you can see all the chinese asics operating on dedicatedpool and im sure there are more and larger on solo.. x13 is fucked and belongs to china where they make asics way ahead of ever introducing it to the public because they can make it in their bedroom with a soldering iron. china will own all the coins.. or a great majority. and you will buy it from them.
Edit: BOTH X13 and X11
yes u are right`` so can u help me to slove this problem ... my Stratum mining marucoin run successfully but cant find andblock - -an st log had some error
2014-06-03 17:41:57,038 ERROR template_registry # [Failure instance: Traceback: <class 'struct.error'>: unpack requires a string argument of length 4
--- <exception caught here> ---
2014-06-03 17:42:02,032 INFO block_updater # Checking for new block.
help - -!