Where should
W2Coin-qt.exe live on your disk?
For the current version (
v1.0.0.0-gbde7be9-full, 1 Jun 2014 16:19:53), it's wiser if you put the executable into your USER SPACE on the harddisk, not in SYSTEM SPACE, e.g. not below
C:\Program Files\ - because the
wallet.dat (which contains all your private keys!) is created in the same folder as the w2coin executable, and you don't want other Windows users to access your
wallet.dat. (I noticed that unusual behaviour already in my
linux manual).
On my Windows, I have copied the
W2Coin-qt.exe where all the other blockchains and wallets are, so into
%APPDATA%\w2coin\ (which expands to something like
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\w2coin - but as long as you put it anywhere on your disk where only your username has read access, you're fine.