Say, my target is to double my initial deposit.
Is it really possible to use martingale (or whatever strategy) to achieve the goal with higher than 49.5% success rate (one single bet)?
And you're the first person who responded in such an open manner.
Everyone else just tells me I'm wrong.
The trick is to split up your bet (the amount you were going to risk in a single bet) into a series of amounts which sum to a the same, and which form a sequence such that you can bet the smallest amount, and if it wins, you make the same as if you bet the whole amount at 49.5% (so you'll be betting with a smaller chance, and higher payout multiplier). And if it loses, you want betting the 2nd amount to cover the first loss and make the same net profit. Etc.
If you can find such a sequence (and you always can, though it can involve some hairy math depending on the length of the sequence you're looking for) then the amount you expect to risk is less than your whole amount (since there's a non-zero chance that you will win before the last bet, and stop at that point), and so the amount you expect to lose, being 1% of the amount you risk, is less than when you make the single bet.
Here's a very simple example:
you have 1 BTC and want to double it.
* you could bet it all at 49.5%, and succeed in doubling up with probability 0.495
* or you could bet 0.41421356 BTC at 28.99642866% with payout multiplier 3.41421356x, and if you lose, bet the rest at the same chance. If you win either bet, you double up, else you lose. Your chance of doubling up is 0.4958492857 - a little higher than the 0.495 you have with the single bet.
Cool, huh?
That's breaking the single bet up into a sequence of length 2.
If you break it up into more, smaller bets, then the probability of success increases further.
The more steps, the closer to 0.5 your probability of success gets.
You'll be limited by real-life barriers, like the
invisibility indivisibility of the satoshi, and the limit of 4 decimal places on the chance at JD. But in theory you can get arbitrarily close to 0.5. I think.
Interesting, are you sure that's correct? As you're basically saying there are ways to nullify the house edge. I doubt this could possibly be true.