If you see this as spamming, I will continue with smile.
If moderator see this as spamming, I will open new account to continue.
Keep in mind that people are being stole! Keep in mind Bitcoin are being impaired!
Situation becomes quite severe.
phishing site:
most important: please contact google adwords at 1855-512-1369
http://btc-e-net.com/related google ad link:
http://www.google.com/aclk?sa=L&ai=C5GVCar-KU-PdJpPK-QPcuYF4_ZGa-wS1t7_onQHHsfmCxgEIABABUOmIyuH4_____wFgye7xirSk2A_IAQGpApnm_-3GJFI-qgQfT9DneJlYd7FPcRpGK_OkU5wNm9pIL8sRjX2WL2ECwYAH5ZyhMYgHAZAHAg&sig=AOD64_1gBpRR6F-Zb8yygj5ZWJOqd7awsQ&rct=j&q=&ved=0CCYQ0Qw&adurl=http://btce.kickme.to(you need to copy this ad link into address bar so that it can direct to that phishing site.)
http://blockchain.info.us.gwyndara.com/he changes sub-domain frequently.
seems hosted on dcwest.net.au Phone: 08 6311 3100
related google ad link:
http://www.google.com/aclk?sa=L&ai=CJN-zjL-KU43aM8iJ-gOkhIDQA6KCyo0F6sDpoqsBgY3N8HMIABABUKDN6e38_____wFgye7xirSk2A_IAQGpArAu9UoVILw-qgQeT9AbM2oZG4LlPmWhI94sAkHnKQIo64sresgKSQFBgAe648AwiAcBkAcC&sig=AOD64_2GhAj63tc1p9g132FWc1x_ASm3mQ&rct=j&q=&ved=0CCYQ0Qw&adurl=http://goo.gl/cyo8rHThese phishing sites are built by same guy all these days. At least one year.
Bitcoin need your help. Theives and scammers are hurting bitcoiners to hurt our cherish Bitcoin. That's part of the reason why the price remains so low. Trying to disguise such crimes will hurt Bitcoin.
notice: If you found one phishing site, please submit it to phishtank.com to say yes. (useful but not quite important)
http://www.google.com/safebrowsing/report_phish/ (useful but not quite important)
http://toolbar.netcraft.com/report_url (not quite useful)
http://www.antiphishing.org/report-phishing/ (not quite useful)
https://submit.symantec.com/antifraud/phish.cgi (not quite useful)
and ......
. Scammer will not stop, until they find they can't profit from this way.