next?
I continue to work my current job. lol Website has been updated some more.
Activity: 1358
Merit: 1003
Designer - Developer
May 19, 2014, 09:27:05 AM |
I think this is a good investment opportunity personally. Mike has years of experience in the field and I think it could work out for him and investors.
Interesting to see how this goes. I think the potential is massive.
Activity: 1397
Merit: 1019
May 19, 2014, 11:48:02 AM |
I think this is a good investment opportunity personally. Mike has years of experience in the field and I think it could work out for him and investors.
Interesting to see how this goes. I think the potential is massive.
Yes, I agree with the potential. The only thing is holding back the investors is the valuation of the company and the thing that Mike doesn't understand how to conduct an IPO. I tried to explain, but with no succes. He want the investors to assume all the risk by putting all the money for the business and he's giving so little in return, just 15%. Also he wants to be paid a fixed salary of 42.000$ for managing, when he should take shares from profit as well in this case. A correct valuation would be: a total 30.000 shares @ 0.0022 representing 100% of the company. This is 29370$ but let's round to 30.000$. For the work he does (finding the rent and setting up the place) he is intitled to a maximum of 10% in best case scenario. As an investor I will be willing to give him another 15% (at moust) and the minimum wage paid mountly for managing the place so he can have a maximum of 25% in the company, witch is very high in normal circumstances. He sais that a saloon manager get up to 100.000$ per mounth but he disregard the factor that those managers are also the owners of the saloon. He can't understand that if someone else put's the money he doesn't own anything and he becomes a employee paid based on the performance. He can work also as an artist in this saloon and be payd accordingly. So in conclusion Mike is asking more for donations with his actual terms than for investments. As an advice for Mike: try to understand how investments work and maybe reconsider your IPO, it's not easy to do business, especialy when you want someone else to assume the risk. That's just the way that things are. (also this valuation is in favor of Myke, just because we are in BTC world, but if you would present in front of some real investors I can tell you for shure that they will stop listen after 2 minutes)
MikeCorleone (OP)
May 19, 2014, 04:42:38 PM |
Sorry i thought i had edited that salary stuff. I agree with the 42k thing, and i thought i took that out. And would do like you guys are saying with the shares instead. And i'm always willing to have some help getting stuff together, this was my first time ever attempting raising the startup capitol.
MikeCorleone (OP)
May 19, 2014, 04:44:07 PM |
I think this is a good investment opportunity personally. Mike has years of experience in the field and I think it could work out for him and investors.
Interesting to see how this goes. I think the potential is massive.
Yes, I agree with the potential. The only thing is holding back the investors is the valuation of the company and the thing that Mike doesn't understand how to conduct an IPO. I tried to explain, but with no succes. He want the investors to assume all the risk by putting all the money for the business and he's giving so little in return, just 15%. Also he wants to be paid a fixed salary of 42.000$ for managing, when he should take shares from profit as well in this case. A correct valuation would be: a total 30.000 shares @ 0.0022 representing 100% of the company. This is 29370$ but let's round to 30.000$. For the work he does (finding the rent and setting up the place) he is intitled to a maximum of 10% in best case scenario. As an investor I will be willing to give him another 15% (at moust) and the minimum wage paid mountly for managing the place so he can have a maximum of 25% in the company, witch is very high in normal circumstances. He sais that a saloon manager get up to 100.000$ per mounth but he disregard the factor that those managers are also the owners of the saloon. He can't understand that if someone else put's the money he doesn't own anything and he becomes a employee paid based on the performance. He can work also as an artist in this saloon and be payd accordingly. So in conclusion Mike is asking more for donations with his actual terms than for investments. As an advice for Mike: try to understand how investments work and maybe reconsider your IPO, it's not easy to do business, especialy when you want someone else to assume the risk. That's just the way that things are. (also this valuation is in favor of Myke, just because we are in BTC world, but if you would present in front of some real investors I can tell you for shure that they will stop listen after 2 minutes) I understand what your saying now.
MikeCorleone (OP)
May 19, 2014, 05:50:13 PM |
Uv- Send me an email if you can. I'm willing to do what is "right" to get everything going correctly and the way it should be.
UPDATE- Site has been worked on a bit more aswell.
MikeCorleone (OP)
May 19, 2014, 06:15:29 PM |
Here is what I am proposing for you to do Mike-
A2I Studios - incorporates in the US as a Sub S Corp which can take investors and give them yearly tax reports with K1s
A2I then has an based number of shares 90,000 based on an evaluation of the company at $90,000 USD, so each share today is worth $1. Offer investing by utilizing bitcoin as a medium of exchange at transaction date/time, therefore today with BTC at $450 - 1 BTC would be equal to 450 shares. (Keep this in USD since your business would be a USD business moreso than a Bitcoin one) So if BTC price tomorrow would increase to $800, then 1 BTC investment tomorrow would be worth 800 shares.
A2I - IPO would release 35% of the company (31,500 shares) to the public for investing. This funding will allow you to buy initial equipment and rental for buildings. (Do keep all BTC that was invested as BTC though do to the subsequent increase in prices that will come, only spend as needed). Report all purchases and statements weekly.
A2I - Manager (yourself) will be paid $7.25 per hour (min wage) no more than 25 hours per week ($181.25) when not tattooing. When manager tattoos the income will be split 50/50 between tattooer and business, and tattoeer will treated be independent contractor.
A2I will release profit (revenues - expenses) sharing at the end of month in equilavent bitcoin, after all expenses have been paid.
This way as Manager you could make $181.25 per week guaranteed to start up the business, run the books, and market and also make money by tattooing as an independent contractor, and then revenue share at this point 65% of the profits per month.
Man- I appreciate you writing that up for me. All sounds good to me. Trying to get the stuff wrapped around my head.
Activity: 2800
Merit: 1012
Get Paid Crypto To Walk or Drive
May 19, 2014, 06:39:45 PM |
Just read through your last couple pages of comments, and I must say, I like the idea and always love investing in these type of companies (even possibly have one of my own in the future, throwing around some ideas) Have you thought about listing on havelock investments? Personally for me to invest anything sizable into something like this I would need to meet and know you and help and yaddah yaddah...who has time for that? But if you give them your dox, and get registered with them, everything is all good and now it seems like you have a pretty good prospectus with uvwvj (although not a K state grad, still seems to know business pretty well  ), I think you would be a good company for their list, and you could probably pretty easily raise the 50 btc needed to get underway. Just a thought, and good luck with whatever way you decide to go.
MikeCorleone (OP)
May 19, 2014, 07:35:51 PM |
Just read through your last couple pages of comments, and I must say, I like the idea and always love investing in these type of companies (even possibly have one of my own in the future, throwing around some ideas) Have you thought about listing on havelock investments? Personally for me to invest anything sizable into something like this I would need to meet and know you and help and yaddah yaddah...who has time for that? But if you give them your dox, and get registered with them, everything is all good and now it seems like you have a pretty good prospectus with uvwvj (although not a K state grad, still seems to know business pretty well  ), I think you would be a good company for their list, and you could probably pretty easily raise the 50 btc needed to get underway. Just a thought, and good luck with whatever way you decide to go. Thanks for your response. How would I go about doing that? Do you have a link? I wouldn't mind at all, aswell with the DOX, most people already have my dox. But i'm willing to do whatever is needed. Thank you, Mike
MikeCorleone (OP)
May 19, 2014, 07:49:00 PM Last edit: May 20, 2014, 02:46:25 AM by MikeCorleone |
I made an account at Havelock Investments, i sent them an email aswell as how to get setup on their website. If I can't, i would be willing to offer my DOX if that would help any at all. Looking forward to doing business with everyone. PS: I have setup a password protected page that i will put all my DOX information on for investors. It has came to my attention that if i offer a bit more of a %' that would help. We will be calculating that up and posting an update. Mike Addikted2Ink Tattoo Studio